(A New World) Epilogue

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3rd Pov

???: Mommy, come on. Let's go find daddy!

??? #2: Come on! Let's go! Let's go!!

The two kids are running down the stairs and then running around the room. One girl named Roisin has red hair and (E/c) and there is a boy named Zane with (H/c) and light green tips on his hair.

Cassandra: *Sighs*  You two are too energetic...

Erze: Hehe, you two reminds me of myself when I played with (Y/n).

Talisha: Roisin, Zane, be nice to your mothers.

Roisin & Zane: Sorry grandma!

Cassandra: Talisha, how are you doing?

Talisha: Oh the same, just keeping an eye on (Y/n) and Juno. The usual.

Roisin: Where's daddy?

Talisha: Hm...

Flashback, (Y/n) Pov

I woke up and look at my sides. Cassandra and Erze are still asleep. I looked at the window and it is still dark. I ran my hand through their hair and I slipped out of their grasp and quietly walk out of the room and walk towards to kitchen to get a drink. Before I grabbed a drink I jumped from a voice.

???: Hi honey~

(Y/n): Oh hey mom.

Talisha: What are you doing?

(Y/n): Oh uhm... I am about to do it.

Talisha: Really?!

(Y/n): Shh!!

Talisha: Sorry, but are you really going to do it?

(Y/n): Yeah.

Talisha: Aww~ My son is growing up.~

(Y/n): Mom...!

Talisha: Sorry, let me get my jar.

She walks back to her room and comes back with a jar of jewels. She goes to a nearest table and quietly dumps the jewels onto the table. 

Talisha: So, which one will you take?

I looked at the jewels and took a small amount of tiny diamonds, and emeralds. I grabbed a square diamond, and a ruby.

Talisha: You must have a creative idea if you're going to use those.

(Y/n): Hehe, thanks mom. I'll be going.

Talisha: Where are you going?

(Y/n): I'll be going outside at the coast. Tell Cassandra and Erze when they wake up.

Talisha: I'll tell them. 

(Y/n): Thanks mom.

Flashback Ends, 3rd Pov

Talisha: I think he said he's going to the coast. 

Cassandra: Did he?

Talisha: I heard he said so.

Zane: Come on! Let's go to the coast!!!

Zane and Roisin grabs their mother's hand and ran off.

Juno: Bye!


The two kids walk around Orvel. The day is nice and the weather is super peaceful. Roisin and Zane are running around and play tag with each other.

Cassandra: (Y/n), what were you doing?

???: Chase, be careful with those papers.

Chase: I know..

Roisin: Uncle Chase!!

Zane: Aunt Scarlet!!

The kids ran to the two and hug their legs, leaving the bystanders staring at them. Cassandra and Erze caught up to the two and they see Chase and Scarlet in different clothes.

Scarlet: Hi there, what are you two doing out here?

Zane: We're looking for dad!

Chase: He's... not... home?

Roisin: No.

Erze: Hi guys!

Scarlet: Hi Cassandra and Erze.

Cassandra: What are you two doing out here?

Scarlet: We're just out here for a break.

Roisin: On work?

Scarlet: Yes, it's very hard. 

Zane: Maybe if you're done with your work, we can all play!!

Scarlet: That will be great.

Cassandra: We got to go find (Y/n). Have a good day.

Scarlet: You too.

Roisin: Remember our promise Uncle.

She puts out her pinky. Chase puts the papers down and wraps his pinky around hers.

Chase: I... promise...

The two kids hug them one last time before they part ways.


During their stroll, they have met so many people in (Y/n)'s trip. They even met Egil and Gadolt. Thanks to Egil, mostly the Machina's technology, Orvel can move supplies and build other homes for civilians. Gadolt's soldiers and Orvelian Knights are a massive impact on Orvel. They increase their security and expanded their army and troops. They made it to the hills, they found Kallian. Roisin and Zane are sneaking towards Kallian to scare him, but failed.

Kallian: If you are looking for (Y/n), he isn't here.

Roisin: How did you know?! 

Zane: He can see everything!!

Roisin: Maybe you were too loud!

Zane: No I wasn't!!

He chuckles and turns around.

Cassandra: What were you looking at?

Kallian: Oh, it's true that I was looking at the sea, but... I'm thinking about my sister.

Erze: What's your sister's name?

Kallian: Melia.

Roisin: That's a nice name.

Kallian: Thank you.

Zane: Hey, Mr. Kallian sir?

Kallian: Please, just call me Kallian.

Zane: Okay Kallian, your wings looks super cool.

Kallian: Thank you, they are the traits of the High Entia.

Cassandra: Kallian.

Kallian: Yes?

Cassandra: Have you seen (Y/n)?

Kallian: Yes, he is over there.

He points at the coast. There is Frey at the coast, making something. The four look far left from them and they see (Y/n) standing at the coast, watching the waves coming towards him, then slips away from him. 

Erze: Thanks.

Kallian: You're welcome.

They head back down the path and head towards the beach.


When the four arrived, they see Kasel, Cleo, and Roi sneaking up on Frey.

Cleo: Freyyyy!

She jumped from Cleo and dropped a ball of yarn.

Frey: Cleo?! Wait... what are you all doing here?

Cleo: What have YOU been doing here? You always disappear alone whenever we hang out!! You don't play with me anymore! I'm bored to death!!

Frey: Ahaha... Oh well... It's...

She quickly grabs a box and cover the thing from her friends, leaving Cleo more curious. As she leans forward, Frey jumps in front of her face.

Frey: It's because I always want to take a nap! The wind! It's been so nice! Haha...

Cleo: Liar! You said a while ago that it's too hot that you can't even walk around!

Frey: Ahaha... Did I say that? A-Actually, I was just watching the sparrows fly!

Roi: That's a lie too. This area is not suitable for sparrows.

Frey: Haha... I'm sure I saw one just now. Dear sparrow, come out wherever you are!

Cleo: Ahem! Spill it Frey!!

Kasel: What are you hiding? Doesn't look like it's something bad, hmmm...

Frey: Kasel, not you too...

She sighs in defeat and accepts it.

Frey: I was just knitting. It's a hobby of mine.

Kasel: Really? Show me, show me!

Cleo: SHOW ME!!!

Frey: Ehhh, I didn't finish it... I'll show you when it's done.

Kasel: Aw, come on Frey! Just show me!

Frey: I SAID, it's not finished. Now please! Stop meddling with my hobby, everyone!!!

Cleo: Wahhhh! You don't play with me, and you won't even show me what you're doing! That's not fair!!

She ran and snatches Frey's yarn ball. As she snatched it she hops on her broom and flies around while Frey is chasing her. Kasel and Roi sighs and chases Cleo.

Frey: Kyah! Cleo!! The yarn will go all over the place is you carry it like that!!

Kasel: Cleo! Give it back!!

While the two are chasing Cleo, Roi walks to the box and lifts it up and it looks like four stuff plushies of them.

The little kids laugh and Cassandra and Erze chuckles. They look at their left to see (Y/n) with his new clothes and he is standing by himself.

Erze looks closely and she sees he is looking at something in his hand. As the kids see their dad, they break into a mad dash and called out their dad.

(Y/n) Pov, Play Music

I look at the two boxes in my hands and think to myself.

(Y/n): 'I've made it this far... There's no turning back now...'

???: Daddy!!!

I looked at my son and daughter and I quickly put away the boxes. They ran and they hugged me tightly. I smiled and hug them back.

(Y/n): Hey guys, did you ran all the way here?

Zane: No, mommy brought us here to find you. 

I see Cassandra and Erze walking towards me.

(Y/n): Hey.

Cassandra: You really had us worried.

(Y/n): Sorry if I caused any trouble.

Erze: No, it's okay.

I look at them and smiled. After an entire life of finding Kasel's brother, fighting the darkness, and even fighting the gods, it's finally a relief to have a peaceful life. Just looking at them in front of the sun makes them look drop dead gorgeous. 

Cassandra: What is it?

They walk to my side, Erze on the left, Cassandra on the right.

Erze: Yeah, what is it?

(Y/n): Huh? Oh uhm, well... Your hairstyle... it looks amazing. 

Erze: Really?

Cassandra: We were thinking of cutting it, but...

Erze: Actually, what do you prefer?

(Y/n): I think it's best for you both to keep that hairstyle. I think it's beautiful.

Cassandra: Always haves answers for everything?

(Y/n): Not all the questions.

I sat down as they did the same. Zane and Roisin sat on their lap. I watch as ripples forming on the water, and the wind flows freely through my hair. I look at the sky and the thing that still clouding my mind is...

(Y/n): 'Is it the right time to do it...? Yeah, let's just do it. Here goes everything!'  Erze, Cassandra, there's something I want to tell you...

Erze: Hm?

Cassandra: What is it?

I stood up and walk towards the waves.

(Y/n): We have been though so much through our life. Our stories have a bad beginning, but... I know... once I do this, this will give us all a good ending...

As I said that, I can feel Cassandra and Erze standing up.

Cassandra: (Y/n), What are you trying to say?

(Y/n): It's not what I'm trying to say, it's what I'm trying to make. A promise, a promise to make for the future. Erze, Cassandra, I have one last question...

Erze: Wh-What?

I walk towards them and rest on one knee and take two boxes out of my pocket and open them. When I opened the boxes, Cassandra and Erze's eyes widen with tears and their jaws dropped.

(Y/n): Will you two marry me?

There was a pause until they tackled me into nearly a bone crushing hug and scream in unison. When that is happening, Roisin and Zane were left there in shock of what happened.

Erze & Cassandra: Yes!!!

I gave the rose ring to Erze and gave the golden ring to Cassandra. Once the rings were given, Cassandra pressed her lips against  mine. I melted into the kiss and wrapped one arm around her waist while wrapping the other around Erze's. Once I pulled away, the vampire smashed her lips against mine. 

Roisin: Eww!!

Zane: Daddy is putting his mouth on mommy's!!

After our make out, we stood up and looked at the sea. Cassandra picks up Zane and Erze picked up Roisin. 

Cassandra: I wonder what the future has in store for us.

(Y/n): Who knows. I'm sure it will be full of ups and downs.

Roisin: Ups and downs?

(Y/n): I don't know what the future holds...

I look at Kasel and the others. Roi snatched the ball of yarn, but fell on top of Cleo. They quickly hop off of each other and look away from each other while Kasel and Frey are laughing. They glared at the two and began chasing them. I smiled and wrap my left arm around Erze's waist and wrap my right arm around Cassandra's.

(Y/n): But that means I can imagine the possibilities. We can achieve anything we put our mind to.

After I said that, they rest their heads on my shoulders.

Cassandra: You're right.

I look at the sky.

(Y/n): 'Alvis... I will not forget what you said...'

Alvis: (Y/n)... This new world is boundless. It is home to not only you, but many forms of life. I can see it. In this world, all life will walk towards the future hand in hand...

(Y/n): One day, I hope that I... no... WE can meet them all. The people of this endless world.

Erze: You think so?

(Y/n): I know so, is that right you two?

Roisin: Yeah!!

Zane: Yep!!

(Y/n): No matter what happens, we'll face our future together. Now come on.

Cassandra: Huh?

(Y/n): Now that the surprise is revealed, I think it's time that we need to show everyone what you girls got.

We looked at the sea one last time before we walk back to the Inn.

<><><><><><><><>(The End)<><><><><><><><>

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