Part IV Chapter 4

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(Y/n) Pov

After dealing with the skeletons, it was very easy but Kasel looks like he is have a rough time fighting right now. We are walking. I turned around and see Kasel is hunched over and breathing heavily.

(Y/n): Hey, are you alright?

Frey: Kasel, are you okay?

Kasel: Yeah, I'm fine. they weren't that strong, really.

Frey: Fufu, see? You are no more the kid who used to cry every time when faced with a skeleton model.

(Y/n): Hey, don't remind him of that.

Cleo: What is it, What is it??

Frey: When we were still children living at the orphanage, the principal bought a skeleton model to class to teach us about the human body. Kasel got extremely frightened and started to cry. Everyone, including me started teasing him about being a crybaby...

Everyone started to laugh.

Kasel: (Y/n) help me!

(Y/n): Why am I even trying?

Cleo: Frey made fun of someone!?

Roi: Well, it was when she was young. On the other hand, I'd say your mental age is the same as back then...

Cassandra: And you just complemented Cleo moments ago..

Roi: It wasn't worth it, so yeah.

Frey: When I heard the story of Kasel's family and the Demon invasion afterwards, I felt really bad about it. Perhaps Lua gave me the tasks of helping Kasel, because I made fun of him back then.

Kasel: Tiring, isn't it?

Frey: Pshhh. It was a joke, Kasel. A joke! I don't know how you feel about it, but I am happy that Lua chose me.

Cleo: Oh. Frey is making jokes. This is new.

Frey: Silly, wasn't I? Haha... old memories...

Roi: Silly, huh. If you think that's silly, just look at Cleo.

Cleo: ROI!!!!!

Frey: It suits Cleo to be bright and cheerful. Bit I should act like a priest. 

I look to see Frey's face has changed, I should ask for but for now I'll keep that a low profile.

Cleo: Eww, What is that giant head?!

We looked over to see a giant floating skull next to a group of  skeleton.

Erze: Well, looks like giants lived here in ancient times.

Kasel: Those actually exsited?

Roi: Before the Demons invaded a hundred years ago, people believed that the World of Light and Darkness were just fables and myths. The fact the legends of Giants was true doesn't surprise me now.

Cleo *Sighs* Malduk... He really went and made all kinds of weird undeads!

(Y/n): Malduk did this?

Cleo: Yeah you didn't know?

Roi: I didn't know

Cleo: Yeah, stupid Roi wouldn't know, would he? Malduk was Angmund's strategist, but he is also called the father of the Undead. He is the one who infused Demon souls into dead bodies. Some people say Malduk himself went underwent the same process when he came into this world through the gate.

Frey: Those skeletons are much more to deal with compared to living weapons.

Cassandra: Probably because they were once alive.

(Y/n): Guys, they're coming. 

Kasel, Roi and I ran to the skull. Roi to the skull and hits it in the eye. The skull opens it mouth, but Kasel made its mouth stuck open by putting the sword between its mouth.

Roi: (Y/n)!

(Y/n): On it!

I switched the Rurdra to Buster and slammed it's head, but Rudra bounced off. I quickly recovered and pulled out my hand guns and shoots its eyes. Kasel pulled his sword out and hit it hard enough against the dead tree.

(Y/n): Looks like the Rudra can't work on them as well...  'Could it be that the dead has ether or something? It's got to be ether, it has to. There is no other way.'

I got up and ran to the skeletons and Erze created blood magic to kill the skeleton. I grabbed two of the Erze's blood magic and slammed one of the skeleton and back hit the other skeleton. I jumped back and gave Cleo, the signal. 

(Y/n): Cleo! Now!!

She created a fire ball and launched it towards the skeleton, burning them to dust.

Erze: (Y/n)? Did the Monado and the Rudra not work on the skeletons either?

(Y/n): Yeah.

Cassandra: Looks like you have to fight without those anymore.

I pulled out my shotguns and got up.

(Y/n): Looks like it.

Cassandra: Well, looks like we have things under control. So stay with us, okay?

(Y/n): Alright...

Roi and the others walked towards me

Kasel: (Y/n)...

(Y/n): It's fine, I'll be the support I guess... 

Roi: Are you sure?

(Y/n): I'll be alright. Plus, you have been relying too much on me.

Frey: He's right, We have to believe in ourselves.

(Y/n): If it makes you guys feel better, I'll warn you when a Vision comes in.

Cleo: You better not let us get killed, (Y/n).

(Y/n): Don't worry about it, I'll tell you guys when it happens.

Kasel: Alright let's go.

We head forward and get ready of what is going to happen.


We continued on, and I'm starting to realize about something.

Erze: (Y/n)? What's the matter?

(Y/n): Hasn't this place became a little darker than before?

Frey: Cleo, Can you feel this energy?

Cleo: Yes, This is bad. I sense some dangerous mana.

???: Dangerous mana... referring to yourself, hmm?

(Y/n): Cleo, behind you!

Cleo: Huh?!  Wh-Who are you!!

???: I am you. The poor little girl with dangerous magic power, abandoned by her parents.

Cleo: What?! Don't make me laugh.

???: Hahaha, yes, you too. I can't help laughing at the sight of you. You act big to hide your loneliness in the day, and cry over your mother in the night... You say to left to find your mother, but I know the truth. 

(Y/n): Cleo! She's trying to make you weak! Don't listen to her!

???: SILENCE!!!

??? launched a fireball at me, I pulled out the Rudra and blocked the fireball, then knocked it away.

???: You just didn't want to stay in the Tower of the Sage. All the people you hurt due to your powerful magic. You just wanted to run away from them and their cold gazes, right? Now tell me. Are you really seeking for your mother? The fact is, you're scared, aren't you? Scared of meeting your mother, the one who gave you your mana. The one you threw away, even before you could remember her face.

Cleo: Who do you think you are?!

???: I'm Cleo. The poor, lonely girl who can't stop crying in her sleep without Frey. I'd rather fall asleep next to Frey forever than go through the painful search for my mom

Cleo: How long will that be possible...

I ran up to that faker and sliced it across it chest. I land in front of Cleo.

(Y/n): Cleo! Snap out of it! Don't let this copycat get into your mind! You're the toughest I know! Don't let her weaken you!

Cleo: B-But I-

Roi: You idiot! How can you call yourself an arch mage, being tricked by something like this?!

???: Hahaha, like you ever acknowledged Cleo as an archmage.

Roi: Who are you!? What is your goal?!

???: Hahaha, You still haven't figure it out? I am you. The Dark Reaper, Roi. C'mon. It's dark outside, so it's time to go to work. Like any other time, the reward will be big. Considering we're taking the lives of upstanding people, there's no way the reward can be small, right? Let's see....How much for the heads of all of these idiots?

Roi: Shut up!!!

???: Shut up? What do you mean, shut up. You had this conversation  few years ago with your old Laughing Mask friends, right?

Roi: Stop! Not in front of Cleo and the others!!

???: Hehe, Why? Why not? What are you afraid of? Are you afraid that those naive children following after the light will be disgusted of you for trading lives with money? C'mon, Roi. You don't belong with them. You are the Dark Reaper.

Roi: I...I......... am....

Kasel: The Roi of now doesn't do such things!! The past is in the past!!

???: Do you really think so?

Kasel is shock to see another clone of himself.

???: The past is a mirror, reflecting your future self like how all those townspeople died...and like how Brian died, people will continue to die because of you in the future.

Kasel looks down in defeat.

???: As long as the holy sword is in your hand, you cannot change that future. So, let go of the sword.

Kasel: But if I do...this world will...

???: If you are that worried about the world, there is still a way. You must die. Yes, you. That way, the holy sword will be passed down to the true savior of the world. You always say you would give up your life to save others, right? The lives of everyone of this world. You can save them all, just by dying.

Frey: Don't listen, Kasel! Goddess Lua...Please protect us. Bless us with your Light.

???: I'm sorry, Frey. The goddess will never listen to your prayer. You know it...but you still recite your prayers, only in habit. Of course, you lived in the church...It's obvious you would pick such habits.

Frey: That's not true. My faith towards Lua is real!

???: Yes, you resent her for real. Much like Clause, you resent her for giving Kasel such a heavy burden. I am you. I know everything about you. In fact, you resent her more than Clause does because you have to continue following him around.

Frey: That's not it. I appreciate the journey she's given to me.

???: *Sigh* ... Frey, Who would've guessed you would have become a priest. People are impossible to understand, due to their whimsical nature. You say you appreciate this journey, but till when? As time goes, you will tire of it. And you will abandon Kasel.

Frey:...You're right. I've changed my mind many times in my life...and it will continue to do so. But... that isn't the only driving force behind life. Even if my resolve is weak, I can regain it. The strength of strong will, is the present that Lua has given to us!!

???: Is that so?

(Y/n): Erze? No, A faker. What do you want?

???: What I want is to tell you the truth about her. After all, she didn't tell you everything. 

Erze: I did tell him everything.

???: But you didn't tell the others about your past. You didn't tell them how you became a monster. 

She covered her ears, fall on her knees, and shakes her head.

Erze: Stop! (Y/n)! Cassandra! Help me please!

I ran to her, but before I did. I was pinned to the ground my something I can't see. I tried to get up but this thing is keeping me stuck.

Cassandra: (Y/n)!!!

She ran to me, but was stopped by a clone as well.

???#2: He has always saved you Cassandra. Now who will save you this time...?

Cassandra: I...I-

???: One day during an operation, I fell into a trap and got bitten on the shoulder by a vampire...

???#2: Just as I thought, you have never saved anyone.

Erze, and Cassandra starts to tear up and my rage starts bubbling.

???: After I got bitten, I have isolated myself from my family, and began to slaughter people for my hunger. My sister, Seria, hated me and all I ever wanted is to do nothing but to kill everyone until I see my sister.

Before I would do anything, my Vision activated and I see myself laying there, until out of no where I was stabbed by a scythe. The clones disappeared and everyone saw me dead on the ground. 

???: This is what happens when you become a monster, hehehe...

???2: You are to scared Cassandra. This is what happens when you stay there as the others do all of your dirty work...

Erze and Cassandra were shocked to see my dead body. They ran and cradled my body. I regained my Vision and wait for the right time. I quickly pulled the Rudra to upper back, blocking the scythe. I pulled out my handgun, rolled over and shoot who is on top of me. The sound of my gun snapped Cassandra out of her mind.

Cassandra: Huh? (Y/n)!!


I got up and punched the my clone hard enough, it turned into a demon.

???: Ugh.... Wow, telling me to leave just I arrive is just mean, isn't it?

(Y/n): And you are?

Cassandra: You must be behind all of this.

???: My name is Epis and I just came here to see what kind of fun things were happening inside Malduk's trap, as it was starting to break down.

Frey: Malduk's trap?!

Epis: I'll tell you the details later. The darkness failed to consume you, so it'll try to attack you physically. Sour grapes, indeed. Look over there!

Cassandra and I looked over to see clones of ourselves but covered in darkness. Frey and Cassandra were shocked but I am pissed off, with my hair covering my right eye and my knuckles are clenched to the point it turns white.

Epis: Now, it's been a long time since I had to some toys to have fun with.

(Y/n): The others are still scared, we got to handle this on our own.

Cassandra: Be careful...

(Y/n): I'll be fine don't worry.

Epis: Ooh, I like you already~

(Y/n): I'm already taken. Sorry for punching you by the way.

Epis: It's okay, I enjoyed it~

I shrugged and ran to the Erze and Cassandra Clones and dodged all of their attacks. I grabbed the faker by the head and stabbed it with the Monado. I grabbed the fake Kasel by the throat and slammed him to the ground, then I switched the Monado to Enchant and impaled him with Rudra. I grabbed Fake Cleo's head and repeatedly shooting her. I dropped the shadow's body and I looked and see a fake Roi running at me. My Vision triggered and I see Roi dashing around me and slicing while running around. I switched the Monado to Shield, defending me from the faker's assault. Epis flew in and killed the fake Roi, along with the fake Frey. 

Epis: Fu~~~ it's been a long time since I've had such fun!

Frey: You seem to be one of the Demons, why are you helping us?

Epis: Us? Ah, are you friends with those dazed humans?

Kasel and the others are still lost in thoughts, while Erze is still crying. I walked over to her and sat on my knees in front of her and gave her a hug. She hugs back burying her face into my chest. I rubbed her back and stroked her hair, trying to comfort her. She hugs back tightly with her vampire strength. I feel crushed because of her strength, but I didn't care. She kneeled next to me to check on Erze.

Cassandra: It really hurt her that bad, did it?

(Y/n): Yeah, she just somehow got into a mental breakdown. Must be Malduk's trap, making us feel hopeless... Cassandra.

Cassandra: Hm?

(Y/n): If something hurts both of you, I'll do anything to keep you safe.

Cassandra: I know you will, thank you.

I nodded and rested my chin on Erze's head and closed my eyes, still comforting her.

Epis: I guess I should wake them up. Let's see...~ I'm a Demon, so I should do it in a Demon-like way! I guess they'll come to if I cut your throat with this scythe, fufufu...

Kasel grew furious when she is about to 'cut' Frey's throat.

Kasel: Wh-What?! You Demon!!

Cleo: Damn... and I thought she was trying to help us!

Roi: My dagger will be faster than your scythe, Demon.

Epis: Success!!~  Hahahaha.

Cleo: ...Wh..What?

Epis: C'mon, see? All of you woke up! Why would I chop up this priest lady? She's too fun! Hmm... It seems you're the youngest human to ever make a crack in Malduk's trap. You must be the most interesting human I met in a long time!

Cleo: Are you... Epis? The thrill seeking Demon?

Epis: Oho, You know me?

Cleo: Epis?! Wow, I get to meet Epis!! Journeying around with Kasel sure has its perks!

Cassandra: The Demon Hero who saved this world 100 years ago after passing through the Gate,

Frey: Only because this world was 'fun'...  Are you really that Epis??

Epis: Hahaha, you humans are really funny! Even when your lifespans are so short, you like to remember the past.

I looked at the others, then looked back at Erze. She pulls back and look into my eyes.

(Y/n): Are you feeling okay?

She shook her head.

(Y/n): Do you want to stay like this?

She buries her head into his chest as a yes.

Cassandra: I'm so sorry for her...

(Y/n): I do too. I just hope she gets her courage back, before anything else happens.

I hold her for at least a couple of minutes until I feel her grip loose, and her weight is pressing on my body. I look to see she is asleep.

Cassandra: Should we rest?

(Y/n): Yeah, we should rest until Erze is awake.

Cassandra: I'll tell the others.

She got up and asked if we can rest for a moment, which they apply. We set up camp.

Frey: So that... was a trap made by Malduk?

Epis: Yep, It's a magic trap that materializes the inner darkness of any sapient life form, in order to corrupt them.

Roi: Malduk... How distasteful.

Epis: I agree. Still, I think that trap isn't a solo job by Malduk. Think about it. We need to exist in a place with no life. It's not possible that a Demon would just know how to analyze the inner darkness of a living being without prior experience.

Cassandra: That could make sense.

Epis: So somebody from this world helped the Demons...

Kasel: Who in the world would...

Cleo: The one would opened the gate was a human. Legend says it was some crazy mage that made a mistake...

Roi: But perhaps he was actually with the Demons.

Epis: Malduk... He laid low for quite some time, but apparently he used his trap in Ogria recently as well.

Kasel: In Ogria?!

Epis: Yeah, apparently there was an Orc suffering a huge inferiority complex towards humans. He was asking why the Goddess favored humans, or something, around those lines.

Frey: That makes no sense. The goddess loves all races equally.

Epis: Excuse me lady? I'm a Demon, so I don't know about those things. But the holy sword itself is an issue. 

Epis: The orcs were proud to consider themselves the strongest warriors, but then Lua went and granted the humans the hole sword 100 years ago. Apparently that was a part of the issue.

Frey: So they were thinking about that. 

Epis: So then the strongest warrior went and fell into that particular trap.

Kasel:  ...Sieg?

Epis: Yeah, I think that's the name.

Cleo: Ugh... So when you get caught in that trap, you turn as stubborn as a brick wall. 

Roi: Your bullheadedness is already enough to give anyone indigestion and constipation at the same time.

Cleo: ROI!!! YOU JERK!!!

Epis: Um.. you guys...? I have a question. I know what stubborn and bullheaded means, even digestion, but what is constipation?

Roi and the others went pale. 

Cleo: Uhh... well... uh... you see... uhh...

Kasel: I uhh...

While they are trying their best to not make things awkward, Cassandra walked over to me and sits next to me.

Cassandra: Hey, (Y/n).

(Y/n): Hey...

Cassandra: So uhh-

(Y/n): Look, I know you are trying to make me feel better, but I just couldn't do anything to help her.

I looked at Erze and she is sleeping, resting her head on my lap.

Cassandra: I know how you feel. I couldn't help you when you were stuck.

(Y/n): .....

She placed her hand over my left shoulder and rested her head on my right shoulder.

Cassandra: Just to let you know, you are a brave and strong warrior. You are my knight in shining armor, and don't forget about that promise, Okay?

(Y/n): Yeah... Got it..

Cassandra: Please (Y/n), I want you to say it. Like you really mean it, please.

I take her right hand and kissed it.

(Y/n): I got it, you get some rest. Cassandra.

She smiles and falls asleep. I pulled out the journal and read it.

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