Part VI Chapter 6

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Cassandra Pov

Juno came back with the drinks and put them on the table and sat down. 

Juno: So (Y/n) has told you everything about his past, right?

We nodded.

Juno: Okay, has he told you about his life being as a knight?

We looked at each other, then look back at her.

Cassandra: No, he hasn't told us about his personal life.

Erze: Not at all.

Juno: Okay, before we begin, please take a sip before we begin.

Erze and I took a sip of our drinks, then we put our cups on the table. She nods and she spoke.

Erze: We're ready.

Juno: It begun on the day where (Y/n) was in his room.

Flashback, Juno Pov

I called (Y/n) to come down.

Juno: (Y/n)!!

(Y/n): Coming!

I waited and I hear him coming down the stairs. He looks very excited every time I call him for something.

(Y/n): Hey sis, is there something you need?

Juno: I want you be careful.

(Y/n): How come?

Juno: There is an expedition waiting for you. 

(Y/n): But I thought they said only high class knights can go.

Juno: That's what I thought, but the captain said they need you for this expedition.

(Y/n): Strange, alright then I'll be back.

Juno: Love you, lil bro.

(Y/n): Love you too, sis.

He kissed my forehead and I kissed his. Then I watched him leave with his energy bursting out with excitement.


A week as passed, and I have missed him. I made some (F/f), and wait for him to come back. I heard knocking, I walked over and opened the door to see (Y/n). I gave him the biggest bear hug any sister ever can.

Juno: (Y/n)! My little brother! You are okay!!

I realized he isn't hugging back, I pulled back and look at him.

Juno: (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Hey sis...

Juno: Is something wrong?

(Y/n): I'm fine... Don't worry... 

Juno: Well um... I made you (F/f) if you want.

(Y/n): Thanks, but I'm not hungry...

Juno: Okay... get some rest, you look like you've been through a lot.

He nodded and head to his room. I put away (F/f) and head upstairs.


I woke up and head to (Y/n)'s room and slightly open the door. I see (Y/n) is asleep on the floor next to his bed, in his undershirt on, covered in bandages, and his knight leggings are on. I look over to the right and see a weapon made out of material that doesn't look like anything that I've seen, blood soaked bandages and more books on his desk. I quietly closed the door and head downstairs. Talisha and I were talking about what happened to (Y/n).

Juno & Talisha: '(Y/n), what happened to you...?'

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard metals clanging. We both see (Y/n) with the sword, I assume he built it. I try to smile, but for some reason, A weird feeling is making me not smile.

Talisha: Hey sweetie.

(Y/n): Hey mom...

His voice sounds so sad. Did something happened to him during that trip?

Juno: Well, uhm... I'm about to go shopping, want to come?

(Y/n): Yeah...


After our shopping, (Y/n) is holding all of the groceries while I was holding my bag.

Juno: (Y/n), I can hold the other bags. You don't have to carry everything.

(Y/n): I know, but I want to let you cut off some slack....

His voice sounds so sad. I was about to say something, but I felt someone covering my mouth and pulled me into an alley way. I struggled to get off his grasp, but he is too strong. I was about to call (Y/n), until a knife point at my throat.

Thief: Don't move, or else.

I held still as he took everything from me, as soon as he got away. (Y/n) grabbed him, punched his chest and slam him to the ground. I was horrified by his actions. He would never do such a thing. He grab the thief by the head and repeatedly punched his face. I ran to him and grabbed his fist as he cocks his fist back.

Juno: (Y/n)! Stop!

(Y/n): He hurt you, and I'm going to kill him!

I was shocked by what he has said. He has never said these things before. He would never kill anyone brutally.

Juno: (Y/n), let's go home okay?

He nodded, and looks at the thief. He takes out his gun and points it at the thief's forehead.

(Y/n): Give her back all the stuff you took!

Thief: O-Okay!! Please don't hurt me!

The thief gave me all of my things and tries to run away, but (Y/n) to grab him and give him a side hook, knocking him out.

Juno: (Y/n)...  *Sigh*  Come on, let's go home.

We headed back and I put the groceries in the fridge. Talisha greeted him, and I looked at (Y/n) and he is going in his room again.

Juno: (Y/n)...

Talisha: What happened to him?

Juno: ...

Timeskip, Talisha Pov, Play Music

After Juno's explanation, I went upstairs in front of (Y/n)'s room and knocked his door.

Talisha: (Y/n)? Can I come inside?

I waited until the door was opened. He opened the door, but he only showed half his face.

Talisha: Hi (Y/n).

(Y/n): Hey mom...

Talisha: Can we talk?

He turned back and lay on his side on the bed, facing his back towards me.

Talisha: (Y/n). 

He looks over his shoulder and towards me.

Talisha: Please, can you tell me what's wrong?

(Y/n): .....

Talisha: You have been acting different lately. You ate half of your food, you have been in your room more recently, became more threatening, having a lot of bandages which are covered in blood, and read more books about that red sword. Please, tell me what's wrong.

It was quiet until (Y/n) lays back down and spoke. His voice sound sad, and it is breaking my heart.

(Y/n): During the expedition, I went to a village, just to find hidden survivors. I went to an abandoned building with two knights following me, until they attacked me and nearly killing me. Those knights were Jason and Kate...

I was shocked. There's no way. Is he really talking about those two? I asked a question just to be sure if they are the same people.

Talisha: Do you mean?

(Y/n): Yeah, the one who is a higher class than me...

Talisha: And?

(Y/n): The same Kate who is my girlfriend during my training. I should've listen to Kasel, but I didn't believe him. I guess she is more like Ex-girlfriend...

Talisha: Oh... 

I looked over to see (Y/n) is still laying on the bed, but he is jolting each second.

Talisha: (Y/n), could you please look at me?

He turned around and looked at her with a tear leaking out of his eye, but he is holding his tears.

Talisha: Aww, come here, son.

I hugged him as he starts to quietly cries on my shoulder and I rubbed his back and stroke his hair.

Talisha: Shh, it's okay sweetie. It's not your fault.

He and I are still in each others grasps. After an hour or so, I can feel his weight against me. I look down and see (Y/n) has fallen asleep. I lay him down on his bed and leave the room.

Talisha: Good night, my son.

Juno: Poor (Y/n)... I hope he is going to be okay.

Flashback ends, Cassandra Pov, End Music

Juno: And that's it.

We were shocked of Juno's story. 

Cassandra: Is that why (Y/n) takes things serious?  '(Y/n)... I never thought you had this experience before...'

She grabs both of our hands.

Juno: Both of you, please do me a favor and try to do everything you can to not let him have this again.

Erze: We'll do everything we can.

Juno: Thank you. Well, you girls go to bed, okay?

Cassandra: Thank you, Juno.

We got off the seats and head upstairs. 

Erze: When (Y/n) gets back, what do you think we could do?

Cassandra: I don't know, how about a picnic?

Erze: That's great. 

We head inside (Y/n)'s room and his room looks extremely clean.

Erze: Ooh, this place is prettier the last time we were here.~

Cassandra: Did Juno do all of this, while (Y/n) left?

Juno: I did.

Cassandra: Huh?! Juno? When did you get here?

Juno: Long enough. If you want to sleep in his room, go ahead.

I'm blushing just thinking about sleeping in his room, even though I did see it a lot in childhood.

Erze: Thank you.

We walked in his bedroom and went to sleep.

For any of you who don't know what Jason and Kate looks like here they are.

Don't worry if you don't know anything about them. You'll find out more in the future.

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