Part VI Chapter 2

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(Y/n) Pov

???: Hmm, only scorpions and Mushrooms. Well, it'll have to do. Now, behold the skills of Reina, the Lightning Flash!

She ran towards the scorpions and attacks it with very powerful speed. She chopped off the tail, the claws and in half. She ran to the mushroom and killed it before it would even realized it noticed.

Frey: Your name was Reina, right? Your skills are quite impressive.

Reina: Hehe, thanks for the compliment. Still, if anything... I would like to be complimented by this handsome gentlemen~ Got a name, mister?

Roi: You might have figured already, but we don't need any mercenaries. While I acknowledge your skills. I feel no need to give my name to a stranger, as we will part ways soon.

(Y/n): 'Roi seems very frustrated about her.'

Cleo: His name is Roi.

Roi: *Sigh*  Cleo....

Cleo: Fufu, there now way I'm letting a girl so interested in Roi just leave like this.

Reina: Hehe, so will you hire me?

Cleo: Nope!

Reina: Eh?

Cleo: As Roi said, we don't really need any mercenaries. If you don't have anything to do, let's travel together for a while. We'll provide the necessary provisions.

Reina: Hmm... Well, it is quite boring to travel alone. Still, just joining like that goes against my pride as a mercenary.

Cleo: Well then, take Roi.

Roi: Who gave you the right?!

Reina: Hmm... Well then, how about this? I originally went to Orvelia to get a contract, but there were no good jobs, so I came all this way to Aegina because I hear someone else was hiring mercenaries. 

Kasel: So you visited Orvelia.

Reina: Eh? Who are you? Since when were you there?

Kasel: Uh... I was here all the time.

Reina: Ah, ok. Hi then. So where are you all going?

Kasel: We're headed towards the Dragia Volcano to find a way into the Windland Mountains.

Reina: Well, we seem to be headed in the same direction. After all, my employer-to-be is supposed to be located somewhere around the West of the Desert.

(Y/n): Guys we got goblins and gnolls.

Kasel: Eh? Goblins and gnolls, together? In the desert, too

Goblin: Ack! Humans! Cough up, now!

Reina: Wow. Seriously. Goblins, threatening me, the Lightning Flash? I'll make you regret this.

Gnoll: If you don't cough up, we'll make you!

Cleo: Hah, try it! You dared threaten an archmage. My flames will punish you all!

Roi: Wow, there is actually someone in this world on the same wavelength as Cleo...

I ran at the Gnolls, and my Vision showed me a worm is coming out the ground and attacks Reina. I looked back and warned her.

(Y/n): Reina, look out! A worm is about to attack you from below.

She jumped back to dodged the worms attack. The worm is about to go back under, but I grabbed it and pulled it out of the sands and break its body. It screeched in pain, but I break more of its bones until it is dead. I looked behind and dodged a swing from a goblin. Roi kicked the goblin, killing it as he breathes heavily.

(Y/n): Still mad about her?

Roi: She is getting on my nerves.

(Y/n): I get what you mean.

I pulled out my guns and shoot the Gnoll's leg and I kicked it jaw.

Gnoll: Kekeke, I'm so sorry, so sorry, noble masters...

Reina: Yeah, that's how things should be.

Kasel: You guys don't live here in the dessert. Why are you all here?

Goblin: Us, pirates!

Cleo: Pirates? In the desert?

Goblin: Ach? Pirates cannot in dessert?

Gnoll: You idiot!! Pirates are supposed to sail the sea!!

Roi: But you are all in the dessert right now.

Gnoll: Please, please, good masters. We... kind of have our own issues... We will go to the sea eventually. We just need some money to do so... but then, you know.

Frey: So you're robbing people in the desert in order to get a boat and be pirates? By the name of Lua, if you don't stop-

Gnoll: AAH! Please, please forgive us, dear masters. We'll stop robbing and go home.

Goblin: Ach, leave now, before they change mind!!

(Y/n): Might be a bad idea...

Frey: Huh?

Cleo: (Y/n)'s right, wouldn't it be dangerous for the gnoll to return home?

Frey: I believe in giving everyone a chance. Of course as long as it doesn't put us in danger.

(Y/n): Let them go.

Cleo: Eh?

(Y/n): We'll let them go, but we'll tell them to not do this type of thing again.

We all nodded and they agree and left.

(Y/n): Let's go.


We spotted a group of gnolls and goblins surrounding a kid carrying a bag.

Gnolls: C'mon. Hand over everything you have! Or should I just eat you, eh?!

Goblin: Captain tell us steal, not eat!!

Gnoll: Dammit, you dumb goblin! Don't you know anything about threatening people?!

Frey: more robbers.

???: Ah! Please, help!

Gnoll: Hahaha, what good luck! We'll make a killing today.

Reina: Nope, you're really unlucky. Bullying such a cutie in front of me is worthy of punishment!!

Kasel and I rushed at the Gnolls, while Roi and Reina charged at the goblins. I rushed in to save the person, from getting hit. Kasel got in the middle and swung his sword, killing all the goblins in midair. Reina killed the first and second Gnoll. Roi ran to one of the Gnoll and punched him with a lot of anger. 

Goblin: Keke! Run! You, Captain you won't forgive!!!

Kasel: At this point, I'm curious who's in charge of all these goblins and gnolls.

Reina walks up to the injured kid.

Reina: Are you okay, cutie?

???: Thank you for saving me.

Reina: Wow, your smile is so~~ Cute. What's your name?

???: Ah... It's Adin.

Cleo: Ew... I thought she was only interested in Roi, What a flirt.

Reina: I see~ Adin, it's  dangerous to travel alone in the desert. Come with big sis~ I'll keep you safe day and night!

Cleo: While I dunno about day, I can't really say the same for night

Roi: Why are you alone in the desert?

Reina: Wow Roi~ Are you putting your guard up because I'm showing interest in Adin?

Roi: You wish.

Reina: Cool as always~ Well, that is your charm point! So anyway, what's little cutie Adin doing alone in the desert?

Adin: I'm searching for the hidden treasure of Aegina Desert.

Cleo: Treasure? What kind of treasure? Is it some kind of magical device?

Adin: Um, no, just stuff like gold.

Cleo: Eeh, what a disappointment.

Adin: Eh? Well, as travelers, don't you need a lot of gold? Like, you need it for all sorts of things, especially related to equipment and it's good to be rich.

Cleo: Um... yeah... that's true, but I don't want to waste time looking for some hidden treasure. I mean there are many ways to make money, right?

Reina: So, any clue where this treasure is?

Adin: No, I haven't figured out the exact location yet.

Reina: Is that so? Well then, why don't we gather intel together? 

Adin: Eh? Is that okay?

Roi: Agreed.

Kasel: That's some decision making there, Roi.

Frey: Hmm... I wonder if Roi prefers Reina sticking around Adin? Roi, does interest from a woman other than Cleo make you uncomfortable?

Roi: *Sigh*  Frey, stop trying to couple me with Cleo, I'm just a bodyguard doing his job.

Cleo: Yeah, Frey. Stop trying to pair me with Roi.

(Y/n):'Cleo and I have been talking about that. I know she likes Roi and I don't want to make things worse. I gotta try to do something to get them together. For now, I got to focus the main objective.'

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