Chapter 1

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"Mom.... Dad where are you?" A child brunette said tears slowly streaming down her cheeks.

She looked around the park seeing no presence of life, she clutched her dress tightly and remembered what her parents told her.

"Tsu-chan... Wait here were going for a while, ne~" her mother said smiling

Weird. This is weird what is this feeling?

"Be sure to be a good girl and wait okay! Here have this money if you get hungry!"  Her father gave her a stack of bills which she knows will be enough for a month.

"Mama! Papa! Lets go! I wanna go to the toy store! Right now!" Her brother shouted wanting attention from his parents.

"Hai~~ good bye tsu-chan~~" her mother stood up and walked hand in hand with her son.

"Bye, brat!" Her father said and walked to the teo walking figure.

Somehow tsuna felt something click inside of him and felt it swarming but quickly dismissed it.

Her parents would come back to her.

Tsuna hugged her knee's and cried.

"Papa... Mama..... Why did you leave me here alone...? Was i bad? Is it because of this body?" She cried out.

She felt cold. She felt this unnatural feeling inside her. Strange...... And yet she felt warmness

"Trash..... This powerful cloud and sky flame is being Coming from this mini trash?" A unfamiliar voice came from behind.

"VOOOII! Yeah! That cloud and sky flame is coming from her!!" Tsuna looked behind to see a man with silver hair and a man with black hair dressed in black.

"W-who are you??" She managed to say and gulped as the two's attention diverted to her

"VOOII! Come with us! You've been abandoned by that bastards of a parents!" The silver head said.

"Trash hurry up and get going! You'll be my perfect cloud guardian!" The black haired man said.

For some reason she didnt feel scared, most people would have shit their pants or peed. But yet she felt warm.

"O-okay...." She said and stood up following the two.

"Mister... Whats your name?" She said looking up to the two.

"VOOII! The names Squalo!" The man with silver hair said now named squalo.

"Hn... Xanxus.... Mini trash lets go!" The black haired man now named Xanxus said.

"'Kay! Im Tsunahime!" Tsuna smiled and hold the two's hands.

Xanxus and Squalo flinched at the girl suddens contact but shrugged it off and walked.


"Waaaahhh! A cute child~~~" Lussuria siad as hugged the girl to death.

"Ushishishi..... A principessa aren't yah? A perfect fit for the prince...." Bel said and looked at the princess in front.

"Princess, i Levi-A-than shall call you princess." Levi said and bowed in front of tsuna.

"Muu~~ im not paid enough for this.. Principessa." A floating baby said

Tsuna blushed and said "Im Tsunahime! Nice to meet you!" She smiled as lussuria squealed harder at the cuteness.

"VOOOII! Lussuria! Your gonna choke her!" Squalo shouted.

"Trashes shut up! Introduce yourselves already!" Xanxus said.

"Im Lussuria~~ nice to meet you Tsu-chan~" Lussuria said and temporarily let go of Tsuna

"Ushishishi.... Im the prince, Belphegor! Nice to meet you principessa...." Bel said.

"I am Levi-A-than, princess." Levi said.

"Im Mammon, now pay up!" Mammon said

"VOOII! We are the Varia an elite assasination squad and you are to be an elite assassin to work with as as the cloud!" Squalo shouted as Tsuna smiled!

"Un! Im gonna do my best to meet your expectations!" Tsuna smiled and her eyes held determination. Despite the fact being an assassin.


Then a year passed with Tsuna training to be an Assassin for the Varia came to a success.

But the incidents came causing their boss to be frozen in the move the ninth did called 'Zero point breakthrough: First Edition'

With Squalo and Tsuna hearing the conversation between the ninth and Xanxus.

They were able to get Xanxus out of the ice thanks to Tsuna's sky flame, unknown leaving a fake for their own inconvenience.


10 years later~~~~

"Tsu-chan~~ your back!" Lussuria tackle down a bloodied Tsuna who smiled.

"Yup~~ im back~~ what happened when i was gone~!?" Tsuna stood up

"Ummmm~ i heard from boss that its time to claim his title~!" Lussuria smiled and put up a thinking pose.

Tsuna's smile widen "oh~ its time for that? Cant wait! Ill go ask Xanxus when!" Tsuna ran to Xanxus room without a second thought of cleaning herself, left Lussuria smirking.

"Its time we get our revenge on those bastards for hurting our princess~~" Lussuria smiked and walked away.


"Xanxus! Is it true we're getting the rings!? Our plan is starting!?" Tsuna opened the door excitedly and saw Xanxus drinking his favorite drink, tequila. A untouched wine glass with tequila was in his desk as if waiting for it to be drank.

"Hm..... Yeah..... I already sent that silver trash to get the rings." Xanxus eyes looked at a bloodied Tsuna who was smiling.

He smirked, a perfect loyal princess indeed. Tsuna smiled and picked up the tequila and sat on Xanxus desk playing with the glass.

"Ohh~~~ im getting excited oh gosh!" She said and drank the tequila.

"But knowing that bastard he probably gave Squalo a fake and thought it will bring more time to train the candidates~~" tsuna added and smirked.

"Hn..... That bastard..... Call everyone lets head to japan this instance." Tsuna grinned and left the empty glass of tequila on the desk.

"Hai~~~ boss!" Tsuna went out and called everyone about the good news.


"Reborn..... Are we really just gonna train for 10 days till they find out about the fake rings?" Ietsuna said and looked at the baby with a yellow pacifier.

"Yeah! Lets go! Baka-Ie!" Reborn kicked Ietsuna in the face.

"Ouch! That hurts you know!!" Ietsuna shouted rubbing his temples.

"Get going already!" Then Ietsuna ran to the mountain where they train.


Night came and Ietsuna slumped down to his bed.

He looked at the picture at the desk near by and picked it up.

"Tsu-nee.... Why did you run away?" He mumbled and looked at the pictures content.

Inside was a family with the two kids smiling and the parents holding the shoulders.

Reborn looked at his student A twin sister who ran away, huh? Interesting...... The baby smirked and went to his bed and a bubble came out of his nose.


"Damn! They came sooner than expected! Lambo! Fuuta! Ipin!" Ietsuna shouted and ran to where Fuuta and the kids were currnetly being attacked.

His father recently came home from his mining job and went out to do something and said to protect the Thunder guardian. 

Ietsuna then heard a shout coming from a familiar voice.

"Fuuta! Lambo! Ipin!" He shouted and wentvto the corner turn to see fuuta carrying Lambo and Ipin and running.

"Fuuta! Watch out!" Ietsuna said as a man from behind was holding a lightning rod.

A punch came through the cace of the attacker.

"Vongola Sun guardian and colonello's number 1 students Sasagawa ryohei had arrive!" Ryohei said

"O-onii-san!" Ietsuna said as another man came flying at them.

A slash of sword attacked the newly came enemy.

"Yamamoto!" Yamamoto grinned and waved at Ietsuna

A bomb was heard and saw someone fall down as another came.

"G-gokudera-kun!" Ietsuna ran to his 3 guardian.

"J-juudaime!" Gokudera said and looked at his boss in front.

"Yo Ietsuna!"

"Sawada TO THE EXTREME!!! By the way is this it? This is just like a breeze to me!"

"Iie....... They're just a low class member in the Varia the real deal is much more stronger." Reborn said and felt something and looked at the tree till a man jumped through.

"Where is the holder of the thunder!? Os it that afro kid!?" Ietsuna winced but looked at the man.

"T-this is a misunderstanding!" Ietsuna shouted.

"Ushishishi...... Taking the prey all for yourself?" A new voice said.

"Levi~ fid you know the world share your prey?" A sing a song voice said

"Muu~  a change of plan the holder of the half rings here" a baby said

Reborn eyed the baby.

"VOOOIII! Who holds the rain ring!?" A certain silverette shouted.

"That would be me." Yamamoto said as Squalo smirked

"VOIII! Ill cut you in 3 seconds!" Squalo said.

"Trash. move." A man bumped Squalo and walked forward.

What's this i just saw him and i cant move a muscle... Ietsuna thought and looked at Xanxus.

So this is Princess's brother, huh. Xanxus looked at the tree where a familiar silhouette was hiding in the shadows.

He raised his arm as heat came along with it.

"B-boss... Are you gonna do it!? Here!?"  Lussuria backed away.

"Are you gonna get us too!?" Squalo shouted.

A pick-axe suddenly came causing Xanxus to stop.

"Iemitsu!" Xanxus snarled and looked at the tree where he saw their princess smirked.

"Iemitsu! Its too late to stop is now!" Squalo shouted and pointed his sword at iemitsu in disgust.

"Xanxus, are you gonna let you subordinate point their sword at me? The External advisor?"

"Then what about me?" A voice said as a dagger landed in between Iemitsu's feet.

Iemitsu's eyes widen as more came.

"How about your daughter?" A girl landed on ground besides Xanxus who was smirking along with the varia.

"D-daughter?" Ietsuna eyed the girl who recently came.

The girl had soft brown hair tied in a pony tail, wearing a dress and a coat with a pair of boots, narrowed golden brown eyes and in hands were daggers and was smiling.

"A-are you..... Sawada Tsunahime!? Tsun-nee!?" Ietsuna shouted causing his guardians attention.

If she is tsu-nee why is she with the Varia!? Why did she ran away!?

"Oh~ is that you Ietsuna? The snotty spoiled little brat? Nice seeing you again." Tsuna said and looked at him in disgust.

"Tsu-nee! Why did you ran away from home!?" Ietsuna shouted ignoring the fact that he was pretty much insulted.

"Oh~~~ so i ran way now? What a nice lie, ne Iemitsu?" She said with venom dripping from her voice.

Iemitsu bit his lips an looked at his abandoned daughter.

"I didnt ran away~~ i was abandoned~~ in Italy in a matter of fact~~" tsuna said smiling.

"A-abandoned!?" Ietsuna shouted.

"Yup~ Tsu-chan was abandoned in a park at Italy~~ if it weren't for boss and vice captain, Tsu-chan would have died~" Lussuria said

"Ushishishi... How dare you abandoned a princess in italy~?" Bel said

"Yeah! The princess deserved better!" Levi said

"I......." Iemitsu mumbled

"No need i dont care for your reason just get it over with.... Your reason for coming." Tsuna said and stood besides Xanxus.

Reborn and the others was shock. Ietsuna's sister was in the varia and they were enemies.

"I came here to give the letter from the 9th."


Iemitsu is gonna read out loud the letter from the 9th too lazy to write it down~~ and the cervelo(is this the right spelling?) came then wa-la! They announced and blah blah blah blah.


"Hmmmm~~ a ring battle huh?" Tsuna sing a long said

"Hey! You snotty spoiled little brother whose your cloud guardian?" Tsuna added and looked at Ietsuna.

"H-h-hibari kyoya-san!" Ietsuna said

"Oh~~ him~~ then im gonna get my revenge for my strawberry cake!" Tsuna mumbled the last part.

"Xanxus we no longer need to be here right? Treat me ice cream." Tsuna said as Xanxus 'Hn'-d and walked forward.

"Ill take that as a yes, i want chocolate!" Tsuna said

"VOOII! Caramel!" Squalo said

"Oh~ i want mango flavor~" Lussuria said

"Ushishishi.... The prince wants red velvet with chocolate." Bel said

"If you do not mind boss, i want mint flavor." Levi said

"Mu~~ i want vanilla~" mammon said

Then they left thou they're arguing voices was still heard.

Ietsuna and the others sweat dropped. They're talking about ice cream at a time like this!?

Reborn clicked his tongue and looked at iemitsu.

"Iemitsu...... Care to explain who she is?"Reborn said he absolutely dont like not knowing.

"Yeah! Dad why did you day my sister Tsu-nee ran away!?" Ietsuna shouted.

The others remained silent not wanting to break the mood.

"I...... Ill explain it at home with nana....." Iemitsu managed to said

Basil looked at his master and looked down.
This is their problem not mine......

"Be sure to explain it.... Reborn lets go.." Ietsuna said and walked back home.

"You guys go home too." Reborn soon followed his student along with Fuuta and the kids.

The guardians nodded and walked back to their respective home.

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