Making New Friends

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All throughout supper people were whispering and staring at us. Like honestly, don't they have anything better to do than watch people? When I say it like that it makes them sound really creepy and stalkerish. Torrin (the little one) was sitting with his older brother at the Slytherin table. As I was inspecting the other tables I noticed a girl my age sitting at the very end of the Slytherin table looking sad and lonely.

I finished chewing what was in my mouth and turned to the boys.

"One moment guys, I'll be right back."

I then got up and purposefully walked over (waving to my twin on the way of course) and sat on the bench next to the girl, facing away from the table.

She had long wavy brown hair, forest green eyes and slightly tanned skin from the summer. She looked up but quickly looked back down at her food when she saw me.

"Hi, I'm Zoë Jackson but you can call me Zo. What's your name?"

"R-r-rory, Rory O'Brian."

"Nice to meet you Rorio. Can I call you that?"

She looked at me confused.

"S-sure but aren't you going to shun me? I was sorted into Slytherin after all."

"Oh Rorio, how little you know. A house is just a house. I know lots of cunning and ambitious people that are great heroes and all around good people. Same as I've met some brave people who've done really bad things. Just being sorted as mostly brave, loyal, cunning, or intelligent doesn't decide wether you're good or bad. For example, my twin brother is in Ravenclaw. Really good at studying, really bad at brotherly etiquette. Honestly, when I get mad at him he apologizes!"

At that, Rory laughed.

"There we go! Much better. I should probably go back to my table before one of the Torrin brothers puts his pride back together and decides to come over here. We have to hang out tomorrow. Want to meet the boys and I at the lake after breakfast?"

She genuinely beamed at me.

"Yeah, I would like that."

I winked at her and skipped to Lukey's table.

"Hey bro. Tomorrow at the lake after breakfast don't be late, you can bring friends from your house."

Luke barely had time to nod before I was gone.

As I sat back down at the Gryffindor table I was beaming. Charlie gave me a lopsided grin.

"Someone is happy." He teased as he held up a piece of my bright yellow hair which was a result of my happiness.

"Shut it Charles. Anyways, boys I have an announcement! Tomorrow morning we will meet at the black lake after breakfast. You get to personally meet my new friend Rorio!!!"

"Rorio? Who on earth is Rorio?" Teddy asked.

I rolled my eyes. Boys don't notice anything.

"Well in case you didn't notice I got up and left temporarily. While I was gone I went to the Slytherin table to talk to that girl there." Rorio was still sitting alone but was now lost in thought with a small smile pulling at her lips. " Her real name is Rory O'Brian but I've decided to call her Rorio. We're also going to meet up with Luke."

Teddy looked at Charlie with a confused expression on his face but Charlie shook his head and mouthed the words "I'll tell you later". I glared at the two of them and smacked Charlie upside the head.

"I'm not blind you idiot. I saw that."

Charlie just grinned at me.

"Do you want me to hit you again?"

He quickly turned back to his food.

"That's what I thought."

Teddy looked at his own food and tried to smother a smile. As I looked at his hair I got an idea.

"Hey Teddy, check it out." I changed my hair so it was the same colours as his and took out my phone.

Uncle Leo had spent years working to perfect the monster proof technology and had only finished about eight months ago.

I took a picture of my self then changed my hair to lemon yellow with a lime green streak and eyes to match and took another.

Teddy got a mischievous light in his eyes.

"Zo, I just got an idea. Every year when we get to Hogwarts we change our hair colour and keep it that way for a whole year until we come back. We can go through every colour of the rainbow. I'll keep my pink streak in for my mum and you can keep a streak of your natural hair colour."

"That's brilliant Teddy! Let's do it."

Just then the ghosts started coming in. Two ghosts in particular ran in and looked around the hall desperately. When they looked in our direction the woman sobbed and her hair went from brown to bubble gum pink. The man and woman ran over, passing through tables and drawing the attention of many people. They stopped right in front of where we were and stared at Teddy with tears in their eyes. Teddy stared right back with wide eyes.

"M-mum? D-dad?"

"Oh Teddy, look how big you've grown. We're so sorry for leaving you-"

I shot up abruptly.

"Sorry but I think o know someone who can help one moment. Teddy, I'll get your parents back shortly. Follow me Mr. and Mrs. Lupin, you'll be able to hold your son soon."

I led them just outside the great hall when a redheaded ghost came out.

"What are you up to and who is this?" He asked.

"We have no idea Fred, for either question."

I rolled my eyes.

"My name is Zoë Jackson and I can bring you guys back to life. If you'll let me of course."

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