Krazy Klowns

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Marty's POV:
I gave Rich directions to Misty's house, hoping we'd make it before the clowns did anything crazy. Rich stopped in front of her house and we all stepped out of the car. Maniacal laughter was heard and Paul said "is that them?" "Yeah." I said. Mike pushed past Rich to stand next to me. I reached for doorknob and opened the door. A clown stood there with bright red hair. He was unbelievably tall. He waved to me and Paul stepped back. Rich did the same as he looked up at the clown. Mike gulped and I tried to look past him, seeing if I could see Misty or Sean. I felt Rich grab my arm, gripping it. The clown handed me a piece of paper and I took it from him. I unfolded it and Rich and Paul looked down at it. "Slim?" I said. The clown made a noise and gestured to himself. "You're Slim?" He nodded and pointed at me. I pointed at myself and said "Marty." He tried to say it and Mike said "what the hell is going on?" Paul looked past Slim and saw Misty. "Marty?" She said. Slim turned around, a growling sound coming from him. A short clown with green hair pushed past Slim and ran outside. Paul yelped and Rich pushed Mike out of the way so he could get to his brother. "We gotta get inside." Mike said. I rolled my eyes and said "I know." "Mike! There's clowns in here!" Sean said. I tapped Slim and he looked at me. "Can I go inside?" I pointed inside the house and Slim moved out of my way. Mike went to follow me and he stopped him. "I'll go. I'll get them." I said. "Be careful." Rich said. Mike stared the clown down and Paul gripped his brother's arm. I walked inside and Misty said "how'd you get in?" "Slim let me in." Her eyes widened and she said "Slim?" "You know the clown's name?" Margo asked. "I guess so. He told me. It was weird." I said. Sean rolled his eyes and said "we need to get out of here." "How many clowns are left?" "I don't know. Most of them left when you guys showed up. It's just that one." Margo said as she pointed to Slim. "Maybe we can sneak out the back. I think we should try it." I said. Misty nodded and said "sounds good." I walked over to where Mike could see me and motioned that I was going around the back. He nodded and walked to the truck with Rich and Paul. The clowns had barricaded the back door so I opened a window, climbing out of it first. "Margo go." Misty said. I helped Margo climb through the window, setting her down gently. Misty climbed through next, Sean going after her. I closed the window quietly and we began to make our way around the house to the front yard. Paul stuck his head out of the truck and motioned for us to come to the truck. I made Margo go first. Paul swiftly picked her up and set her in the truck. "Let's go on three." I said. Sean nodded and Misty counted to three. We began running across the front yard. I turned around to see Slim aiming a space gun at us. "Holy shit, run!" Mike said. Slim shot at us and Sean dodged it. "Whoa!" He said. "Marty, come on!" Rich yelled. Slim shot at Misty and Paul pulled her into the truck. Slim shot the gun again, hitting the truck. "Ah! He's hitting the truck!" Paul said. Sean jumped on and I did the same. "Go! Go! Go!" Mike said. Slim looked beyond annoyed and Rich said "where are we going now?" "Debbie's house." Mike replied.


We arrived at Debbie's to see clowns surrounding her house. "Let's go!" Mike said as he jumped out of the truck. "Stay here." Paul said to Margo. I stepped out of the truck and we walked into the house. Debbie screamed as she closed the bathroom door. Mike grabbed her and told her that we needed to leave. Debbie looked at the window and said "the window. We can get out there." I rushed over to the window with Debbie. She opened it and the clowns stood under the window, holding a mat for Debbie and I to jump.

She screamed and then ran for the front door. Clowns blocked it and Paul said "how'd he get here?" Slim stood in the doorway with two other clowns on either side of him. Mike backed away from the clowns that were making their way into the house. Slim aimed a gun at Paul who backed away, falling onto the ground. Debbie backed to the couch and Mike did the same. I stood frozen. "Marty." Mike said. The clowns on either side of Slim walked towards Debbie and Slim stood in front of me. He went to touch me and I flinched. Slim patted my head and then walked to Debbie, shooting her with the gun. Slim had her trapped in a yellow balloon. He walked out of the house, holding onto the string. Paul stood up and said "come on." Mike watched as the clowns carried his girlfriend out of the house. "Mike, we'll save her. Come on." I said. He nodded and we rushed for the ice cream truck. "Wow, look at that." Rich said. Mike made an exasperated noise and Margo stared at the balloon. "We gotta save her." She said. Sean looked at the clowns his eyes widening. The clown car began to drive away and Mike said "follow them!" Rich stepped on the gas and the clown car was much faster than us. "Rich can't this thing go any faster?" Mike said. I looked at my brother who was about to pull his hair out. "Mike, what do you want this is an ice cream truck!" Rich replied. I heard sirens behind us and Paul must've done the same since he looked in the rearview mirror. "Rich, the cops!" Paul said as he reached over his brother, making Rich slam on the breaks. Mike fell forward and used Rich's seat to brace himself. Paul braced himself on the dash. Sean grabbed Misty and Margo bumped into Paul who made sure she didn't fall. Rich pulled me onto his lap and the truck skidded to a stop. Then the police car crashed into the truck. Margo stumbled and Paul held her in place. Mike got out of the truck and Rich huffed. "Look what you did." He said. Paul shook his head and said "not my fault." "What do you mean, you told me to stop!" "No I didn't, I said slow down." Paul replied. Rich rolled his eyes and said "why don't you say what you mean next time." Sean rolled his eyes and said "if it was up to you two dipshits to save the world we'd be screwed." Misty hit her boyfriend on the arm and said "rude." Margo looked a Paul and said "thanks." "You're welcome." He said. "You ok?" Rich asked. I looked at him and said "yeah. Thanks." He nodded and said "you're welcome." I stood up and Rich went to say something but his brother interrupted him. "Come on, let's go see what happened." He said. Rich followed his brother, going to the back of the truck. Mike came back to the truck with Dave. "Hey, Mr. Police Academy." I said. Dave rolled his eyes and said "still calling me that?" "Yeah. It's your nickname." "Well I know where the clowns are headed. So we can get Debbie back." He said. "Where?" Margo said. Dave looked down at Margo and then at Misty. "Your sister?" "Yep." "Well let's get this truck started." Rich sat down and started up the truck. We began to drive down the road. "If you were a clown where would you hide?" Dave asked. "The amusement park!" Mike said. "We're going to the amusement park?" Paul said. Rich smiled really big and said "alright!"

This was longer than I expected it to be🙃

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