Chapter 23

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Irene's POV

He was happy to go on a hunt for me, it showed in his face, it showed in the way he had looked at me. He was happy I was alive, it had showed in the way he had wanted to touch me. I watched as he left the hut, shocked that I was seeing a different Niel. Different from the one that had slapped me, different from the wolf I had kidnapped, different from the strict Alpha I had seen months ago. I had never seen this side of Niel that made goosebumps cover my skin, that made me shiver to my bones. I wasn't scared, I was just shocked at the change in character.

I removed my gaze from the small door Niel had left through and looked at the rounded woman that was standing with her arms on her hips and looking at me with joy and calmness. Somehow she beared a resemblance with Ella, only that she was fatter than her. I could say she was the fat and older version of Ella.

I wanted to say something to her but my mouth felt dry despite I just drank that tasteless fluid she had given me, it was also too heavy for me to open.

“How are you, child?” She finally broke the silence that lingered between us. Her voice sounding hoarse compared to how smooth her face was.

I nodded my head still unable to open my mouth to speak.

She came down to my level and sat down crossing her legs. She placed her hand on my shoulder and I flinched.

“You can talk to me child, there's nothing for you to fear.” She said with so much calmness that seeped through my bones and made me calm.

She was doing what Ella used to do to make me calm. She was staring in my eyes and I couldn't help but notice that she had the same eye colour with Ella; brown.

“Who are you?” That was not what I had planned to say but because she looked like Ella, the words just rolled out my tongue.

“You can call me Adelaide.” She said with a smile.

'You can' sounded like that was what she wanted to be known as and she had another identity that was better kept secret.

“How did I get here?” I asked, no longer interested in who she was.

“That young wolf brought you here.”

“Where's this place?” I asked, looking around. The hut was almost similar with how Ella's home had been decorated, only difference was that this one had more scary artifacts.

“Some where in the forest, child. It doesn't have a name so I can't tell you.”

Why would someone stay in a place that had no name.

How long have I been here?”

“Four days.”

“Four WHAT!” I screamed.

“Yes, child. You passed out or let's say you died.”

“Died.” I muttered under my breath.

“Yeah you were lifeless, the young wolf was scared, he carried you here with his friend,” She looked at me with sympathy “Why didn't you want to come back to life? Why were you fighting so hard to stay where you were?”

I looked away and felt embarrassed that I had forgotten I was an Alpha and had a pack under my care. I had acted selfish and wanted to stay dead forever.

“I had no reason to come back.”

“No reason? Are you sure about that?” I looked at her and she raised her eyebrows at me. “I know you are a leader child, what kind of leader leaves their people alone.”

A weak one

“I know for sure you are not weak.” She said like she had read my mind and I looked at her in shock. “You are a very strong person. You've got the spirit of a wolf and a witch. Though your wolf form is stronger and your witch powers are inactive, but you still strong. Strong enough to lead a battalion.”

Sure! spirit of my father and my mom.

“Were you also planning on leaving that young wolf that has been bond to you miserable?” She asked.

He deserves it.

No matter  what he had done or what his family or ancestors has done to you. The moon goddess is not foolish to have joined you together." She continued. “He realized the same thing and for the past four days he has been by your side trying to make right the wrongs he had done.”

I looked at her in shock.

Was Niel really that caring?

A thud outside the hut announced Niel's arrival from the hunt he had gone for.

“Let me leave you to rest and maybe think.” Her hands came off my shoulders and I realized that I had forgotten it was there. She got up and gave me one last glance before turning to go outside the hut.

“Thank you.” I said loud enough before she stepped out of the door. She stopped in her tracks and slowly turned to look at him, she was smiling at me.

“You are welcome.” She said.

She left the hut and the hut became silent making me drown in my own thoughts.

I had to think but I didn't know what I was going to think about. So many thoughts filled my head and it left me extremely confused.

Niel has been there for me for the past four days and no matter how I dreaded it, we still needed to have 'The talk'. 

I heard Niel and Adelaide laugh outside and decided to dump my thoughts and listen to them.

“I've learnt so much since I've been in this forest. I think I'm grateful to the moon goddess for making things happen this way.” Niel said.

Should I also be grateful for the way things turned out?

This was maybe only the beginning of our problems.

“but with Niel, the problem would be easier conquered.” My wolf said.

I was happy to hear her voice again in my head. She had been awfully silent since I woke up and I was elated that she was back.

I've missed you wolf.”

“Yeah right. You didn't want us to come back, Irene.”

“I was confused, Wolf.”

Niel entered the hut holding a platter that emanated a very pleasant smell breaking my conversation with my wolf. He was shirtless and he wore only shorts. I tried not to look at him so I don't give any look that would make me embarrassed.

He dropped the platter in front of me and sat down in front of me too making me have a clear view of his broad shoulders and well built chest.

“You would like it, Adelaide gave me some nice spices to spice it up.” He said, grinning at me like a child.

I looked at the meat and it looked really delicious making me to salivate. I picked a chunk of meat on the platter and brought it up to mouth. His eyes following every of my movements.

He didn't lie when he said I would like it. The dainty taste of the meat melted on my tongue as I chewed and I beamed with joy.

“It's awesome.” I gushed as I swallowed the meat.

“Wow ... thank you.” He managed to reply and I realized he had been holding his breath.

I ate more of the chunks of  meat and within seconds I had finished the meat he had brought.

He passed me a cup and I drank what was inside. It apparently hadn't been water that had been inside. It seemed Adelaide squeezed some lemons and made a nice lemon juice.

“Thank you.” I said as I finished the juice and dropped the cup.

“You are welcome. I'm happy you loved it.”

We stared at ourselves in silence and both of us waited for someone to break the silence.

“I don't want to justify what my parents have done neither do I want to start apportioning blames,” He said. “But I just want us to keep all that in the past and focus on us.”

“The past.” I scoffed.

His face seemed disappointed by my response but he immediately masked it with determination and continued.

“Our parents have lived their lives and they are no more with us, now it's time to live ours. Maybe we should try to forget all the grievances between us and move on.”

“You know it isn't easy to forget the past. Somehow, someday this past would come haunting for us again.”

“It has haunted us enough and if we give it more chances  it would ruin us.” He took my hand in his. “Come on Irene, You and I know that our lives would be miserable without each other. That's why you came looking for me.”

“Excuse me,” I jerked my hands off his hands. “I didn't come into this woods to look for my so called mate. I didn't come here because my life was miserable, I didn't come here like a princess in search of her prince charming. I came to look for a potential threat to my pack.” I raised my voice.

“Yeah, that's what you have made yourself to believe. But why didn't let your guards do it? Why didn't you---”

“They were not giving me the results I wanted that why I came to do the job myself.” I cut in.

He kept silent for a while and sighed.

“Why are we having this argument?”

“Because you are trying to make it seem like I was so dejected without you that I came running into the woods to look for you.”

Why are you lying Irene.” My wolf asked and I ignored her.

“I think you need to put your ego aside and reason things the normal way.”

“Are you calling me abnormal?” I glared at him.

He sighed and got up.

“I'll come back when you are a little calm.” He turned and started going out of the hut.

Seriously, I didn't know why I was annoyed but I just didn't want to seem like the weak one.

You are pushing him away. You are doing it again Irene. Don't you think you have a problem?” My wolf said.

“Yeah, I think I really do have a problem. A problem I can't solve by myself .”  I answered

Ask for help.” My mother's voice came ringing in my head and I realized my mistake at once.

“Wait.” I said before he stepped out of the hut.

He turned and kept his hands on his hips, raising his eyebrows as he waited for me to talk.

“My mom said I needed a helper and although I lied to her that I haven't met the one the moon goddess sent to me.” I paused  “I've been too proud to admit that I need you in my life.”

I looked at him and he had his face expressionless. My mouth became dry but I still opened it to talk to him.

“I'm an Alpha of the biggest pack and I'll tell you most time I'm confused on what to do and what not to do to keep my pack running. Maybe that's why I didn't want to come back to that problem. I was in a place of no worry and I wanted to remain there. But here I am and have to still go back to what I've been running away from.  I don't want to do it alone, I need a helper.”

This was the longest words I've said since I woke up but it was like I was pouring out the burden that I carried on my chest for so long and I felt lighter as each words rolled off my tongue.

“I need a helper.” I repeated. “Please would you be my helper?”

*              *               *            *           *              *            *
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