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Marty's POV:
Dave continued to drive and I gasped as I saw a clown on the street corner. "There's one!" Mike said. Dave looked over and the clown was doing some sort of shadow show. The shadow turned ugly and mean. It was a dinosaur and it roared at the people below, swallowing them whole. "Holy shit!" Mike said. Dave watched in shock and Mike grabbed the steering wheel. He put his foot on the gas and Dave said "Mike! What're you doing?!" The clown noticed the car coming at him and jumped up. Then the police cruiser collided with the wall. "What the hell are you doing?!" Dave said. "I got scared! I was trying to kill it!" Mike replied. Then they both turned around and looked at me. "I'm ok." "Paul, get the truck!" "What about the girls?" "Forget about the girls, they eat too much!" "They didn't pay for the ice cream!" "So what, the truck's getting away!" The voices of Rich and Paul were heard. I watched them run across the street, chasing the runaway ice cream truck. Dave went to grab his gun and Mike and I said "no!" "Those aren't killer clowns. Those are the Terenzi brothers." Mike said. Dave rolled his eyes and said "the Terenzi brothers?" "We're gonna go catch up with them." Mike said as he got out of the car, opening the door for me. The two of us ran down the street after them. A crash was heard and Rich said "you idiot!" Mike sighed and said "shit." "Don't yell at me, you were driving!" Paul said. The both of them stood outside the truck that was crashed into a bunch of boxes. "This whole ice cream thing was your idea." Rich said. "My idea? You were the one who said we could get girls this way!" Paul said. "No I didn't! You did!" "You did!" "You did!" Paul hit Rich in the face and Rich put Paul in a headlock. "Hey, Rich, Paul!" Mike said as we ran over. They both looked up at us and Mike began trying to explain everything about the clowns. Paul interrupted him and said "Mike, how you doing, you want some ice cream?" My brother shook his head and Rich looked over at me. "Hey, Marty." He said. "Hi." I replied while smiling. He smiled back and Mike said "there's clowns going around killing people." Rich and Paul looked at each other and said "huh?" Mike began explaining everything that happened on him and Debbie's date. I caught myself staring at Rich, who was sniggering at Mike's story. "Clowns?" Paul said. "Yes!" Mike said. "Well, Mike what do you want us to do, we have ice cream to sell tonight." Paul said as him and Rich gestured to the truck. "Come on!" Mike said. "We haven't sold that much ice cream tonight." Paul bragged. "We haven't sold any." Rich replied. Paul eyed his brother and Mike said "will you at least take me over to Debbie's? I think she's in danger." Rich quirked an eyebrow and said "does she have have any roommates?" "Yeah, she's got two. She's got two beautiful roommates. With big boobs." Mike lied. I watched Rich and Paul's eyes get bigger at that. "Do they like ice cream?" Paul asked. "They love it." Mike said. Rich and Paul smirked at one another and I crossed my arms over my chest, annoyed. We all got in the ice cream truck and began making our way over to Debbie's. I stood in between Mike and Rich who were in a full conversation. I stared off into space as we drove. "Marty." I heard my name. "Huh?" I said. "Did you go to outer space with the clowns?" Paul said while laughing. Rich sniggered and I said "no. What did you say?" "What do Debbie's roommates look like?" "I don't know. I don't know them. In fact, I've never met them." Mike looked at me while shaking his head. "Really? You've never met them?" Rich said as he stopped at a red light. "Nope. Never met them. In fact, I bet they're nowhere near as pretty as Debbie. Or me." I said. Rich looked at me and Paul said "Debbie is kinda pretty." "What about me?" I said, still looking at Rich. "I think you're pretty." He said. It took every muscle in my body to not smile. I nodded and said "thank you." "You're prettier than most girls I know." He started. Paul looked at him and said "oh yeah, and what girls do you know?" "Those stupid girls we let in the truck tonight! All they did was sit and eat ice cream!" Rich said. Paul groaned and said "obviously Marty's prettier than those two!" Rich shrugged and said "that's what I said!" "The light's green!" Mike said as he butted in. Rich turned around and began to drive again. I smiled to myself and Mike huffed. "Mike, come on. Cocoons, popcorn guns, monster shadows. Oooh. What do you think we are?" Rich said. Pop goes the weasel played as we drove and the faster Rich went, the faster the song got. And when he stopped, the song would cease. "We're not as stupid as we look." Paul said. "This isn't the first wild thing you've tried to pull over on us." "Remember hidden lake?" Paul said as he licked his chocolate popsicle. Rich nodded and said "uh huh." "Come on, forget hidden lake! This has nothing to do with hidden lake! You guys always bring that up!" Mike said as he rolled his eyes. "We'd have to be total morons to be believe this clown invasion crap!" Rich said. "If there are killer clowns running around here, then I'm porky pig." Paul replied. The two of them laughed and I shook my head. Rich turned a corner and there they were. The clowns. He slammed on the breaks and Paul stumbled forward. I grabbed Rich's shoulder and braces myself as the truck came to a halt. Rich's eyes almost bulged out of his head. The prettiest rainbow streamer was covering the street and they drove a machine. The cotton candy cocoons were in sight, they put them inside the machine. They carried their guns and seemed to be patrolling the streets. Mike panted and looked around at all of them. There was so many. A guy was hiding under a car and crawled out from under it, running. Then a clown with bright rainbow hair, turned around and shot him. He turned into cotton candy and I gasped. Paul's mouth dropped and Rich said "you guys weren't kidding." "Let's gets the hell out of here!" Mike said. Rich put the truck in reverse and went the other way. "We should get Misty and Sean too. They saw them too." I said. Rich nodded and said "that was scary." "I literally thought you guys were lying. I almost pissed myself." Paul said. Mike made a grossed out facial expression and Paul finished his popsicle. "So, Misty's house?" Rich said. I nodded and said "yeah."

Originally this chapter was going to be shorter but I carried it out. That's surprising.

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