The Funhouse

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Marty's POV:
We arrived at the amusement park and got out of the truck. "Hey, you guys check this out." Rich said. Mike and Dave walked over, looking down at the puddle. It was a puddle of something. Paul stuck his finger in it and said "it looks like a bunch of melted ice cream." Mike peeked over Rich's shoulder to look at it.

"Yeah, well it's not." Dave said as he pointed to a skeleton arm. "Oh shit." Mike said. "Ew." Margo said as Misty made her walk by. Sean shook his head and said "great." We all walked into the funhouse and Misty said "Margo, stay close." "Ok." She said. Mike was walking behind Dave, the two of them talking about the clowns. "Can you kill them?" "Yeah, you shoot them in the nose." "They're obviously from another planet." "What makes you think that?" "Their weapons. And they have a spaceship." "Why don't they communicate with us? You know, talk to us instead of killing us." Dave said. "Maybe their planet died. And they want this one but need to get rid of us." I suggested. "Or they're cruising through the galaxy and stopped here for a bite to eat." Paul said. Rich looked at his brother with a quirked eyebrow. Dave shook his head and we all continued to walk. We got to a door and Dave said "you guys have to keep up. I don't want you guys wandering off or anything." Rich scoffed and said "don't worry. We can handle it." I stood in between Rich and Paul. Dave went to open the door and the three of us fell through a trap door. We landed in a ball pit and the three of us struggled to get up. Once I sat up I saw them. Rich sat up and Paul did the same. Two female clowns sat in front of us. Their breasts inflated and my eyes widened. "Are you Debbie's roommates?" Paul asked the two female clowns.

I scoffed and stood up. "Come on. Let's go." I said. But the two boys seemed to be in a trance. I watched as the clowns approached Rich and Paul. One of them grabbed Paul by his shirt and he stared up at her. "They're not even human." I said to them. Rich looked at me and then back at the clown in front of him. I needed them to get up so we could escape. "Guys, the ice cream truck is being broke into." I said. "What?!" Paul said as he looked at me, the clown kissing his cheek. I watched Rich be kissed be the clown, she kissed him all over his face. I huffed and Paul said "I can't kiss you. My truck is being broke into." He began to push the clown away from him. "Rich, I need to tell you something." I said. He looked at me and said "what?" I managed to push the clown out of the way. I got in front of Rich and straddled him. "Marty-" He began. I cupped his cheeks and pressed my lips to his. Rich fell back into the ball pit and I tumbled on top of him. "You kissed me." He said. My lips parted and I said "yeah. I've been wanting to do that for a while now." "Why haven't you?" Rich said. "Cause you're my brother's best friend. Mike would literally kill me." I replied. Rich nodded and said "noted." Rich leaned up to kiss me and I pressed another kiss to his lips. Paul giggled and then said "I really can't. The truck is being broke into." I looked to see the clown kissing Paul's cheek. The clown's large lips left lipstick marks on his cheek and head. Rich was pulled away from me and he said "listen, it's not that you're ugly but I like her." He pointed at me and the female clown looked so mad. She threw Rich down and went to grab me when Paul broke free from the other one. "Listen, I've listened to Rich pine over this girl for like two years! Please just let us go!" He said. Rich stood up and dusted himself off, even though there wasn't any dirt on him. Rich reached for me and helped me up and Paul began to slowly back away from the clowns. Rich and I did the same, making a run for it. We made it inside a room and closed the door behind us. "That was close." I said. Paul nodded in response and Rich sniggered. "What?" Paul said with his hands on his hips. "You're covered in lipstick." I nodded in response and Paul huffed. "Wait till Mike finds out." Rich said. I took a breath and said "he's going to be pissed." I turned away from Rich and Paul to be met with Slim. My eyes widened and he waved at me.

"R-Rich?" I said. He turned around and Paul said "oh god. It's that clown." "Slim." I said. He continued to wave and Rich said "why's he waving?" "I don't know." I replied. The clown walked over and I began to back away. He grabbed me by my arms and picked me up. I kicked my feet and realized I wasn't touching the ground anymore. "Let her go." Paul said. I couldn't move or do anything. "Slim, you need to let me go." I said. He shook his head proceeded to throw me over his shoulder. I squealed and said "Rich! Don't let him take me!" Rich quickly ran over and punched Slim. The clown dropped me and Rich caught me before I hit the ground. Slim growled and Paul said "we gotta go!" The three of us quickly ran out of the room and into another one. "Hopefully we're safe here." I said as Rich set me down. Paul nodded and said "hopefully."

The end is dumb lmao

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