Arthur Wins Fabulous Prizes

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When the gods came back up to Olympus, they were easily able to repair the mess Kronos and Goetia had caused, rebuilding the throne room with a snap of their fingers.  It was at that point that I wondered if I had the ability to do things like that with a snap of my fingers, I mean I never tried. 

A burial shroud was made for Luke, though we were never able to recover a body, we did find some of his ashes. Another one was made for Ethan.. 

The Fate themselves came to take Luke's ashes, I still wasn't able to tell how they knew it was him, but, I guess we did recover Annabeth's knife from the remains of the ashes. 

As the Fates took the ashes within a gold jar, Hermes called out. "Wait.."

Hermes walked over to the jar and placed a hand on it, as George and Martha mourned "Oh Luke.. poor Luke.."

"I'm sorry.." Hermes whispered. He nodded at the Fates, and they took the Jar.. 

One of the Fates looked at me and nodded. "It is Done.."

Immediately I remembered the string that I had watched the Fates cut back when I had seen them years ago, and I immediately understood. That life string hadn't been mine.. of course a Servant defied the Life String simply by being living in a state of death..  no.. it had been Luke's.. 

While many of the servants and campers waited outside, a select few of us were called into the throne room. 

Me, Tyson , Annabeth, Grover, Rin, Shirou, Percy, and Mordred found ourselves standing before the 12 Olympians. 

This was far from the atmosphere I had felt when they were debating whether to kill us though.. in actuality, this felt much brighter..  And to add to this, even a foldout guest chair had been put out for Hades to sit among his family, Nico sitting at his feet, looking happy. 

"PERCY!!!" roared Poseidon jovially as soon as we entered. He immediately walked over to Percy, shrinking to normal size and hugging him. It was good to see really, I couldn't help but tear up a little at the sight of it... 

Of course that made it all the more easier for HER to catch me off guard while I was distracted. 

Artemis embraced me and Mordred both, causing Mordred to immediately drop her Rhongomyniad, letting it clatter and roll over the floor, the both of us absolutely stunned.

"You two have been so brave.. I am proud of you both.." whispered Artemis. 

Her hug felt warm, and smelled of fresh pine thistles, and the breeze of a valley just coming out of the cold of a beautiful winter.. 

"I.. I.." I whispered.

"There is no more need for words.." said Artemis.

"You two.." Zeus called down from his throne. "I would have this meeting come to order.."

"Party pooper.." Mordred muttered as Poseidon went to his throne and grew to the size matching the throne. 

Artemis winked at us before returning to her throne. 

"SISTERS!! BROTHER!!" Tyson ran over to us and picked, me, Mordred and Percy up in his arms, giving us a bone crushing hug as some of the remaining Cyclopses of Poseidon's honor guard grinned. 

"ONE EYE!!" Mordred roared gleefully. "YOU WERE AWESOME OUT THERE!"

"Tyson was brave!" said one of the cyclopses

"Tyson greatest of Cyclopes!" said another. 

Tyson blushed as he put us down. "Wuz nothing.."

"Nothing?" I said. "I would have you Knighted in an instant.."

"Glorious Heroes.." said Athena, gathering our attention.  "You today, have shown great service to Olympus. Kronos is no more, and the being Goetia, mysterious as he is, has failed his objective only thanks to you..  so we have agreed.."

"Rewards must be given.." said Poseidon. "That much is true.. "

Poseidon gave Percy a nod. "Firstly for my son.. who has shown resolve and strength beyond what was ever expected of him.  You have shown wisdom in the face of Kronos's trickery. If you want, we are willing to grant-.

"Just a car.. thanks." said Percy.

Poseidon raised an eyebrow. "Percy?"

"I know you guys are probably going to give me something super awesome and over the top.." said Percy. "But.. really.. I'm like 16.. and I want to get a license soon. And if I'm gonna make use of a license, there's somebody I want to give a ride.. now and then."

Percy gave Annabeth a quick glance, and she blushed. 

I smiled to myself, trying not to let my amusement show. 

"Very well." said Poseidon, his eyes twinkling as if he knew what was going on.. "A car."

"Next.. Rin Tohsaka.." said Athena. "I do believe you were the only mage involved with the Mage Association that actually came to our aid.."

"Sorry about that.." Rin said sheepishly. "But if it means anything.. my current mentor.. Lord El Melloi the-.."

"Waver yes?" said Athena. 

"Er he prefers Lord El-.. you know what? Waver.. yeah." said Rin. 

"It's been a while since I've seen my son in the Mage Association.." said Athena with a smile.

Rin stared, her jaw dropping. "Wait.. WHA-!?"

"Rin Tohsaka, as a mage who has proven herself worthy of Olympus's recognition, we grant you access to Olympus's library of Grimoires and Spells." said Athena. 

"WAIT!? FULL ACCESS!?" Rin squealed. "like.. FOR REAL! FULLLLL ACCESS!? To like.. EVERYTHING!?"

"Yes." said Athena, "While the Clock Tower does possess some spells we lack, our own mystical secrets are not to be scoffed at.."

"ARE YOU KIDDING!? I'VE ONLY DREAMED AT LOOKING AT A GOD'S COLLECTION OF-.. I-I ahem.. I mean, I am truly honored.." Rin said. 

"Shirou Emiya. " This time Artemis spoke, looking at Shirou. "You've done well for a Mortal.. and for a Man.."

"Er.. thanks.." said Shirou, looking at Artemis nervously. 

Artemis peered at Shirou quietly. "I must remind you however, that you have as your Servant, a rather special young lady..  while I am here to grant you a boon today.. should I hear that you have broken said Servant's heart in any way.."

"M.. Mother.." I muttered. "Please."

"Yes, of course." said Artemis. "Shirou Emiya, befitting of your bravery in spite of your inferior magical strength, I grant you this.."

Thalia walked out from behind Artemis's throne, grinned at me, and then pressed a charm in the shape of a silver stag into Shirou's hand. 

"Nice.. er.. what is it?" Shirou asked. 

Artemis's eyes sparkled humorously, though she remained calm when she spoke. "You shall see.. let's just say, an old white haired friend might just remind you how it works.."

With that mysterious statement out of the way, the gods moved on. 

"Tyson of the Cyclopses." said Zeus. "Your bravery in battle has been noted. As such, we have seen it fit to put you as General of the Cyclops forces.. befitting your new rank, we shall grant you a weapon fitting of your-.."

"STICK!" Tyson exclaimed, holding up his large broken club. 

"Uh.. well, yes." said Zeus. "A stick, the best stick that can be found.  

"Next, Grover Underwood.." said Mr. D.

Oh, stop chewing your shirt," Dionysus chided. "Honestly, I'm not going to blast you. For your bravery and sacrifice, blah, blah, blah, and since we have an unfortunate vacancy, the gods have seen fit to name you a member of the Council of Cloven Elders."

Grover let out a shocked bleat and he fell over clutching his chest, fainting..  

Oh, wonderful," Dionysus sighed, as several naiads came forward to help Grover. "Well, when he
wakes up, someone tell him that he will no longer be an outcast, and that all satyrs, naiads, and other spirits of nature will hence-forth treat him as a lord of the Wild, with all rights, privileges, and honors, blah, blah, blah. Now please, drag him off before he wakes up and starts groveling."

"FOOOOOD," Grover moaned, as the nature spirits carried him away.

"Annabeth.. my own daughter." said Athena. 

Annabeth came forward nervously. 

"As you can see.. in the wake of the Titan Lord's attack, as well as Goetia's rampage, much of Olympus has been left in shambles." said Athena. "Of course we could always repair everything with magic and have it just as it was.. however, I do feel that this place is in need of a few improvements."

"M.. Mother?" said Annabeth.

"It has henceforth been decided that the designer for said improvements shall be none other than you." said Athena with a small smile. 

Annabeth looked breathless, she opened her mouth, then closed it. "I.. can design.. whatever I want?"

"Yes daughter, build us an Olympus to last the ages." said Athena.

"As long as you make plenty of statues of me!" said Apollo. 

"And me." said Aphrodite.

"And me too!" Said Ares. "Big ones with huge freaking swords and-."

"She gets it!" said Athena with a roll of her eyes. 

"Well done." I told Annabeth as she came back to join us. 

"Uh.. right.. I'll.. need drafting paper.. and.. er.. yeah.." Annabeth squeaked. 

"Next.. Mordred Pendragon.. my daughter.." said Artemis. 

Mordred picked up her lance awkwardly and stepped forward, tapping it on her shoulder, grinning. "Yo!"

"My dear.. what is with that scantily clad outfit?" chided Artemis. 

"YOU TOO!?" Mordred moaned. "Come on I didn't pick the outfit, the lance kind of gave it to me!"

"For you my dear, a woman who has done well in reforming her past." said Artemis. "We grant your story as a reformed son of Arthur to the world..  while it would be suspicious to mortals if they suddenly heard a story of a Mordred in the modern era, using the Mist it was quite easy to add a new legend, one of a Mordred who helped a resurrected King Arthur fight a great evil. "

"Wait.. okay speak in English... what does that mean?" said Mordred.

"It means, they added the story of how we beat Kronos to your legend, only tweaked so it sounds like it happened long ago." said Annabeth. "Mordred, that means that you're going to be seen as a hero and not a villain. Your entire reputation has been renewed.. in the entire world.."

"Oh.. wait.. REALLY!?" Mordred said. "Well then HELL YEAH!!"

"Now.. Arturia Pendragon.. come forth." said Zeus.

I walked forward. I bowed respectfully to Zeus. Today was a special occasion, I could at least be civil to him..  I then bowed to my mother. 

"Arturia Pendragon." muttered Zeus. "Without a doubt the most upstart Heroic Spirit I've ever met. No doubt you've inherited your master's tendency for causing mayhem wherever you go."

"Eheheh.. yeah.." Shirou said sheepishly. 

"And to top it off, you have ruined Artemis's reputation simply by being born by her.." said Zeus. "You are simply the most irritating person I've ever met.. however, you are also the person I owe the most to. Without you, Olympus would've truly fallen, without you, Perseus Jackson might not have made the choice that saved us, to trust that Luke would do the right thing."

"It is impossible to tell what might have happened if I wasn't there.." I said. "Percy is strong.."

"True.. but the fact of the matter is, we owe you.. and for that we are willing to grant you the greatest gift the gods can grant.. "

"Wait.." I said. "You don mean-.."

"She is already a god though.. ain't she?" said Ares. "What the hell are we giving this schmuch? Double godhood?"

"Have you not noticed it Ares?" said Artemis.  "The cost of the final fight with Goetia?"

I smiled. Of course Artemis with her sharp eyes noticed. My body no longer held the same glow on my skin, nor did my eyes look the same.. My Elder Godhood had vanished with my final attack on Goetia.

"Fighting Goetia, and having both the Lance at the Ends of the World shattered, as well as momentarily wielding the power of the Helm, Bolt and Trident in one vessel incinerated her godhood in the most irreparable fashion." said Artemis. "The Lance will heal eventually of course.. as will Excalibur.. but she's lucky she only had her godhood incinerated.. had that battle lasted any longer, her Spirit Origin might have been obliterated and she wouldn't even appear back in the Garden of Avalon.. "

Shirou gulped. "J.. jeez wait.. THAT much was at risk?!"

"Holy.. SHI-" Mordred began to say.

"Language." said Artemis sternly.

"Sorry Mom.." Mordred said quickly. 

"It appears I'm an ordinary Heroic Spirit now." I said. 

"Yes.. but as a god you yourself proved a worthy wielder of the power." said Artemis. "Worthier still than some of us who currently possess them.."

As Artemis said this she gave a glare to Ares and Aphrodite.

"What!?" said Ares. 

"While you could always regain godhood by going through that ceremony within the Tower again.." said Artemis. "And I bet you really don't.."

"Oh no.." I said, shaking my head in agreement, and Nico coughed, as if he would rather not remember watching me go through that. 

"I believe it would be simply easier to make you, while not an elder goddess.. a goddess on our level." said Artemis. "You would possess immortality beyond the usual you have gained as a Heroic Spirit.. the power to use the Lance at your volition.. an eternal hero among the stars. You would even be free to rebuild Camelot, greater than it was ever before."

"Wait.. so.. if we make her a goddess.. I can still beat her face, but this time she'd keep coming back for more!" said Ares. "I like this!"

"I believe she is the one who has continuously beaten you.." said Athena with a raised eyebrow. 

"I went easy!" Ares said.

"Yes, the same excuse you used when that upstart Altera nearly destroyed you and took your greatest Noble Phantasm!" said Hephaestus, laughing. 

"Oh just shut up!" Ares grumbled, folding his arms. 

"So I would be a goddess again?" I said.

"A very mentally challenged glutinous goddess apparently." said Zeus with a snort.  "But yes, if you agree, we will do this.. and then I will have to deal with you forever."

I looked back at Percy, Shirou and Mordred, the both of whom looked shocked, and like they were trying to hide their dislike of this idea. They would lose me forever if I agreed to this, but they needn't have worried.. I had no desire for this prize. 

Odd wasn't it?  The offer of a life time.. to be a goddess, eternally awesome, eternally powerful, rebuild the kingdom which I thought I failed..  make everything right as rain.

But I had not desire for this gift.. 

"I'm sorry, but I must turn down this offer.." I said, bowing my head. 

"What?" said Zeus, raising an eyebrow. "You are turning down our generous gift..?"

"No offense." I said, glaring at Zeus, remembering how much I still hated him. "But I never had a wish for immortality in this fashion.  And I already have a master who I have pledged my affections to.. an eternity in Avalon with him feels far more generous a gift to me.. than an eternity without him in this world... but.. I would still like something.. if that is alright.."

"if it is within our power." said Zeus. 

"Swear, on the River Styx." I said quickly. 

"What!?" said Zeus, now looking a little dangerous. 

"Somebody once told me, that you should always make sure that a binding contract is used in agreements.." I said. "And given how much I've been screwed over by gods intending only partial promises.."

I gave Hades a glare.

"Guilty.." said Hades with a shrug, shying away a little as if afraid I'd turn into Saber Alter again. 

"Very well.. " said Zeus raising a hand as the other gods did so too. "We the gods of Olympus swear on the River Styx to grant your REASONABLE gift.. "

There was a rumble of thunder.

"Good." I said. "Very well.. firstly, Zeus.. everyone, you are going to remove the Feral curse on EVERY summoned Servant, as well as END this Holy Grail war that's summoning them continuously in this state!!"

I glared at Zeus furiously. "This pain.. this curse, it is nothing but the result of pure paranoia and fear! And I will have NONE of it..  the Servants already summoned will be granted guides to Camp Halfblood where they will be taken care of.. As well as any remaining cursed masters such as Illya Von Einzbern. "

Zeus seemed to explode internally. "Now see here Arturia Pendra-" 

"Another thing." I said. "No more of this only the 12 Olympians get to have cabins stuff. All children have a right to be claimed by their parents. Cabins for all the minor gods will be granted, as well as the children who are stuck waiting in the Hermes Cabin for calls that will never come. All children must be claimed by age 13.. and all the gods will be recognized. It is this arrogant thinking of ignoring those lesser than you that has caused Halfbloods to defect to Kronos as well as gods like Morpheus and Janus. Either you give them recognition, or you open yourself up to another disgruntled rebelling employee situation.."

"Now my cute niece." Said Apollo. "You can't actually expect us to be able to-?"

"I'm not finished!" I said holding up a finger. "Children WILL be guided to Camp Half-Blood by the time they turn 11.. ALL children everywhere. Do not have them struggle on their own abandoned.  And this great agreement to not have anymore children among the Big Three? It didn't work last time, just stop.. it won't work next time either.." 

I took a breath. 

"Is that all-?" Zeus began to say.

"AH AH!" I held up a finger again, feeling satisfied I got to do this to Zeus. "Didn't finish. Granting amnesty to the gods.. all the minor gods and goddess.. I didn't just mean them.. Hades too will be granted a place in Camp Half Blood.  As will the peaceful children of titans and titans themselves. Calypso and others like her will be granted full pardon and allowed to venture away from their prisons. 

"Are you calling me a minor god girl!?" said Hades.

"With respect, I simply meant that you too should be given proper honor." I said. "You and Nico as well as any other future or present children you might have." 

I gave all the gods a pointed glare. "In summary. I wish for PROPER recognition and respect to the Children of the gods, Servants of all Classes, and gods as well as peaceful titans and their children.. AND.. finally.. "

"Finally!? What else!?" said Zeus with a moan. 

"I want a Monster Truck Derby near the camp arena for Mordred." I said. 

"YEAAAAAAAAAAHHH!" Mordred roared, pumping her fists. 

It was Athena who came to my defense first. "Arturia Pendragon is correct, we have been unwise to ignore our children, and making enemies of the Servants have only proved to hurt us. It proved a strategic disadvantage in the war.  I move that we accept her plan.."

"Very well.." said Zeus. "Being told what to do by a mere king of humans..  but I suppose.."

"All in favor." said Hermes. 

All the gods raised their hands. 

"Good.. thank you." I said. 

I turned to follow my friends out of the room, but before I could leave, Poseidon called out. "Honor Guard!"

The Cyclopses parted for me, saluting their weapons, creating a path for me to walk through. 

"All Hail Arturia Pendragon!" said Tyson. "Hero of Olympus, King of Camelot... and My Big Sister!"

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