Part VI Chapter 5

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(Y/n) Pov

Dwarf: By the beard, is that the holy sword Aea? And is that the Monado?

Kasel: Eh? How did you-

(Y/n): Yes, yes it is.

Miruru: Wait... Aea? That Aea? The legendary holy sword?!

Kasel: *Sighs*  Again...

Dwarf: Well, if this isn't a joyful surprise. I fought alongside Kyle, who also wielded that sword.

Frey: That means you're the King of Dwarves, Philop?

Phillop: Hahaha, to think that the humans still remember  my name.

Adin: Wow~  The inheritor of the Holy Sword, wielder of the Monado, and the King of Dwarves, all together. It is an honor to meet such great people. But what business does the King of Dwarves have in the desert?

Phillop: Psh, King of Dwarves. I'm sick of that title, so stop that. Every time I try to leave the throne, I get re-elected. Lazy bums. They just don't want to deal with responsibilities.

(Y/n): Re-elected?

Frey: From what I hear, the Dwarven Crown isn't inherited by royal bloodline, but rather, they elect a King through a vote.

Kasel: That's a rather interesting concept.

Phillop: Ah, come to think of it. If you inherited the Sword, you too must be Ki-

We heard groaning and roaring. 

(Y/n): Mummies.

Kasel: Ah! I see some undead right over there. Phillops, are those the Demons you were hunting?

Phillop: Hmm, yes. There were a few distractions, but since I'm all rested up, may the hunt resume!

I look at Reina and she seems very stubborn about something.

(Y/n): Hey Reina, is something on your mind?

Reina: Huh, it's nothing.

(Y/n): Alright.

Phillop, and Kasel rushed at the mummy and killed it.

Kasel: Well, these things are easier to kill than I thought.

(Y/n): Careful, they are going to get up for about a minute, so we got to take care of the other undeads.

Phillop: He's right let's hurry and get out of here!

Roi and Reina charged at the other undead, I grabbed a spider that was about to attack Kasel, lifted it off the ground and stabbed it with REX. I look over my shoulder to see a skeleton running away from us.

Kasel: Guys, looks like the sun is setting.

(Y/n): We can rest here for now.

Reina: Agreed.

Timeskip to Nighttime, 3rd Pov

Everyone is all asleep except Kasel, (Y/n) and Phillop.

Kasel: Phillop.

Phillop: Ah, descendant of Kyle. I apologize the inconvenience I may have caused you before. Hahaha, I was just too happy to see you. You're hiding the truth about your linage, correct?

Kasel: Yes, that is true. Although I was trying to hide the holy sword.

Phillop: Haha... again, I apologize. I'm sure you have your reasons. Like any other position, the job of a king isn't an easy one, and it just becomes harder when you try to do it properly. You're hiding your linage because because you have no wish to become king, correct?

Kasel: For us humans, it is not right for the one who is not king to even dream of the throne. Just the thought can turn one into a traitor, a rebel.

Phillop: As always, the humans and their squabbles over the crown stink of blood. Even in Kyle's time, many wished to kill him and take over the throne, and Kyle had to kill all of them.

(Y/n): Is it true?

Phillop: Haha, I guess his fame as king of heroes erased the bad reputation he once had. Good to see that his image as a cold blooded murder stained with the blood of his half brother is gone. If only he didn't go missing, he would have been able to spend the rest of his kingship happily and dutifully.

Kasel: Cold blooded? Blood of his half brothers?

Phillop: The Dwarves under my rule long since had ties with Orvelia, even before the Demons invaded this world. Kyle was a good king,  one who really worked hard for his subjects. However, no body acknowledged his sacrifices. His name only brought jeers and insults from the populace, that he killed his family to become king. It is regretful that is was so, considering the others had no interest in the responsibilities of the throne, but just power. They even made the first move against Kyle, attempting to kill him.

Kasel: I never knew...

Phillop: Well, humans don't live for too long. I suppose the disastrous invasion of the Demons overwrote history in a good way.

???: It's a tragedy that those forgotten issues are trying to take place again, though.

Kasel: Reina?

(Y/n): You're still awake?

Reina: Hmm... so you were royalty, huh.

(Y/n): How much did you listen?

Reina: Since the beginning? After all, Kasel, (Y/n), I have followed you two here.

(Y/n): What is it?

Reina: *Sighs* Come on, no need to worry. I know what you're worried about. How to say this you both, you're not really my type of guy. Kasel, you're kind of boring. And for you (Y/n), I really don't know what to say, but you're uhm... well...

(Y/n): Plain?

Reina: Yeah.

(Y/n): Well, I'm not. I have two girlfriends.

Reina: What do they see in you?

(Y/n): Things that I don't know about.

Kasel: Is that so?

Reina: I just had something to say, that's all. You remember I said I went to Orvelia to get some contracts, but found no good jobs?

(Y/n): Yes.

Reina: Well, they tried to hire me to kill the successor to the holy sword, and the wielder of the Monado.

All of us were shocked of what she said.

Reina: I mean, what kind of bad joke is that? Why would you hire a mercenary for a hit? I swear the nobility of Orvelia swapped their common sense for cow manure. Anyway, I guess it was because the successor of the holy sword and the Monado is also of royalty.

Kasel: The Orvelian nobility. I guess they knew the sword is inherited by royal blood.

Phillop: Hmph, not again, when will they ever learn?

Reina: Heh, I thought you'd be more surprised? Even your reactions are dull.

Kasel: Well, I was kind of expecting it. I heard a lot of things on the way. 

(Y/n): Reina, this is something important, could you forget everything that we said?

Kasel: Yeah, please pretend that you didn't hear anything tonight?

Reina: Hmm, well, okay. But could you let me grope Roi a bit in exchange?

Kasel: Uh, I don't think I have the right.

Reina: Come on, let me do it, please?

Kasel: uhh...

While they are talking I was dozing off, looking at the moon.

(Y/n):'Cassandra, Erze, I'll try to get back as soon as I can, I love you both.'

Cassandra Pov

We made it back to Orvel, and head to the Hero's Inn and knocked on the door. We were waiting for a while, but I was thinking about what (Y/n) has said.

(Y/n): 'There is something bad that is going to happen when we get to Angmund place.'

Cassandra: Erze...

Erze: Yeah? 

Cassandra: Remember what (Y/n) has said? About something bad is going to happened?

She nods.

Cassandra: Could it be that he has a Vision.

Erze: Probably. How come?

Cassandra: I have a bad feeling, (Y/n) is going to die.

Erze: Don't think like that, (Y/n) is very strong fighter. He has the Monado, he can see what is going to happen.

Cassandra: I know, but what would happened if the Monado fails and he-

She grabs my shoulder.

Erze: Cassandra!

Cassandra: Huh?!

Erze: Don't think like that, (Y/n) is a brave brave knight, well, kind of a knight. I was scared when I fought next to him. But he sees me as a friend instead of a monster and he gave me the courage to fight. If he's your childhood friend, then you should believe in him.

Cassandra: Yeah, you're right.

She nods, as the door opens, showing a tired Juno.

Juno: Hello? Oh hey, Cassandra, Erze come on in.

We walked inside the Inn and took a seat.

Juno: So girls, why are you here in the middle of the night?

Cassandra: (Y/n) told us to stay here until he comes back.

Juno: What? Why?

Erze: He told us something bad is going to happen once they make it to Angmund's place.

Juno: Oh no, please be okay, my little brother...

Cassandra: I know you're worried about him, but he is strong.

Erze: He has risked our lives to save ours, and he is still strong to fight. I know he'll keep fighting, even if the enemy is bigger, tougher, or faster than him.

Juno: You girls always have faith in him. I want to tell you something about him.

Erze: I know about his past, he told me.

Cassandra: Me too.

Juno: It's not about his past. It's about his current life with me, I'll make some drinks before we begin.

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