Part VII Chapter 4

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(Y/n) Pov

As we are moving, I looked over my shoulder and Gau is still upset about the story. My Vision warned me something is going to happen again. 

(Y/n): Everyone, someone needs help!

Kasel: What? who?

???: No!!!!!

Rodina: That voice, Pavel! What in the world?!

We looked over and see someone is kneeling before a giant.

Rodina: Pavel!! What's going on!!

Pavel: Ugh... Tarkas... why...?

Tarkas: This woman, Arlette... she's the reason Kyle turned out that way.

Cleo: Arlette...? That person is...

Rodina: Wait for me Pavel, I'll-

Tarkas: Hah, too late. Come, Arlette. It's time to pay for your sins.

We see a woman with brown hair and blue lifeless eyes standing ice.

Arlette: ....

(Y/n): Wait, who's that?

Kasel: M-Mother...

(Y/n): What!?

Cleo: What? Kasel's... mother? But she's... undead...

Gau: Tarkas!!!

He charged at Tarkas and threw a barrage of axe swings, pushing him back. Rodina aimed her rifle at him and shot his chest.

Tarkas: Guh, damn you.

Frost Giant: We used too much power fighting Pavel. We have to retreat for now!

Tarkas: Ugh, can't be helped... We retreat for now. Take Pavel.

Gau: I won't let you!!

Gau and Rodina chased after Tarkas and the other Frost Giants. I was about to help them, but I look to Kasel looking at his undead mother while she was holding something.

Kasel: Mo-Mother... how....

Roi: Don't, Kasel! She's merely a corpse! She's Undead!

The first thing my Vision showed me was Arlette is about to kill Kasel, but Frey jumps in and takes the hit instead. I rushed in and hopefully I would make it.

(Y/n): Kasel! Get back!!!

Arlette lifts her hand up and ready to kill her own son. Frey rushed in and blocked Kasel's way.

Frey: No, Kasel!!

But it was too late, Arlette impales her hand in Frey. Kasel is still stunned in fear. Kasel snapped out of his thoughts and see Frey stabbed.

Kasel, (Y/n): FREY!!!

Arlette: ....

I ran towards Arlette and cut her hand. I grabbed her face and slammed her against the wall. she fell to the floor lifeless.

(Y/n): She's knocked out for now... 

I turned my focus on Kasel and Frey and rushed to them.

(Y/n): Frey, hang in there. You're going to alright.

Frey: Ah... good... Kasel is... fine...

Kasel: Fr-Frey... why...?

Frey: Kasel... you have to... save the w-world...

She took a breath before she slowly went limp.

(Y/n): Frey! No!!!

Kasel: Frey... Frey!!!

He fell to his knees and cried his eyes out. I really don't know what to say, or know what to do. Cleo and Roi were about to go closer until my Vision warned me Kasel is going to release some kind of power. With enough power it knocked everyone, including me back. 

(Y/n): Cleo! Roi!! Stay back!!!

I jumped away from Kasel before his rage explodes. The shockwave of his power has pushed me back, making me crashed against the wall. With enough impact, I coughed up a mouthful of saliva.

Roi: (Y/n)!!

I quickly got up and ran to Roi and Cleo's side, but I fell on my knees. I stab REX on the ground to support my weight. It hurts a lot, I over to see an icicle in my shoulder.

Roi: Are you alright?

(Y/n): Don't worry about me...

Roi: Just stay down for now.

Cleo: No... no... this can't be.

Roi: Wait it seems we are the next targets.

Cleo: This... can't...

Roi: Dammit, it can't be helped.

I switched REX to Speed, helping Roi dodging Kasel's rage. Cleo casted magic and threw fireballs at him. I try to get up, but the impact from before forced me to cough up more blood and the icicle in my shoulder is making me not use my left arm. 

Roi: Hraaaagh!! Come on, all of you... get yourselves together!!

Kasel Pov

I can't feel my body, I can't see anything. I try to move my arm, but I feel like there is nothing that I can't. 

Kasel:  'Again... because of me... because of me... Frey... you died because of me... Why... why me... The Holy Sword... I never waned it. I'm done. It's all over.'

Suddenly, I heard a voice that I can't hear, but I can make up what he or she is saying.

???: Kasel...

Kasel: Fre-Frey?

Frey: Why... did we come all this way. The paths we walked... many others lost their lives, Nameless graves, unknown to anyone. Even so, we needed to fight. We needed to protect ourselves. This nay all be one horrible excuse, but it was needed to stop a bigger tragedy from happening. No one wanted this, but the fate of this world was placed in our hands.

Kasel: But... it's all over. What could I do... without you.

Frey: I caused many deaths... now it's my turn. Kasel... I don't want you to fall into the Darkness because of me. My path was to keep you from being corrupted. Please, Kasel. Let me finish my job... stand, and fight.

Kasel: Frey... I'll try. For you... I'll stand.

 Frey: Thank you... Thank you, Kasel...

The last thing I see is Frey praying, before I closed my eyes again.

3rd Pov

(Y/n) was about to get up with all of his strength, until Frey stood up with butterfly wings and wrapped them around Kasel.

(Y/n): What the?!

Roi: This... this is...

Cleo: F-Frey?

Kasel: Ho-How?

Frey: Ka... Kasel...?

Her eyes fluttered opened, while the others are in shock.

Frey: I'm... alive?

Kasel: That's... that's what I wanted to know, Frey. You're alive, right?

Frey: I think so.

Cleo: FREY!!!

She ran to her and bear hugged her. (Y/n) looked at his left and see if anything else is going to attack.

Roi: They disappeared for now, but what were those wings?

Frey: Wings?

Cleo: I dunno, they did look like those of an angel though, but I never heard wings of an angel with such huge wings, nor did I know they could hide them.

(Y/n): Hey! Can you fix my arm?

Frey ran to (Y/n) and cast a healing magic after he grabbed the icicle and pulled it out of his shoulder.

Frey: Are you okay?

(Y/n) got up and rotate his arm.

(Y/n): I'm alright.

Frey: Are you okay, Kasel?

Kasel: Yeah, thanks to you. Thank you for being alive, Frey.

Frey: Yes.

Kasel: Well, we can't stay here forever. Pavel, right? He probably knows a lot about this. Let's go and save him.

They nodded and move forward, to find Pavel, Gau, and Rodina.

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