Chapter One: Pilot

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Okay I'm just posting this as a test of some sort. I like the idea so I thought to try it out.


She stands in front of the two persons who were wearing silver-white robes standing there awkwardly. The woman was unmatchedly beautiful and the man could only be described as heavenly handsom(Get my pun? No? Yes? It's stupid? Ok I'll stop). She stood there as a small light just staring blankly with no eyes.

" Uhhh.... Sorry! That was my fault!" The woman said smiling nervously. The light that was once a high school girl continued to stare blankly.

" Yeah, it was all your fault" The man said in an attempt to blame the other God.

" What??! You were the one that started throwing stuff first!" She argued back.

" Yeah? I wasn't the one who started taking stuff from other worlds to throw" He glared.

" S-so! You did it too! Stop putting the blame on me! It wasn't my fault that the frying pan somehow got into the human world!" She blushed a bit of embarrassment before starting to glare more. " Hey! Wasn't it your subordinate that opened that portal?!!" They both looked to the teenage looking boy in a white delivery suit.

" Uhh...." The boy stood rooted to the spot as the gazes of both of the Gods landed on him. A echoey voice broke their frenzie.

" Ummm what do you mean? Why are you sorry? Frying pan? Throwing stuff? Portals?" She paused before suspiciously giving a pointed look. " Other worlds?"

" Ahhhh... we haven't explained yet" Said the male god sighing.

" Right right!" And so the poor messenger was saved. " So I accidentally killed you with a frying pan! I'm sorry!" The light still stared blankly, digesting it. She opened her mouth and then closed it. Actually, her emotions never show on her face yet people can still understand it. And now she was a small ball of light. I guess people can understand what her emotion is right now. Confusion and shock, though it wasn't too obvious.

" She's an idiot so she's apologizing. What god apologizes to humans" he sighed again. " Oh well"

" Shut up. Anyways, uuuh Human-chan? I'm God! And he's also God!" She gestured to the other male. " Quite confusing right? So just call him Kami-kun and me Kami-chan! Since we're basically siblings" the light somehow nodded before asking a question.

" ......Why did you bring me here?" She started asking. Kami-chan gave a grin.

" Well since I feel guilty for accidentally killing you I thought I would give you a chance of going to the world you choose of! And of course, you will have the privilege of retaining your memories!" She exclaimed grinning from ear to ear.

" Another......World.....?" She paused before smiling a teensy bit. " There was this one book I really liked. If possible can I go to the KHR world?" The goddess smiled.

" Ooh I love that anime too~ Okay! Your wish will be granted! And I will leave you some extra gifts too!" She grinned even more. The ball of light seemed to slightly frown in confusion. Since when did King's Hero Road have an anime? She couldn't help but feel like there was a misunderstanding...
But she didn't get a chance to speak up since by the time she thought to ask, she had dissolved into the void.
It was a few minutes or hours later she could feel her limbs again. Yup, it wasn't a dream. She was really killed by a frying pan and transferred to another world by Kami-chan since she could still feel the stinging pain in her skull. She could also make out the frying pan that was laid next to her, with a note on top.
She cradled her aching head with one hand and grabbed the note in the other. She read it once. Then twice. And then thrice, somehow she didn't want to believe what it said. She looked at the glass display window in front of her. There reflected was a boy just about 13 with beautiful icy blue eyes. His eyes stared right at the glass where she should be staring at. A note was in his hand and his clothes looked like he and it were a match made in heaven. She-he just couldn't believe it.
He ruffled his silver-blue hair and continued to cradle his head again. He felt another headache coming as he read the note.

' Hey~ I hope you like my presents! You are a super cute and handsome boy now! Sorry about your gender change though. I couldn't a female body that was beautiful(they were all ugly). Anyways, I give you the ability to speak almost seven languages, comprehend very complicated theories and such in a split second like time was slowed down for you(which it actually might've been the case) and best of all.... silver flames! Yay~
You can use them to contact me~ after you master it~ so I'll explain it now! Silver flames are also called Lunar flames. They have the power of consciousness.
Okay moving on! I've also signed you up for a job! Yuki modelling! Good luck 😉  I hope you have fun in the world of Katekyo Hitman Reborn
From, your dearest Kami-chan~'

He stared blankly at the sheet. 'What. The. Fu**. What is Katekyo Hitman Reborn????'

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