Part I Chapter 8

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(Y/n) Pov

         It's almost morning, and I've learned a lot from reading that journal. I've learned that the person who wrote this was named "Shulk". What I've learned is that the Monado can also help the teammates as well. The symbol on the Monado also mean some abilities, obviously, which can help me and my teammates during the battle. Shield can generate a barrier that protects my friends, so I can use that to protect Frey when she heals us. I can use Buster to support Kasel's sword and Roi's daggers, giving them a chance to throw a critical hit, and increase their fighting range. I can use Speed for my team to dodge enemies attack like bows, cannons, or close range attacks. Not only that, I can also use Enchant, so I can give Cleo's fire magic a little boost. I can also use Eater, which can strip away enemy buffs. The last attack which surprises me is the Cyclone, which is very overpowered. So for now, I'm gonna use it in case of an emergency. I also learned that those warning thing's that I'm have are called "Vision." So I need to tell my friends about what is going to happen, so they can be more cautious about it.

         After reading more about the Monado, I've been in the woods, shirtless, making up more fighting strategies with a fake wooden sword that I made, and learned some melee. After four hours of training, I went to a lake, washed my face, then put on my shirt, grabbed the Monado and my dual guns, and head back to the fire. I noticed Kasel was the first to wake up.

Kasel: Mmm... Hey man, how long have you been up?

(Y/n): After Clauses shift.

Kasel: Which was?

(Y/n): Six hours.

Before Kasel would scream, I quickly covered his mouth, points at everyone else sleeping, then removes my hand.

Kasel: Six hours?

(Y/n): Yeah...

Kasel: Are you tired?

(Y/n): Not really.

Kasel then gets up and sits next to me.

Kasel: What were you doing anyway?

(Y/n): Learning more about the Monado.

Kasel: Still onto that?

(Y/n): Yeah, I have been learning a lot of things about the Monado.

Kasel: Really? What kind of things?

(Y/n): That future prediction thing, it's called "Vision."

Kasel: Vision? I guess that makes sense.

(Y/n): Yeah, I also learned melee, close quarter combat, and more abilities as well.

Kasel: Awesome, which abilities? Are they new?

(Y/n): Yeah, by now you know Shield, Speed, and Buster, right?

Kasel nods.

 (Y/n): The new ones are Enchant, Eater, and Cyclone.

Kasel: Wait a moment, What is the difference between Buster and Enchant?

(Y/n): Enchant strengthens the weapons, while Buster can increase the melee weapons range.

Kasel: Nice. One more question, can it also affect us?

(Y/n): Yeah, it can.

Kasel: Awesome. With the Monado, we'll have no problem against those creatures.

(Y/n): Hey, don't rely on me. The Monado only activates these abliities for at least a couple of seconds, and they have to recharge for a while.

Kasel: Oh, I guess most things have drawbacks...

(Y/n): Hey, you have the power of the Holy Sword, Aea on our side. Just as Rhill said, the sword will get stronger, same goes for your willpower. Don't forget about that, okay?

Kasel: Thanks man.

(Y/n): Not a problem.

We gave each other a fist bump. As soon as we talked about some tactics, cracking some jokes, the others are waking up. Frey was stretching, while Cleo was rubbing her eyes, Roi is cracking his back, and Clause got up then yawned.

Frey: Mmm... You guys are laughing about something...

Cleo: What are you guys talking about....?

Roi: Yeah, what's so funny...?

Clause: Are you guys talking about that thing again?

(Y/n): Yeah, that time the captain blamed you after our little prank.

Kasel: Haha! You got to admit, that was pretty good!

Clause: Yeah, whatever. At least I'm a rank above you.

(Y/n): That's why we're two steps ahead of you, not just one.

Clause: Wait! The captain knew?!

Kasel: Hahaha! Yep!

(Y/n): So, what are we doing?

Clause: We're going to  fight the leader of the goblins, Bodakka.

(Y/n): What are going to do after we beat him?

Clause: The rest of the goblins won't be a threat.

Cleo: Then let's go!

Once everyone else is awake, we all began to set off and find Bodakka.

Timeskip 3rd Pov

After a long time of walking, they spotted a large group of goblins.

Cleo: That's a lot of goblins...

(Y/n): Bodakka must be there.

Roi: Well, what are we waiting for?

Clause: Let's do this!

They all charged at the goblins and began to engaged combat.

Clause: The defenses seem tight here, more than elsewhere. This looks like the Goblins' base.

Cleo: Do you think Bodakka is here?

Roi: It's likely

(Y/n): This must be it then.

Roi: According to my sources, he leads the other goblins on a wild boar.

Cleo: Really? That sounds like fun! I want to meet him quickly!!

Frey: Where did you get all this information?

Roi: Can't share that information with a priestess. 

(Y/n): 'Wooden spikes huh? looks like I got a plan.' Cleo! Use your fire magic to burn their defenses!

Cleo: What?! The last time I did it, I didn't even budged.

(Y/n): Just do it! Trust me!

Cleo: I... Okay then!

Before Cleo could used her fire magic, I used the Monado and switched it to Enchant, making her fire magic very powerful.

 When the flames made contact, it not only burnt the defense, but the entire cannon behind the spikes, along with the other goblins. After the flames ignite, Everyone but (Y/n) was in shock.

Cleo: I...I didn't know I could even do that!!! That was so cool!!!

Kasel: So that was Enchant does...

Cleo: Huh?

(Y/n): Enchant increase the strength of your weapon. So that's why your magic was strong enough to burn down nearly everything in its path. 

Cleo then hangs her head low. 

(Y/n): Hey, don't feel bad. If you keep practicing, your strength will be as much as that.

Cleo then looks at (Y/n) with determination. 

Cleo: Thanks Bestie!

(Y/n): Bestie?

Cleo: Yeah! You know? Best friends?

(Y/n): Yeah, I like that.

Kasel: Why can't I be your bestie?

Cleo: Because-

Roi: Hey guys, sorry to interrupt, but we got more coming!

(Y/n): Let's go!

Kasel: Got it!

3rd Pov

Y/n, Kasel and Roi ran to the goblins. (Y/n) ran to the first one and dodge under the swing of an axe, went beside the goblin and dislocate his wrist, taking the axe out his hands. 

Goblin: Augh! What the-

Roi then jumped over me and attacked the goblin from behind.

(Y/n): Nice one!

Roi: Since when did you learn how to do that?

(Y/n): during my squire days.

Roi: I see, interesting...

They heard an explosion, then ran to it.

Kasel: Cleo! Are you okay?!

Cleo: Better than ever!

Frey: At least she's alright.

Clause: Heads up!

They looked at Clause direction and see a goblin, holding an axe, riding a boar with armor. 

Frey: That must be Bodakka.

(Y/n): Leave it to me.

Cleo: Hold on!

(Y/n) Pov

Let's put these skills to good use. I ran to Bodakka, and he is charging towards me. I placed the Monado by the side of my waist, and focused for his weak points. With perfect timing and precision, I switched the Monado to Buster and swing the it at him, cutting his axe in half, and knocking his boar down, making him fall of his ride and fall face first near the group. I got up and swung the Monado and placed it on my back.

Kasel: Wow! That was amazing (Y/n)! What have you been doing in your free time?!

(Y/n): What else? I've been doing some training by myself.

Frey: You're incredible (Y/n)!

Clause: But not as incredible as me!

(Y/n): I doubt that...  So what are we gonna do about him?

Clause: I'll take him to Orvel and lock him up.

(Y/n): Well, lets head back home.

Rhill: When you go to the Northeast, you will be able to meet the elf druid who possesses part of the holy sword's power. 

Cleo jumped.

Cleo: Eh!? Since when were you following us?

Rhill: When I saw you headed towards the Elidora Forest at the World Tree, I rushed here to guide you. I can't stray too far from the World Tree. I can direct you only a little further. First, go straight to the east.

I'm just sitting there, minding my own business, then I noticed Kasel dozing off.

(Y/n): Hey, are you okay?

He then snapped out of his thoughts.

Kasel: Huh? Yeah I'm okay...

Frey: Do you want to talk about it?

Kasel: No maybe later...

(Y/n): Alright then. Hey Rhill, could we rest for tomorrow?

Rhill: Okay then.

Timeskip to nighttime

Clause head back to Orvel to lock up Bodakka, while the rest of us are either still up, or asleep.

I was about to go to sleep, until I noticed Kasel and Cleo are still awake. Kasel seems concern about something. I got up and walk to Cleo.

(Y/n): Hey Cleo can we talk in private.

Cleo: Huh? Sure.

Cleo sat up and we went to the woods alone.

Cleo: So what do you want to talk about?

(Y/n): I got a question, that's all.

Cleo: Okay? What is it?

(Y/n): Do you like Roi?

Her face is turning a tint of pink.

Cleo: W-What?! N-No! W-Why would you ask that question?! T-That's just stupid!!

She looks away, covering her face with her hands

(Y/n): I'm just asking. You've been a lot closer to him ever since we've met, and you also partner up with him when we fight. If you like him, then I can help you. 

There was a pause until she nods, still blushing and having her face covered up. 

Cleo: him...But you better not tell him!!

(Y/n): I won't, and I'm going to help you by getting you guys a little closer to each other. Okay?

Cleo: O-Okay

(Y/n): Let's head back. I suggest you get some rest, alright?

Cleo: I will...U-Um...(Y-Y/n)?

(Y/n): Hm?

Cleo: Thank you... For being a good friend...

(Y/n): You're welcome. 

We headed back to the camp and Kasel is still awake. 

(Y/n): Still awake

Kasel: Yeah...

I sat next to Kasel, while Cleo lie down and went to sleep.

Kasel: So what were you talking about?

(Y/n): Nothing important. Not that it matters or anything.

Kasel: Alright...

(Y/n): Kasel, you seem concern about something, are you alright? You haven't been like this after the fight with Bodakka.

Kasel: *Sigh* Let me tell you-

(Y/n): You don't have to, it's fine

Kasel: No man, bottling it all up would hurt me more than just telling you, so I have to tell you. But promise me you won't tell a soul.

(Y/n): We're like brothers, I won't tell a soul.

Kasel: Okay, so remember that time I told you that there were monsters attacking my hometown?

(Y/n): Yeah? 

Kasel: Well, those monsters were demons. Just like other people in town. My parents were also killed by demons. I was out of town until I came home and opened the door, greeted by the sight of my dying parents. Scared and trembling, I couldn't come any closer.

(Y/n): What did they say?

Kasel: They didn't say anything, When my mother found me with her eyes, she started to drag herself towards me. I then burst into tears. Holding my hand as I kept crying, she led me to the loft of the house. When she made a hand motion in the air, a little portal formed itself on the floor. Right then, she looked at me, saying something to me, which I still cannot remember clearly. The fear of the moment must have caused me to forget. She shoved me into the portal and that's it. Even the Demon invasion back there...must have been all...because of me...

(Y/n): Hey man, don't blame yourself. 

Kasel: I have to blame myself after it's all my fault. My parents are dead because of me, and the entire village is-

3rd Pov

Before Kasel could say anything else, (Y/n) got up, grabbed him by the collar and picked him up. Without hesitation, he punched Kasel in the stomach, making him cough up saliva. (Y/n) released him making him fall to his knees, clutching on to the place where (Y/n) punched him.

Kasel: *Cough Cough*  What was that...for...?

(Y/n): Stop, attacking yourself! If you think you're gonna win a battle, then with that attitude, you're wrong! Your parents have given you a life by sparing theirs! They want to see you happy and continue living on a life that they want as well! If you weren't here right now, then I would've been dead back at that fight with those demons. My parents are dead as well, but that doesn't stop me from giving up! So are you going to give up? If so, then walk away. If not, then get on your feet.

Kasel gets up slowly only to throw a punch. Without flinching, (Y/n) caught it with his right hand. There was a small pause, he then smiles.

(Y/n): There's the Kasel I know.

Kasel: Thanks (Y/n), I needed that.

(Y/n): No problem. How about we spar before midnight, then we'll call it a day.

Kasel: Okay, I'll try to beat you.

(Y/n): Don't get too overconfident.

We walked to the woods and begin sparring. 


It's almost midnight, and so far Kasel has improved so far, and he won seventeen to fifteen. Looks like he regained his composure. We head back to camp and called it a day.

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