𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧. naïve abandoned adventures

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     ROSALYN LOVED TELLING stories to her camera. So much so, in fact, that she's been doing it for the past three years on her YouTube channel.

Though, her channel wasn't built on Story-time videos, actually. Her rise to fame actually came from creating viral Skits, her iconic teenage rant series that was called "Teenage Girl Tries The World", and dabbling into doing covers of songs she loved too.

Her two most popular videos on her channel, to this day, are her early skits she made with her high school friends and Tara. The two of them have a total one-hundred fifty million views combined. Which to Rosalyn, is still mind-blowing to her.

And while she doesn't do skits anymore, Rose has said in the past that she misses doing them, and might want to bring them back in the future if she's up for it.

The "Teenage Girl Tries The World" series was this one-hundred and twenty-two episode long series she also did during her time in High School. The episodes themselves were always about different things that were happening in her life and how she was trying to live in her chaotic world.

She decided to end of the series a week after she turned eighteen last year, with a ceremony-style video of her talking about her teenage years and saying goodbye to them.

Meanwhile for singing—well—that itself was rare.

But when she posted herself singing her room to Fall Out Boy, Paramore, and more, that also got people watching and liking her too. She even caught the attention of Pentatonix, and when she was sixteen, she was invited to sing All I Wanted by Paramore with them, which accumulated twenty-nine million views in six months.

But going back to Storytime videos, those kinds of videos were something she was criticized for when she first started doing it; being called a "trend-hopper" because all the Youtubers during that time were also hopping onto the bandwagon of videos.

But eventually, she was proclaimed one of the best storytellers with the extravagant stories of her own past. Well—not that deep into her past, of course. Just stories that dated back after all the abuse. Only a few of them were during that time as well.

[ Setting: Bedroom ]

ROSALYN: Okay, honestly guys—I'm not one to remember my dreams vividly, like at all. Well, I don't think anyone really remembers dreams that vividly to be honest. But this fucking dream [Halts herself for a second, her eyes widening] still haunts me sometimes, and you'll understand why in a bit.

[Cuts to her taking a sip of water, letting out a long breath afterward] Stay hydrated, ladies and gents [Winks at the camera, imitating a camera click sound].

[Cuts again to a new frame of her] Alright see, in this dream that I'm going to talk about, I was probably [Looks heavenward in thought] it starts out a bit hazy. Probably because I can barely remember the beginning of it [Chuckles lightly]. But all I can recall from the beginning was that it started with me and Tara going to this abandoned house down the block from our house.

For a little context, this house I'm talking about was actually hidden in the woods nearby my house. Apparently, some kids from my school went there and immediately regretted it. Some even said that it was haunted too.

[Cuts to Rosalyn shaking her head] But that didn't start Tara-fucking-yummy from dragging me down there one day. [Immediately raising a finger] But then again, this was my dream, to be fair. If I know Tara at all, she wouldn't be stupid enough to be doing this irl.

[Cuts to her sitting with her right leg up her chair, her hand wrapped around it] I seriously don't know how she convinced me otherwise, but I remember giving her one of these looks. [Zooms into her making a foul face] You know? That look that says "If shit happens, you best believe I'm running out that door"[Pointing to her bedroom door ].

So we go inside, blah blah. Again, my memory is really hazy about some parts of my dream, but I remember the house having this staircase and I kid you the fuck not [She stops to close her eyes and bring her fingers together] I literally was about to take a step to the stairs when I saw a shadow walk away from the kitchen!

[Sighs] Now, I know what you all might be wondering—right about now....Rosalyn...your ass just saw a shadow...in the kitchen...don't you think that's a sign to uhh I don't know? [Shrugs her shoulders while pouting] Maybe leave the premises? Maybe try not to get killed? Ya know—just be a normal sane person.

[Cuts to her being in silence for five seconds before she starts hysterically laughing]. Of course not! Because when in my life have I ever been a normal sane person?!

And taking into note that this is whole thing is a dream—do you really think my ten-year-old self would be logical, like at all? At ten years old I was still thinking that the fucking tooth fairy was real. Which, if you guys remember, was why I got in trouble for trying to take my teeth out in order to get money from them.

[Wheezes to herself, looking away from the camera] I still can't believe I did that. Ten-year-old me was just that desperate for money—god.

But before I get carried away, let's get back into the story at hand [Raising her two thumbs up with a smile on her cheeks]. So me and Tara, we go up the stairs to try and explore. Ya know [Wheeze again] being a mini Sam and Colby [Does finger guns].

And I'm pretty sure I remember there being about six rooms in total in this upstairs part of the house. There were two rooms on the left side of the hallway and 3 on the right but there was this one room that was straight down the hall. [Motioning her hand straight into the camera] And you know what we decided to do? [She stops for a moment to look at the camera in silence].

I bet you guys guessed it by now, judging by my poor decisions that I did indeed go into the room straight down the hallway! [Claps three times] Wow, are any of us surprised? Because I'm not.

[Next frame is of her putting her fingers by her lips] Like I should be getting the award for "stupidest bitch of all" because of this whole dream. Like it's unbelievable, even to me.

[Suddenly, her phone goes off, but she doesn't stop to answer] So then, we opened the door slowly to see what was inside, only to see an actual man who looked—about 5'11 with his back turned against us.

[Phone goes off again, and she ignores it] And oh-my god I kid you not, I felt my whole entire just go numb like—[She pretends to be frozen in her seat] like I froze up so bad. I cannot describe to you people how horrified out of my mind I was at that moment [Pressing her fingers onto the temples of her forehead].

And what made it worse was the fact that about five seconds later, we both watch as he starts to turn his back around and look at us. [She moves her body close to the camera, whispering] And he—was fucking—smiling—like a fucking psychopath.

[Back to her sitting properly in her seat] So exactly like I said earlier, I was like, [Raising her arm up in a stop gesture] Yeah we're going bye! And grabbed Tara [Imitiating grabbing something] Like forcefully yanked on her arm and bolted our asses out of that house and back to our house but I think I woke up like right as we were about to make the front door soooo...

[Phone goes off again] Gosh who even is interrupting my storytime right now? [Grabbing her phone from her table in-front of her].

pretty boy colby
heyyy u wanna hang later, maybe?
rose i know you're awake, answer me.

[Scoffs] Oh shit, it's just Colby—actually. [Making a foul face as it cuts to her face zoomed in] Ew.

rosey posey
maybe not with that attitude

She giggles at her reply but before she could go on and continue the story, her phone went off again with another message from Colby.

pretty boy colby
ok ok fine
I'll stop.
but talk to me I'm bored

rosey posey
hi bored I'm Rose
kidding, but I'm filming a
video right now though so like

pretty boy colb
can I be in it? 😉

rosey posey
not with that emoji
but sure, FaceTime me then.

FROM pretty boy colby

It took awhile before eventually, the call connected, and suddenly on Roses's phone screen, she saw Colby in bed, looking into the camera. "Why the fuck are you bed it's 1pm in the afternoon?" was the first thing her lips spat out to him.

Her question drove him to laugh softly as he pulled his blanket to his neck. "Let me be, I woke up late."

Rosalyn rolled her eyes at his reply. She flips her phone to the camera to show her future viewers a tired Colby Brock. "Say hi to my lovely viewers, Mr Brock," she says tauntingly with a devilish grin on her face.

"Hi," he greets the camera, smiling shyly.

She chuckled. "You know-" Rose began as she brought her screen back to her face. "I actually brought up you and Sam earlier."

"Oh, did you?" His brow raised a tiny bit. "Why?"

"I was talking about this dream, and I called me and Tara mini Sam and Colby because, in that dream, we went to venture out into this abandoned house."

His smile widened as it lit up his sleepy face. "That's cute."

"Yeah—sure," Rose shook her head. "But tell me, are you proud that you're in a new Rosalyn storytime video?" she asked.

And to her question, Colby nodded stiffly. "Yes, I am actually. I'm honored."

"Honored my ass," she snarled, scrunching her face. "Anyways, I'll talk to you later when I finish this video, okaaay?"

Tiredly, Colby replied with a soft tone to his words, "Ok, see you, dork," narrowing his sights at her jokingly.

She scrunched her face again in return, leaving the boy to unconsciously chuckle through the phone. "Whatever, see you too, idiot," she said, before pressing the red button, ending the FaceTime call.

[She sighs] Now—where was I?

And from then on she continued her story till the end.

[Claps her hands together] Thank you guys for watching this video. Please, I say this with every fucking video but sub to me if you haven't. And I guess I'm gonna give Colby some clout too for appearing in this video. Sub to him too! Leave a like if you enjoy this storytime, and I will see all you dorks later, bye! [Waving goodbye to her camera].


Liked by colbybrock, vivianhamilton, samgolbach, and 981,205 others
roseyfairchild 😈
37 mins ago

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colbybrock 31m
3,989 Likes Reply

lani's talking!

tell me why I searched up colby brock memes and the meme I used for WDYLY was there like this...

y'all I'm FAMOUS 🤭

jkjk but omg an update??? i know....

i'm trying to update my other stories but with my college classes and my god awful attention span, it's been hard so bear with me pls 🥲🥲

also, I don't know if y'all liked the way I formatted Rosalyn's video style, im kinda iffy about it but let me know what your opinion is on that :,)

anyways, thank you all sm for reading! i truly and genuinely appreciate you all for reading and supporting my books :))

i love you all sm, byeee <33

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