Part V Chapter 8

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(Y/n) Pov

We see more elves ahead of us. Looks like we're close.

Kasel: There is a lot of elves over there.

(Y/n): That must be where the El-Rosed is. Ready everyone?

They all nodded. 

(Y/n): Erze. You got my back?

Erze: Yep.

(Y/n): For now, hide behind so you can snipe them.

She nodded and hid behind the ruins, as Kasel and the others approaches the Queen.

Kasel: El-Rosed...

Epigael: You are the people who were with my brother. Did my brother leave?

Roi: We thought he was with you...

Epigael: We were here together. He left me at the end. This is because of the Dark Elves. The one who sacrificed me to the Demons.

Dark Elf: I'm sorry, I'm sorry... My Queen.

(Y/n): Wake up!!!

Epigael: Huh?

Cleo: All of you are just being brainwashed! She is trying to exterminate every single Dark Elf!

Dark Elf looks at us, confused.

Dark Elf: My... My queen. We did realize things aren't as usual right now. Do they speak the truth?

Epigael: What would you say if they are?

Dark Elf: No... you can't... My Queen.

Epigael: If you believe so, kill me.

Dark Elf: I'm... sorry. My Queen... for our race, forgive me for having to kill you.

Before she would kill her queen, a sudden pain in her head.

Dark Elf: Kugh. What is this pain deep in my heart.. I can't dare kill her... Please I'd rather die myself!!

Epigael: All the Dark Elves will die soon anyway. Get rid of them. They've learned too much. You can all die if you need to. Build a mountain of dead bodies for my sake, and stop them.

She disappears as the Dark Elf pulls out her crossbow and aimed it at us.

Dark Elf: On your honor!

Frey: Wake up! You know we have come to save you!

Dark Elf: But I... Even so... We can't help but help protect our Queen. We can't resist it. Her sad face breaks our hearts. We will keep her safe no matter what, our Queen, El-Rosed!

Before they would do anything, Erze shot her magic her wrist, making her released her crossbow. I ran towards the Dark Elf, but he recovered and try to shoot me. I pulled out REX and swung it to block the arrows. Cleo shoots her fire magic at me, and I jumped on the fireball and launched myself on top of the elf. My Vision showed me that another elf is going to hit me after I attack the elf archer. I looked back and land behind her and slam the Monado behind her. The other elf is going to attack me, then Roi kicks his face.

Dark Elf: Please... Please spare the life of our Queen... please!

Kasel: Why are you trying so hard, for a Queen that is trying to kill you all?

Dark Elf: I... know that she is not of royalty... I knew from the beginning... when she returned... She was the one I had lead... to the demons... I couldn't resist her from the beginning... Guilt... deep, dark guilt washed all over me... Then, I knew. Every one of our race, even those who have never seen her before, were all like me. Guilt was rooted deep in our hearts... So... please leave our poor Queen alone... let her go.

She went limp. I walked over to her and placed my finger on her neck.

(Y/n): No pulse.

Frey: Guilt... Remorse... Cleo.

Cleo: Yes. The medium... was guilt. Everyone remembered the Dark Elves that had been killed by their own hands when they say El-Rosed. That's why they couldn't help but be loyal to her. It's exactly what that had controlled them.

Frey: Now... we can save El-Rosed from the Darkness.

Roi: If she doesn't die, that is. Good thing Dimael isn't here.

(Y/n): Yet, My Vision hasn't occurred yet. Remember the plan?

Kasel: Yeah, let's go.

I gave Erze the signal and continued forward.


We ran until we see Epigael. Erze hid behind a different spot to shoot.

Epigael: Worthless, all of you. They've made it this far. Stop them, even if you all die!

I sat in the back waiting for Dimael to come, while the others are fighting the Elves. I looked over to see Erze is preparing until I give them the signal. I saw an arrow coming, so I ran and caught the arrow before it would hit Roi.

Dimael: Stop!!

Epigael: My brother, you have come back..!

Dimael: You... You!! Hypocrites! You take pity on us for a second, and then try to harm Epigael!!

Cleo: We're just trying to save El- Rosed from the Darkness!

Dimael: Free? Her? With your swords and blades?!

Kasel: Uh... We have to defeat her first to-

Dimael: Stop that, it's dangerous! Epigael, come here. I can't agree with your goals, but I will definitely keep you safe from those who try to harm you!!

Kasel: Dimael, we didn't want you to show up...

I walked in front of him, blocking his way. I point REX at him.

(Y/n): Sorry, but we can't let the Demons have their way here.

He pointed his crossbow at me.

Dimael: Get out of my way, dammit!!!

(Y/n): I won't let you get what you want.

Dimael: You!!!

I gave them the signal by activating REX. Erze used her magic to attack him, but he dodged them. I charged and land a hit on him, but he blocked with his crossbow. Before I would do anything, he punched my face, making me stagger. He punched me over and over until I grabbed his fist and jabbed his neck, he released my arm and hold his neck. I pulled out my shotgun and shoot his legs, he jumped back and dodged all of my bullets. He ran towards me gave me a right hook, I got under him and Erze shoots again, but Dimael took the Monado and points it at me. 

Dimael: Let's see if you can fight without these. 

(Y/n): Dimael don't-

Too late, Dimael activated the Monado, only for him to get himself shocked, and dropped it.

Dimael: Augh!!!

I ran towards him as Erze threw another magic at him. I grabbed her magic and crushed it, letting it swirl around my fist. I ran towards him and punched him in the face, releasing the magic and knocking him back. He fell on the ground and struggle to get up because of the sparks of the Monado and REX. I walked towards him and picked up my swords.

(Y/n): You know you can get yourself killed. Don't you know about the story of the Monado?

Dimael: I thought it was some stupid fairy tale story.

(Y/n): Well, you're wrong.

I looked over to see El-Rosed is floating there. Looks like they beat her.

Roi: Now!!

Cleo: Good. Come on, Frey!

Frey: Yes!!

They both point their weapons at her and released a light magic. Making her fall to the ground. Dimael gets up and ran towards Epigael, and shook her.

Dimael: Epigael, open your eyes.

Her eyes fluttered open and looks at her brother.

Epigael: B... Brother...

Dimael: It's fine Epi... We had no other choice...

Epigael: Yes, but they were suffering, too. Not only the king Timoerl. Everyone were afraid of another tragedy, one like 100 years ago. I... felt the same.

Dimael: That doesn't mean their sins disappeared.

Epigael: And neither have mine.

Dimael: Yes, my sins, as well.

Epigael: Do you think we can forgive ourselves? Would we be able to forgive each other?

Dimael: We should try, Epi. We all have to try.

Roi: Hey uh, I'm sorry to spoil the mood, but do you intend to beg the Dark Elves for their forgiveness.

Epigael: Yes, we are.

Roi: I disagree.

Dimael: .......

Roi: Too many were lost. When they figure out El-Rosed was not of royal blood, who knows what may happen.

Epigael: .......

Roi: What happened to King Timorel?

Epigael: I... killed him.

Roi: Nobody of the Royal family is left, and Arrovina is a mess. Meanwhile, the Gnolls are massacring your race.

Epigael: ...... It's... all my fault, I stopped from fighting properly, and let the Gnolls take over Arrovina.

Cleo: Then are you aware of Maria or Morrah?

Epigael: I never heard of them before.

Kasel: Then who corrupted you with the darkness? 

Epigael: When I was kidnapped, I was taken to a Black Knight. A large, deep Darkness pierced my very being. I passed out as the Darkness ravaged my soul, and when I came to, I was already a slave to the Darkness.

Kasel: A Black Knight. If he used the power of Darkness, it would be a Demon.

Epigael: Actually, he was neither Demon nor Human. He was ominous and frightening, but irresistible.

Kasel: Some mixed breed of Human and Demon?

Frey: I've never heard of such beings.

Cleo: Did the Black Knight tell you to use Gnolls?

Epigael: No, that was my idea. I thought if the current situation of Arrovina was known to the outside, it would bother 'His' plan so I thought this was the easiest way to get rid of my kind.

Roi: So 'He' was the Black Knight?

Epigael: Yes.

Roi: Hmm... Then the 'He' Himmullis mentioned must be also be the Black Knight.

Kasel: Is the 'He' Malduk spoke of also...?

Roi: Not sure. This 'He' thing is just a pronoun. We can't judge without context.

Cleo: Why was Morrah here, then? Perhaps she is with the Black Knight. Or, she was trying to help with El-Rosed's plan.

(Y/n): We can only make assumptions with what we have...

Dimael: Were you headed to Aegina?

Kasel: Yes, you said you were dispatched to Aegina before, Dimael?

Dimael: I wouldn't recommend the place. There is reason I was almost killed. Aegina is overrun with Demons.

Kasel: Even more reason for us to go there.

Dimael: So I guess your sword is Aea.

Kasel: How did you-

Dimael: I will help you. I know Aegina better than most other people. However, give me some time. I want to spend some time with Epigael first.

Cleo: Hmph, don't bother. I don't care about you.

Dimael: I'm really sorry for being rude all this time. From now on, I will treat you properly as an archmage.

Cleo: Really? Then.

Dimael: Go ahead. I will join you soon.

Kasel: What about Arrovina?

Epigael: As long as nobody reveals the truth, I am the Queen of the Dark Elves, El-Rosed. With this position I will try to fix what I have done.

(Y/n): That's the best bet we can throw.

Frey: I pray for Lua's blessing to be with the Kingdom of the Dark Elves, Arrovina.

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