Part IV Chapter 5

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3rd Pov

(Y/n) is still awake, keeping an eye on the fire. He put away his book as soon as he see Kasel is waking up. Kasel got up and walked over to him.

Kasel: Hey.

(Y/n): Good night.

Kasel sat next to him.

Kasel: So how is Erze?

(Y/n): Okay I guess.

Epis walked over to us. 

Epis: Hey boys, I never knew you would wake up at this time.

(Y/n): I'm usually awake.

Kasel: I just woke up.

She looked and sees the holy sword.

Epis: Whoa, Hey, you. 

Kasel: Sorry?

Epis: You... that sword... it's Aea?!

Kasel: Ah... come to think of it, you were Kyle's friend, so you would know about this sword.

Epis: You... you cute little brat. And to think you were playing dumb while we were talking about the past before.

Kasel: I just thought it would be better that the people didn't know the holy sword had reappeared, so it became a habit not to speak of it when the topic came up.

Epis: You humans sure are a headache. Well, that's part of what makes you interesting. Fufufu..

(Y/n) smirked while they are talking. He looks back at the fire. After they are talking, Kasel walked up to him.

Kasel: It's my turn.

(Y/n) nodded and went to sleep. Epis looks at him and looks back at Kasel.

Epis: That boy has a unique sword.

Kasel: It's the Monado.

Epis: Wait. Are you talking about the Monado that the Bionis used?

Kasel: Uhh, yes?

Epis: You humans are really full of surprises.

Kasel: Thanks.


They all woke up and head off. Erze is by (Y/n)'s side and he can tell that she hasn't recovered from her fears.

Frey: That trap from before... If Malduk was responsible of it, is he still around in Galluah?

Epis: Mostly likely, yes. He probably already received a report about you all from the skeletons around here.

(Y/n): Erze...

Erze: I'll be alright. 

Cassandra: I'll take care of her.

He nodded and charged at the skeletons with the others. Kasel ran to the skeleton and attacks the skeleton and blocked it with it's shield, and attacks Kasel. (Y/n) charged at the skeleton and dodged it's attack and he chopped it's head off. He jumped over another sword from a skeleton and slammed the Rudra on it's shield, and it bounced off. He quickly recovered and kicked it's skull. Roi ran next to (Y/n) and sliced it's shield and punched it's face. (Y/n) jumped back and landed next to Epis. She flew at the skeleton and sliced it in half with her scythe. They heard stomping coming towards them, He looked over and see golems coming.

Cleo: Hm? Those Golems... they feel different from the others we've seen so far.

Frey: Do you think they still hold the power of the dukedoms of the past?

Cleo: Hmm... I don't know much about the magic of that era, but that is mostly conclusion. 

(Y/n): They must contain ether.

Cleo: Ether?

(Y/n): It's substance that makes the Monado and the Rudra useless.

Cleo: Can't you use your shotguns?

(Y/n): You can't rely everything on me.

Frey: He's right, we have to focus on what we have.

(Y/n) pulled out his shotguns and aim for the limbs and shoot the golems, but it doesn't faze them as well.

(Y/n): Why? Why can't my weapons work on any of these guys?

Cassandra: Looks like you have to be in the back.

(Y/n): Pretty much...

Cassandra: Don't feel bad, at least you can be support, right?

(Y/n): I guess... Looks like they are taking care of the golems pretty good.

Erze: Don't feel upset about it okay?

(Y/n): I'm not upset, it's just... never mind, I'll tell you another time.

Roi: Hm? Those golems seem to be guarding that coffin.

Epis: A coffin, eh? Isn't that what you humans throw your dead into?

Frey: Those are ceremonial rites.

Epis: I'm a Demon, don't expect me to understand all your customs and courtesies.

Frey: This is the Material World, where life and death go hand in hand. Since you are in our world, you would be expected to follow our customs.

Cleo: Yeah! You're here now, so act like it!

Roi: It just doesn't click when you talk about customs and courtesies, Cleo.

Cleo: Why?! Ack!

(Y/n) Pov

Suddenly the coffin opened up and a girl walked out of the coffin. The girl looked pale and she has a flower on her head. She also is wearing a dress and her hair is nearly down to the floor.

Cleo: The corpse walked out of it's coffin!!

???: Get lost... Demons...

(Y/n): Looks like they don't like you Epis.

Kasel: Well, if that's the case...

Roi: Let's get out of here, Cleo. It seems this is a fight between Demon and Undead. We have nothing to do with this.

Epis: What was that for, you jerk! Did you forget what I did with the trap for you?

Roi: Nah, I thought a corpse would be nothing for you...

Epis: Come on, battles are only fun done together! Do you think it would be fun for me to just wait alone for my mana to fill up and then go all out?

Roi: Ri-Right.

Cleo: Kuku, Did Roi just get yelled at by a Demon hero?

Roi: Shut up! We don't know what this enemy can do. Stay focused, or we may lose!

Cleo: Booooooring.

Epis: Fufu, I think it's funny. See, he's trying to cover up his embarrassment with a façade of seriousness!

I aimed my shotguns at the golems and shoot them, slowing them down. Kasel ran up to the girl and swings his sword at her, but she used her coffin as a shield to block his sword. Roi runs behind her and strikes her, but she jumped over his dagger and kicked him. Cleo threw fire balls and I shot the fireballs, then I quickly switched the Monado to Purge. The girl notices the fire balls, so she jumped inside her coffin, protecting her from the bullets and fire. I ran to the golems and jumped, giving a side kicked their chest. Before the golem attacks me, Erze threw her magic at the golems arms. I jumped off the golem and landed on another one and threw it over my shoulder, slamming it to the ground. I turned around to see the girl sitting on the ground, with her eyes half shut. It looks like she isn't fazed by any of the attacks we throw at her.

Epis: Kyahaha, you're quite interesting! An undead using its coffin as a weapon! Did Malduk make you, too?

Then the girl fell into shock.

???: Malduk!

Cleo: Hm? She's reacting to Malduk's name. 

???: Who...was that? I don't remember anything... I only know I must destroy I must destroy Demons... The name... Malduk... kind of familiar...

Epis: Really? We are looking for Malduk. Do you want to come with us?

Kasel: Excuse me, we are not looking for Malduk. We were on our way to the Barbarian Kingdom, it just so happened that we passed by here.

Epis: Come on~  Don't be a party pooper. If the holy sword heard that Malduk was in Galluah, wouldn't it be obvious that he should go check it out?

Roi: Well, we didn't consider that. But it seems we'll meet him even if we didn't want to. Considering he even up a trap for us...

Frey: I guess you're right. However... I don't think letting her meet Malduk is a good plan.

Epis: Why? I think it would be a fun sight.

???: Malduk... I want to meet...

Epis: See? The Undead lady wants to meet him! C'mon on, lets go!

Cassandra: Could you tell us your name?

???: Jane...

Epis: This is exciting!! I wonder what fun things will happen when they meet...

We are about to go until my Vision triggered. I look to see Malduk and Jane are fighting us.

Jane: Accept your death, and wake up again... Your death... I will grant...

Cleo: No...! Wake up, Jane!!

(Y/n): I... I won't let you get away with this!!!

I blinked and it has skipped time. I see Cassandra and Jane are on the ground. 

Malduk: Hahaha! We'll meet again next time.

He disappears.

I shook my head and snapped out of it.

Cassandra: (Y/n)? Another Vision?

(Y/n): Yeah...

Kasel: What is it? What's going to happen?

(Y/n): Jane and Cassandra... are going to die...

Everyone is shocked.

Cassandra: When is it going to happen?

(Y/n): We meet Malduk.

Kasel: Well looks like we need to be cautious when we meet Malduk.

Erze: I agree.

(Y/n): Let's go.

We set off and prepare ourselves.

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