Choo Choo!!!

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"LUCAS BECKENDORF JACKSON!!!!! TELL ME WHERE MY KNIFE COLLECTION IS OR THE BOOK GETS IT!!!" I yelled, holding my twin's copy of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' in my left hand and my favourite sword in my right, tip almost touching the cover.

My twin stood on the other end of the hall, glaring at me, grey on seagreen. He sighed in defeat. I win.

"Zo, you do know that you won't need any weapons at Hogwarts and they will be taken from you"

He said as he closed his eyes in concentration and a bubble of water floated into the hall. I rolled my eyes and easily took control of the water to bring it closer. Once it was in front of me I tossed the book to Luke. Keeping the bubble floating, I tapped the trident on the hilt of my sword and it turned into a bronze seashell necklace. I grabbed the box in the bubble and the bubble evaporated. I opened the box to see my twelve favorite daggers, all different sizes. Each one was pretty much the same, half celestial bronze, half imperial gold with the top covered in silver. It was a new style of blade I created with some help from uncle Leo that I call questers. Because the rule is three per quest, so three types of metal. Each hilt was inlaid with jewels from aunt Hazel. I took each out and carefully touched each blade to my necklace and each turn into a bronze seashell charm.

"See? Thanks to some Hecate campers like Seraphina, I can conceal them easily."

He just rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, sure. Anyways, Lady Hecate has already provided us with the supplies. Charlie will be here soon with his stuff then dad will transport us to the station because Mom has to stay with Sallara."

"When did you say Charlie was gonna be here again?"

Luke looked at his watch. "Right about... now!"

I heard some noise downstairs and ran down to the entrance way where Charlie was standing next to his dad. Charlie, my brother, and I were all 11 years old. Today we'd be starting a longterm quest for Hectate. I have curly hair like my mom but it's black like my dad's hair, my eyes are seagreen with small flecks of grey and I'm tan and muscular. My twin is the same but his hair is a windswept blonde and his eyes are grey with small flecks of seagreen. Charles Grace or Charlie is a mix of his parents as well. His eyes are electric blue like his dad and his hair is blonde like his dad's but it has natural streaks of brown and is straight and choppy. Technically we could change our appearance at will but these were the looks we were born with.

I jolted forward and hugged him tightly because I hadn't seen him in almost ...



I know, it's terrible.

Anyway, I let go and grabbed his hand and started pulling him up the stairs while yelling "MOM, DAD, CHARLIE AND UNCLE JASON ARE HERE!!!"

A few floors up I heard mom yell "OK!" back. A few floors above that I could here my nine year old brother Ethan trying to stop the second set of twins, Thallas and Nicky, from singing 'Zo and Charlie sitting in a tree' at the top their 7 year old lungs. I felt my face get hot and sped up. I reached the floor where my room was to find the two little girls skipping arm in arm in circles singing the song. Ethan was stuck in an orb of water on the ceiling.

"WHICHEVER ONE OF YOU IS DOING THIS, STOP IT RIGHT NOW!!!" He screamed through the water.

I took control from the girls and let my oldest little brother down.

"Girls, shut it . I can still find time to kill you before we go. Now, have you seen Sil?"

They giggled.

"She's hanging" Thallas said

"out with" Nicky said

"Helena." They said together.

Ethan rolled his eyes, wished us luck with our quest, and went up to his room. I put my hand on the doorknob to my room only for it to be opened from within by Luke. He had two trunks and two owls, one blue with some grey and the other one was grey with some blue feathers.

"Hey Charlie, let's go."

We walked downstairs only to groan. The legendary hero and son of Jupiter were debating which natural disasters were worse, air or sea.

"Uncle Jason, my dad has beat you at this game too many times. Give it up. Dad, let's go. BYE!!!"

Everyone said bye and dad mist traveled us to King's Cross Station. We walked to platforms 9 and 10 before freezing. Wait, how are we supposed to get to platform 9 3/4?

A couple walked past us with four kids. One was around 1 year old, the next was about 3 years old, the third was 4 and the fourth kid was 11 like us. My dad turned to us and told us to go to those people then disappeared only leaving behind the smell of the ocean. As we walked to the group we studied the adults. The woman had red hair and kind brown eyes yet looked like she had a rebellious streak. The man had messy black hair, bright, emerald green eyes, round glasses, and a lightning shaped scar on his forehead.

"Hello, I was wondering if you could tell us how to get onto the platform."

The woman smiled. "Platform 9 3/4?" We nodded. "You just have to walk through that wall. Here, I'll go first." With that, she walked straight through the wall. The oldest boy followed then the three of us went. We passed right through to see a scarlet red train that said 'the Hogwarts Express' on the side. We quickly got in and found an empty compartment. I turned to Luke and Charlie.

"So, this should be fun. Are you ready to make friends with some wizards?"

They nodded hesitantly. I started playing with my hair, changing colors and length as well as style. I ended up leaving it black, long, and straight when I looked out the door to see the boy from before wandering around, looking for an empty compartment.

"Hey, come join us." I said.

He looked over and took a small step towards our compartment only to be shoved back by a guy who looked about a year or two older than us. The guy had washed out brown hair and eyes the colour of cannibal horse manure. He was pale and wimpy, I could take him down easily with both hands tied behind my back. He was standing right in front of where I was standing. He looked me up and down as he wolf whistled. I clenched my fist, trying so hard not to punch him.

"Hey babe, come away from these losers, join us big kids and we can show you a good time. Oh, and by the way, the name's Marcus, Marcus Torrin." He said while staring at me hungrily and licking his lips.

Slime ball.

I could feel my brother tense up, a low growl came from the kid outside the compartment, and Charlie stood up and I grabbed his right hand and put it around my waist. I'd delt with enough distant descendants of Apollo to know how to handle this type of situation.

"Back. Off." Charlie said through gritted teeth in a deadly calm tone.

Torrin, being the idiot he is, laughed and said "What are you two wimps gonna do about it? Tickle me to death?"

Wrong. Move.

"Oh sweety," I said with a sweet smile. I flipped my hair and walked right up to him. "don't worry about those meanies. I won't let them hurt you."

Torrin started getting flustered and started stuttering, confused by my sudden change of attitude. Seems like he enjoys the chase but once he gets the girl, he has no idea what he's doing. I put my lips right next to his ear and said in a low voice

"You know why? Because I can't let the boys have all the fun."

With that I kneed him in the jewels, slammed his head into my other knee on the way down and for the grand finally, I kicked him in the gut. Charlie helped me shove him out of the compartment and let the other kid in. The kid had bright blue hair with a streak of bubblegum pink. He just sort of stared at me for a moment then we introduced ourselves.

"Hi, my name is Zoë Jackson, this is my twin brother Lucas and a family friend, Charles Grace but you can call him Charlie. What's your name?"

"My name is Teddy Lupin."

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