Prologue: Taken

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Thrid POV

Our story takes place with a cottage in the middle of the woods with a dead woman and a man bleeding from his knees staring at a current white cape wearing huntress but her cape was covered with blood and she was holding the woman's new born baby with a yandere look on her face.

D/N: Give me back my son you horrid bitch.

Summer: He's not yours anymore! He's mine now! ~My sweet little angel~.

She than started walking away but the man grabbed her cape to stop her but what it only did was angered her. She than kicked the man over and pulled out her sycthe and impaled the man in the throat and as she raised him up to her face which her eyes shown that she had lost all the humanity in her soul.

Summer: He's "My" little angel. Not yours!

She than kicked him in the air and decapitated him which left her laughing in insanity. She than stopped laughing and started walking away with the baby in her arms with a warming smile on her face and for what she did even caused the grimm to back off seeing the fate of that poor man.

Summer POV

I had just got back to patch and I was holding my new ~Little angel~ and it just gave me thoughts how he's going to look like in the future which made me so wet. Just then he started crying so I decided to rock him back and forward which casued him to open his beautiful E/C and staired at me.

Summer: It's ok mommy has you in her arms.

He than started to reach for my face so I let him play with my finger.

Summer: That's right mommy is here and she's not going to let any hurt you. Unless they want me to give them a little "talk".

I kept walking to my home with my ~little angel~ sucking on my finger.

Summer: "I am never washing that finger again"


Summer: I'm home and Yang come here I have a surprise for you and your sister!

Just then Yang came running do to see me holding my ~little angel~.

Yang: Mommy whose this?

Summer: This is my little angel and your new baby brother.

I than walked up stairs into Ruby's room and walked over to her little crab where she was playing with her cute little red rattle.

Summer: Sweaty say hello to your baby brother.

She than threw her rattle and started reaching out for my little angel. So I placed him next to her and from the looks of it she was only one year older from him. She than started to hug him which looked so cute that I pulled out my scroll and took a photo.

Summer: Now that's a keeper.

Tai: Hey honey back already.

He than entered the room to see Ruby with my little angel.

Tai: Wait Summer whose this?

Summer: He's my little angel.

Tai: Wait did you take someone's kid!

Summer: What acourse not why would I steal someone's child?

Tai: Well where did you find him?

Summer: I found him during my mission and I saw he was in his dad's dying arms so I told him I would raise and take care of him.

Tai: Well I guess there's no problem with that I guess but it's just going to be werid for the girls having a brother. Speaking of which how old is he?

Summer: If I had to guess he's probably been born a few months ago so maybe he's younger than Ruby.

Tai: I guess his birthday will be today but what he'll name him?

Summer: How about Y/N. So that means his birthday will be June 21.

Tai: I guess that will be his name.

He than walked towards both Ruby and Y/N and luckily he was gullible to fall for my bluff.

Tai: Hey there little buddy my name is Tai and I'll be your new dad!

He than started to reach for Tai which made both me and Ruby furious.

Summer: "How dare he try to have my ~little angel's~ love! Only I can have his love and I guess I can share him with the girls but I get him first!"

I just had a fake smile and reached and held Y/N in my arms.

Summer: I think he wants mommy right my little angel?

He than started to reach for Tai still which made me more mad.

Tai: I think he wants to spend time with his dad besides. ( Takes Y/N from Summer ) he was with you the whole way here so maybe it's time he spend time with someone else besides sharing is caring.

Summer: "But I don't want to share him right now I want him all to myself!"

Just then Ruby started crying and was reaching for Y/N which gave me an idea.

Summer: See Ruby what's her little brother so let her have him.

Tai: Ok ok fine besides I have to cook dinner tonight and we're out of food so I'll be back before you know it.

He than kissed me on the check but I didn't want to be kissed by him I wanted to be kissed by Y/N and even on the lips.

Tai: See ya later honey be back soon.

Summer: No no no take all the time you want dear.

Tai: Wow thanks I'll make sure I'll get you, the girls and, something for Raven.

Summer: "You can give me is some alone time with Y/N and that will be the only thing I'll need."

And with that he was gone and sure Raven stayed and mostly went hunting but Tai was married to me and with me being a good friend I let her stay here if she took care of the girls from time to time even though she didn't consider Yang her daughter. But what am I saying me and Tai 'were' married but soon it will be me and Y/N married and we'll have be a big happy family with the girls and I'll even let the girls be with him because in Patch a man or woman can have more than husband or wife.

I than picked up Ruby and held both Ruby and Y/N in my arms even though it's a bit heavy I don't mind.

Yang: Hey mom do you think I can hold him for a little bit.

Summer: Sure you can just be really careful.

She than pulled out a chair and held him in her arms and he than started to reach for her.

Yang: Man this little guy is so adorable. Hey mom when he's old enough can we get married?

I looked at Ruby and saw even though she couldn't talk I can see she was thinking the same from the look on her face.

Summer: I'll tell you when you get older but for now let's enjoy having our new little angel. "Don't worry me, Ruby, and Yang will keep you safe and someday you and I will be married and we'll be a happy family and I promise to share you with your sister's and I guess Raven too if she wants you two. And if any other girl tries to take you away. I. WILL. MURDER. THEM"

( Still thinking )

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