Part III Chapter 3

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(Y/n) Pov

I slowly woke up and see that Erze is hugging my face close to her chest, which made my cheeks turn red. I moved my hand up to her shoulder, if I can see it, and shake her a little, trying to wake her up. I feel her moving a little. She looks down and sees me awake.

Erze: Good morning (Y/n).~

(Y/n): Morning, Uhm... Could you let me go?

Erze: Why?

(Y/n): It just... I don't want the others to see... me into your.... chest...

Erze: Aww, how about five more minutes? I promise I'll wake you up before the others.

She gives me a cute face, which I can not resist. I looked at the others and they are asleep.

(Y/n): Fine, only five minutes, then you'll wake me up.

Erze: Thank you (Y/n).

She hugs me tightly, shoving my face to her chest. I closed my eyes and try my best to go to sleep.


I woke up and Erze is still holding on to me. I pat her shoulder and trying to wake her up.

(Y/n): 'C'mon Erze, Time to get up.'

She woke up, move her boobs off me and pecked my lips.

Erze: See? Five minutes. 

I sat up. Not before I gave her a kiss.

(Y/n): Good morning Erze.

Erze: Good morning (Y/n).

I got up and cracked my limbs.

Erze: So what are we doing?

(Y/n): We're gonna try to find the Lord of the orcs and talk to him.

Erze: Let's hope we can get to him easily.

(Y/n): Me too.

I look over to see the others are waking up.

Kasel: Jeez man, you need to stop waking up early...

Cleo: Yeah, seriously.

(Y/n): Then stop sleeping forever.

Kasel: I don't sleep forever.

(Y/n): Anyways, let's discuss things real quick, before we go.

Frey: Oh yeah, is Lakrak coming with us?

Lakrak: Test Custom Head-Cannon Lakrak MK-3, Orc subject! Yes!

Cleo: Can't you test things by yourself?

Lakrak: Ugh...That's... Allied situation test!

Cleo: Yeah, yeah whatever you say.


We found some Orcs and I ran to the orcs and pulled out the handguns and shoot them. They are blocking the bullets, then Erze used her magic on the Orcs and draining their blood. I ran up to the orcs and before I kicked it, the red aura is swirling around my legs. I know this is Erze's magic, so I jumped up and kicked the orc so hard that it flew back. I looked at my leg and look back at Erze, who was smiling. I was about to say something until my Vision snapped. I see a different orc is fighting Kasel. Looks like things are going okay until I see the orc slammed his axe on Kasel's sword. Hard enough that is slammed him into the ground. I regained my vision and warned Kasel, telling him to dodge. Kasel dodge the first attack, before the orc would attack him again, Roi leg-sweep the orc. Roi jumped and stabbed it in the back, while Kasel got out of the way. 

I looked over and see two Orcs arguing. Me, Kasel and Erze went over there to check it out, while Roi and the others are taking care of things on their side. I listen to their conversation. 

???: That is a misunderstanding, Throne. Listen to me...

Throne: I have listened to you words after words. They are nothing but nonsense and drivel.

???: That's not true.

Kasel: Looks like they some problems of their own...

??? turns around and looks at all of us.

???: Oh... you must be... the successor of the holy sword! And the heir to the Monado!

Kasel: Wait, how did you...

???: Look, Throne. Here is the successor of the holy sword that I mentioned earlier.

Throne: A holy sword? And the Monado? Psh... what's the use of it now anyway?

???: Throne. The emergence of the holy sword and the Monado means that the world is in danger.

Throne: The orcs are already in a crisis. Because of those humans!

Kasel: We have no idea what you are talking about...

Throne: Move, Kaulah! I will cut you down if you don't

Kaulah: Forgive me, Throne. 

My vision activated and see Throne attacks Kaulah. I regained my vision, and ran to Throne and blocked his attack with the Monado, and pushed his axe out of the way. Then, Kasel attacks him, by stabbing Throne.

Throne: Kaulah!!! You... You traitor... How can you stand on their side... Those treacherous...

Kaulah: I'm terribly sorry, throne.

Throne: You... our brothers will not let this go. They will chase after you... to the end of the world... Kaulah... You will pay for... your betrayal...

After his words, he went limp and the glare on his eyes disperse.

Kaulah: Throne... Throne!! I'm sorry. I could not choose otherwise, forgive me...

Frey: May the blessing of Lua be with you...

Kasel: Sorry you had to go through all this because of me... and upon all that be branded as a traitor...

Roi: How did you know that Kasel was the successor of the holy sword and (Y/n) as the Heir to the Monado?

Kaulah: Is his name Kasel? I had a prophetic dream of him holding the holy sword. 

Cleo: A prophetic dream?!

Frey: I've heard of those before. Some of the superior shaman orcs can see the future ahead through their prophetic dreams.

Kaulah: And you, (Y/n), wielder of the Monado. Am I right?

(Y/n): Let me guess, you saw it in the dream too?

Kaulah: Yes.

Kasel: You've said the orcs were in danger because of the humans. What in the world is happening?

Kaulah: Recently, some of my brethren have been going missing... and there was a rumor... that humans were enslaving us.

Everyone went in shock in horror.

Erze: Those monsters!!!

(Y/n): How can they?!

Kasel: Unbelievable!

Frey: Humans, taking orcs as slaves!? That's total nonsense! We've never ever heard of it nor seen it!!

Kaulah: I know. I believe you. The orcs, however, believe this is true. The High Chieftain Sieg is especially angry, and has hatred of humans.

Roi: Sieg? Is he the current High chieftain? What about Garuk?

Kaulah: Garuk trusted the humans. So Sieg challenged him to a battle, and killed him to become the next high Chieftain.

Kasel: Isn't that... treason?

Roi: Orc sometimes chooses their leader like that.

Cleo: That's quite barbarous.

Kaulah: It was, in fact, a dead tradition. However, as rage against the human rose, Sieg had the support of many of my kind who believed we should strike back at the humans. He then used the battle as a means of showing he would revive old traditions.

(Y/n): What were the possibilities that humans are indeed enslaving orcs?

Roi: What is possibility that humans are indeed enslaving orcs? Like, perhaps that empire.

Kaulah: The Vespian Empire? No, it wouldn't make any sense. They have no reason to come this far for mere slaves. Their land is too far away.

Roi: Hmm... I see.

Kasel: We should go meet the High Chieftain to sort out this misunderstanding.

Kaulah: We should meet my apprentice, Dain. He will be able to help us.


We all are still walking until Kasel broke the silence.

Kasel: So uh, do you know about the divided power of the holy sword?

Kaulah: Yes. our legendary High Chieftain, Aeatola, the Orc hero that helped Kyle at the time, put the power into a talisman. The talisman has then passed on to each generation of the High Chieftains.

(Y/n): Then Sieg must have it now.

Kaulah: Correct.

Roi: *Sighs* ...What a pain...

Kaulah: We will be able to meet Dain, north from here. I hope no harm befell him because of me...

Frey: Goddess Lua, Please protect Dain, the apprentice of Kaulah.

(Y/n): We should hurry before anything bad happens.


We are walking until we see Dain and the other orcs.

Dain: Master! Are you all right?

Kaulah: Oh, Dain. Thank the heavens. I was worried about you.

Dain: And I am still worried about you to this day. Why are you with humans in these dangerous times?

Kasel: I'm sorry... Kaulah was branded a traitor because of us.

Dain went quiet, then asked us.

Dain: I have something private to discuss with my master, could you quests wait here for a while.

(Y/n): 'I feel like something bad is going to happen'

Kasel: Of course.

My Vision activated and I see there was a trap underneath us and we all fell into a hole. I regained my vision, but it was too late. I jumped back to avoid the trap.

Kasel: What, what is it?

Roi: A trap?!

Kaulah: What is going on, Dain?!

Dain: I have to get rid of the humans, master. I'm sorry. This is the only way to keep you alive.

Kaulah: You blinded fool...The darkness is attempting to swallow this very world. The safety of the orcs is not only thing at stake!!

Kasel: We're gonna fall!!

(Y/n): Erze!! Over here!! Quick!!

Erze try to grab my hand, but she fell with the others. 

(Y/n): ERZE!!! NO!!!

I jumped off and try to catch her.

Kasel Pov

I reached for Frey as we are falling.

Kasel: Frey!!

Frey: Kyaaaaaa!!!

I caught her hand and closed his eyes.

Kasel: No, Lua, Please... Protect Frey... Please!!! If anyone has to die, please let it be me... and Frey!!

Cleo caught Roi and swooped in and try to save Kasel and Frey.

Cleo: Frey!!! Won't give up!!!

Roi reached out and try to grab my hand.

Roi: Give me your hand, Kasel!!!

I caught his hand, and we flew up.

Roi: I got you!! Up, now, Cleo!

Cleo: Okay let me show you what speed is!!! 

Kasel: Wait (Y/n)!!! We forgot about him!!

(Y/n) Pov

(Y/n): ERZE!!! GRAB MY HAND!!!

She extended her hand and try to reach for my hand, but she is still falling faster. I moved my hands to my side and leaned forward, making me fall faster as an arrow shot out of a bow. When I got closer, I caught her.

(Y/n): Hold on tight!!

I caught the side. Erze is hugging me tight, burying her head into my chest. I hugged her back and try to calm her down.

(Y/n): It's gonna be okay. Just hang on.

I can feel the rock crumbling, and I'm losing my grip. I see Cleo flying to us.

(Y/n): Hey Cleo!!

Cleo: Hey Bestie!!

(Y/n): Could you help me out?

Cleo: Of course! 

Erze got onto Cleo's broom. I was about to get on until my Vision snapped. I see rocks falling and hits Cleo and Erze. I regained my vision and look at them. 

Cleo: (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Listen, the rocks are going to fall any minute! I need you to get Erze and yourself out of there, now.

Erze: What? But what about you?!

(Y/n): Don't worry about me! I'll get out this! Now go!!

Cleo: You better not die!!!

(Y/n): I won't!

I looked up and saw that the rocks above are falling. Now I warned Cleo to move, as she did. I let go of the side and pulled out my shotguns, shot the rocks and break them to pieces. More rocks keep coming so I moved back to the side and pulled the Monado out and stabbed the side. My Vision triggered again, and when I jump to the other side, I see and more rocks are about to hit me. Once the Vision disappeared I regained my vision. I switched the Monado to Speed, and I jumped up and continued to run on the side. I ran side by side and dodged the rocks. I jump high enough over the last boulder and the hole once I've made it up to the top. I spun around and landed next to the hole. Erze ran up to me and hug me tightly, burying her face into my chest.

Erze: Thank goodness you're okay!

(Y/n): I'm sorry for scaring you.

Erze: Just don't do it again.

Cleo: I knew you could do it!!

Roi: Really? You didn't believe in him and you thought he was going to die.

Cleo: Shut up!!

Kasel: To be honest, I thought you going to die down there.

(Y/n): Dude, You should know I've been through worse. 

Roi: C'mon guys! We don't have much time, let's go!

(Y/n): He's right, let's go!

Kaulah: What are you planning.

Dain: This is the order of the High Chieftain Sieg. He said he would kill you if we didn't get rid of the humans.

Kaulah: Absurd... Are you trying to doom the world with darkness because of me?!

Cleo: That is why we have come to save the world from the darkness!

Dain: !!!

Kaulah: Oh... You are alive.

Dain: Grk... You shouldn't be alive!!! Die!!!

Kaulah: Stop!! Dain, Stop!!

(Y/n): Looks like we don't have a choice.

Roi: I'm sorry, Kaulah. We have to defend ourselves.

I ran and pulled out my shot guns and shot one of the orcs wrists, making him drop it's axe. I grabbed his axe and swung it at him, chopping his arms off. Erze drained more blood from me chopping off his arm. Kasel dodged the other orc and sliced him, but the orc blocked his attack. I jumped and kicked his back. Before I that would happened, Roi ran in front and kicked the orc in the stomach. I pivot my foot and kick the side of the orcs head and knock him down.

Dain: Kugh... They are strong...

Kaulah: Let's stop now, Dain. These people can beat some sense into Sieg.

Dain: That... sounds possible...

Suddenly Dain got blasted in the chest then he fell to the ground and died.

Kaulah: What did you do that for?!

Maria: Humph, Orcs are so naïve. Well, that is the cause of this mess, anyhow.

Frey: Maria!! Why?!

Maria: Not only the orcs, but you too are all so naïve. Did you really think you'd be able to persuade him?

Frey: We should at least try!

Maria: And then you will die trying. I can't have you dying, just yet.

Kasel: And why is that?

Maria: Hmm, You don't remember? I said I want to see you in a certain situation.

Erze: Cursing Lua... Is that what it is about?

Kasel: Yeah, I wanted to asked you what you meant about that.

Maria: Fufufu, you'll have to figure that out by yourself. There are so many stories to tell you. Especially you, handsome cutie.

Erze: He's mine! I'm not letting you take him away!!

I pat her head and kissed her forehead, to calm her down. Then I looked back at Maria.

(Y/n): Is it about the Monado?

Maria: Well, well, someone is getting smarter and smarter. Beyond Ogria, that power of yours will be useless, but it will be unlocked. 

(Y/n): And?

Maria: There is a way to unlock it, but you'll just have to figure that out yourself.

(Y/n): That's fine by me. I'll figure that out during my trip.

Cleo: Hold it right there you witch, tell me about my mother Arlette...

Maria: Fufufu, Arlette... I never said Arlette was your mother...

Cleo: What?

Roi: Come to think of it, The four of us don't know our parents. Do you know any other of our parents, aside from Cleo's?

Maria: Fufu. Don't rush. Take it easy. Today I came to tell you another story. A story about who triggered the Orcish hatred for humans.

Kasel went in shock along with the others.

Maria: I wonder if you know him... A certain Malduk.

Frey: Malduk.!! The Strategist of Angmund...? That Malduk?

Maria: Yes. He has been turning Orcs into undead since quite some time ago. He then lied to the Orcs, including Sieg, that the humans were to blame the missing Orcs.

Kasel: That nasty...

Erze: Why are you telling us all this? Aren't you allied with the Demons?

Maria: I didn't like that bony bastard to begin with.

Roi: Then... The reason you were trying to get the Goblins to confront the Orcs alongside Lakrak...

Maria: Yes, Malduk had taken advantages of the Orcs. So I took advantage of the Goblins, considering they hold a grudge towards the Orcs.

Frey: Malduk aside, you are really evil. Both sides will sustain terrible losses once they clash, and the hatred between both sides will only grow larger!

Maria: So? As part of the Demon Army, I consider it a win if you idiots have a falling out.

Frey: What?!

(Y/n): Damn... Trying to break apart the alliance between the races of this world...

Kasel: We have to report this to Orvelia.

Maria: Fufufu, the Orvelians won't do anything about it. The royal family and the aristocrats will hole up in their little palace and think about how to survive, even if they have to throw away everything else. In the meanwhile... they'd try to kill you so the news doesn't spread.

Kasel: How dare you insult the Orvelian Royalty!!

(Y/n): ......

Maria: Fufu... Naïve as usual. Anyway, you wouldn't want to tell Orvelia about this. Not that they would even be much for the Demon Army, anyway. As things are now, Orvel is an easy target ~ overthrowing it is nothing. So, mark my words, If you do as I say, an all out war will not occur.

Erze: Why should we trust you?

Maria: You don't need to. The choice is yours.

The crow on her shoulder is flying away, while she is still holding on 

Maria: Goodbye, then. We'll meet again.

Cleo: You old hag! Don't just leave like that!

(Y/n): Cleo, stop! We'll meet her again, okay?

Cleo: Okay, thanks Bestie...

Roi: Why do you call him a bestie?

Cleo: Is that a problem?

Roi: Yeah, why can't I be your bestie?

Cleo: Because you're too stupid.

Roi: Jeez...

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