chapter 3: The beggining of fate

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(A/N): Ciao!! I'm back and is still alive!! Ha ha ha! This is the poll!

Hibari Kyoya- 5
Reborn- 2
Xanxus- 1
Byakuran- 1

(Not favoring anyone, but, 1827 for the win! Btw the poll will end in the next chapter!)


Tsuna sat on the edge of her bed, a smile seen on her lips as she hum a quiet lullaby. She fiddled her half Vongola ring, a bored look on her face. "Ahh-ahh," she muttered, she laid on her bed. "Maybe I should go and annoy Kyo-chan?" Her eyes widen. She stood up, and hastily ran towards her wardrobe, quickly stripping her dress and changed into her uniform. "I'll just do that." She stated and opened her window wide open, it as still in the middle of the afternoon, just right after the school ends.

"Perfect timing." She jumped over the window landing swiftly on the grass, looking at her room from the ground made it looks so high. "Oh well, my room is in the 3rd floor." She ran off towards the forest. A smile seen on her lips.

The cloud cannot be restrained.


Hibari looked at the sky, somehow it made him remember of the time  he met with a another interesting person under weird circumstances. She actually made him pay for her cake, he accidentally knocked over from the porch. Though, her punch was strong on the lease. And yes, she indeed tried to punch him in the face when he refused, he actually barely blocked it with his tonfa.

It might be actually fun, the fight or whatever the baby was saying. As long as he fights with her. "Kyoya, let's train!" He heard the annoying voice of a tutor of his. "Shut up," he turned around, an irritated mark on his head. "I'm not in the mood." He added, swiftly turning around and walking away. "Eh!? Kyoya!? Are you sick!?" Dino frantically asked. He can't help it, it wasn't everyday the Hibari Kyoya, didn't want a fight. Dino sighs and turned around, today might aswell be be rest day. He solemnly went home.

"Kyo-chan~!" Hibari abruptly stopped, he tenses up so hard, he turned around blinking slightly. No, it wasn't like he feared her, it was just that, the name, it was too girly for his liking. And his mother tends to call him that as well. Damn strong woman.

"What?" He asked, his usual face back to normal. He turned to his left and saw at the top of the roof of the rooftops entrance, stood, Nuvola Tsunahime, with all her glory. Her hair and skirt waving in the wind. Until the wind blew too hard and swept her short skirt. Allowing Hibari to see... "Violet." He stated, eyes unwavering. Tsuna felt blood crept in her cheeks and jumped toward Hibari, her feet headed towards his face.

"PERVERT!" She shouted, Hibari dodged her kick and let her land on the ground. Tsuna felt her pride and all lowered, she huddled on the ground and hid her flushed face. "You pervert," she muttered over and over again. Hibari stopped for a moment, she was actually... being cute. Hibari mentally slapped his face. "What're you doing at school at this hour?" He asked, Tsuna stood up, her face dead serious. He hummed in delight, was she looking for a fight? "I was bored," she started, Hibari felt his eye twitch. "And decided to bother you," she looked at Hibari a smile on her lips. "But, it seems like I got karma." She muttered slowly, she held the hem of her skirt.

"Don't you dare utter about this incident." Tsuna said, she looked at Hibari. Hibari smirked, "about seeing your panties? Violet, huh. You're quite feminine." Hibari taunted. Tsuna slowly walked towards him, "Though, I have no interest." Hibari stated. Tsuna let out a relieved sigh.

"I won't tell anyone about this, but," Hibari looked at Tsuna with his lips curved in an amused smile. "You have to fight me." Oh well, he is Hibari Kyoya. "Kyo-chan! We can't fight yet! It'll destroy the surprise and tensity of our upcoming fight!" Tsuna said, a  her brow slightly knitted.

Hibari was about to say something until a baseball was flying towards him in a speed of light. He looked back to where it came from and shot the back of his head before. He fell atop Tsuna, who let out a startled yelp. Their lips met, as the door flung open. "Kyoya! We have to practice! Reborn's gonna ki-!!" The blond stopped suddenly and looked at the scene before him. Tsuna pushed the prefect away, wiping her lips. Hibari mused, they were soft, her lips were. He kicked his lips in satisfaction, maybe thanking the ball for hitting his head. Wait, oh my gosh, he just thought that. Nope, curse the ball, curse the ball, curse the ball, bless the ba- oh my god.

"T-this is... a forbidden love affair!?" Dino yelled, a blush crept up his face. "Oh my gosh! I ship this! Wait, she's the enemy, but this is a forbidden love affair!" Dino's eyes had stars in them, as he suddenly ran away, he knew better than to anger the two any further. That's why, he was gonna report first, before he dies. He laughed at his idea. He opened the window, jumping towards the helicopter he called a few minutes ago, and went on his merry way towards Reborn.

Back to the two, Tsuna let her fingers brush of her lips, that was her first kiss. No. No. No. this isn't happening. Nope. Nope. Nope. A dream, that's right. This is a dream. "It isn't." Hibari said, Tsuna felt her heart drop. She stood up, hands on her vest, which held her weapons on.

"I'll never forgive you," Tsuna muttered, the scene played over and over again on her head. "That was my first kiss also." She said a lot more louder. Hibari raised his brow. "Oh? I'm your first? What an honor." Tsuna's face reddened more.

And so, the fight began.


Reborn smirked at the photo he got, more black mail photos the better. It seems like it will be much more effective on Tsunahime. He also had to thank Yamamoto for throwing that homerun so accurately where he said it should be.

Yes, it was his doing, and, once again, yes. He enjoyed it.

"It just shows that there's still humanity in them, the varia, that is."


(A/N): I promise, really, the best chapter will be the sun battle, I just wanted to put a little bit of 1827 in it. Forgive me. Please. Seems like 1827 is on the roll, Reborn still has a chance, but yah gotta fight for it! Hiba-chan is winning!

I'll update as soon as possible, after researching certain things. (I gotta watch the sun battle and write what happens with my writing, yeah, it sucks.)

So yeah.... uhh.... ciao?

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