Part VII Chapter 6

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(Y/n) Pov

I rushed towards Pavel as he threw ice crystal at me. I dodged all the crystals and thanks to my Visions. I looked behind me and see a Frost Giant coming towards me. I ran towards the giant and dodge it's attack and block the second attack. I pulled out REX and stabbed its arm, pinning its arm to the ground. I jumped up and before I would strike, my Visions showed me the giant is going to attack me in midair. I blocked the giants arm and front flipped over its arm and cut off his head. I landed on his arm and pulled out REX and impaled it deeper in its arm. With enough force, I dragged REX through its arm, jumped off its shoulder and landed behind it.

3rd Pov

Kasel: Woah, how can he do that?

Pavel: He believes it from the bottom of his heart, it shows his enemy.

Cleo: He is improving a lot.

Pavel: He might even be worthy of wielding a third Monado.

Frey: A third Monado? Do you have it?

Pavel: Yes, I do.

He pulls out the Monado.

Cleo: That's a Monado? Looks a pair of daggers.

Pavel: This is Meyneth's Monado.

Kasel: Could that mean Zanza and Meyneth would be here because of the Monado?

Pavel: No, I sense no life in any of the Monados. They're empty shells, and I believe (Y/n) can wield the Monados. He might even unlock their full potential.

Roi: What are you saying?

Pavel: The gods died on the planet where Bionis and Mechonis were, which means (Y/n) might even be a new god, only if he unlocks his and the Monado's potential.

Cleo: COOL!!!! 

Pavel: For some reason, that sword...

Kasel: REX? 

Pavel: That sword, it plays the same role as the Monado. It gives me a weird feeling... hmm...

(Y/n) Pov

I jumped with a back flip and landed on its shoulder with one of my hands. With my weight and motion still moving, I swing myself and stab the Monado in its chest. I got off his shoulder and stand on the Monado, which is still in the Giant. Before the Giant would grab me, I pulled out REX, switched it to Buster and spun around to cut off both of its wrist and and its chest. I stabbed REX and grabbed the hilt of the Monado, and wait for the right moment. 

(Y/n): 'Pavel... You're hiding something from us... I know it...'

Before the frost giant would fall over, I jumped off the frost giant, adding a flip with it, and started chopping the giant down to pieces of tiny crystals. I landed with the crystals shattering like glass. As soon as the shards hit the ground. I placed the Monado and REX on my back.

(Y/n): So?

Pavel: You have succeeded more than I thought. With that, you can have this.

He gives me a Meyneth's Monado.

(Y/n): Is this...?

Pavel: Yes, this is Meyneth's Monado.

As soon as I laid my fingers on it, I feel this unknown power flowing through my body. I thought for a moment before I take the daggers and placed them on the weapon carrier, which is on my back.

(Y/n): Thanks for the Monado.

He nods and looks at Kasel.

Pavel: Hm, the Holy Sword's power is weak. Have you not recovered the rest of its power?

Kasel: We only recovered a part of the power.

Pavel: Yes, I heard from Lorraine. So you didn't find Aeatola's portion?

Kasel: I did find it, but I decide it was too dangerous to recover it at that moment. I kept losing control of the Sword.

Pavel: I see. Tell me if you need to recover its power. I will return the power I hold.

Frey: You have a fragment of Aea's power?

Pavel: Musuclow left it with me. He knew that Barbarian Kingdom would be in peril after he died. The power of the Holy Sword was divided into three parts. As soon as you divide that you are capable pf controlling the power by yourself, you will be able to complete the Sword.

Kasel: Is there no way to stop the Demons without doing so?

Pavel: That is a useless question. If they were to easy to stop, they would've never be a threat.

Kasel: ...You are right. The Sword is the best way to save this world, after all.

(Y/n): Acting like a superhero huh?

Kasel: Yeah.

Pavel: It is smart to be wary of a power too strong to control. However, do know that it is not an issue you can put off forever.

I hear someone behind the frosted trees.

(Y/n): Who's there?!

Kasel: Wait, Lei?

Lei: Ah, the people from before. So you are with the Ice Dragon.

Kasel: Ice Dragon?

(Y/n): Are you talking about Pavel?

Pavel: Who are you? I think I've seen you before...

Lei: Hm, I see. You wouldn't recognize this form, after all. 

(Y/n): Form?

Lei: Hmm, Ice Dragon, haven't told them about your identity yet?

Pavel: I only spoke about what was needed. It seems I am not the only one who hasn't revealed their identity, though.

Lei: Haha, no need to be so wary. Still we need to hurry. Gau can't beat Tarkas on his own.

Kasel: You even know Tarkas... Who are you?

Lei: That can wait. For now, we need to hurry. You will know in due time.

(Y/n): She's right. Let's go!

We ran to find Gau and Rodina.


We ran until we found Gau is still fighting Tarkas. 

(Y/n): Looks like we made it in time.

Tarkas: As expected of you, Gau. I have heard rumors of you, but your skills are truly impressive.

Gau: I wanted to meet you face to face, Tarkas. Why...? Why did you start the war with us?

Tarkas: Because human greed will be the end of this world. Barbarians were merely the beginning. We plan to wipe out the human race completely.

Gau: I won't let you!!

Tarkas: Hah, that was a good fight. Still, this is the end - were no match for me. Now, die.

Before I would jump in, my Vision warns me someone jumps in and stopped Tarkas' attack. Kasel try to stop him, but I put my arm in front of him. Just as I predicted, someone jumped in and cast a magic to stop his attack. It was Lei, but she looks different.

Lei: Sorry, but I need to stop you there, Tarkas. He's a friend after all.

Tarkas: You. Lewisia!!

Lewisia: Hmm, not bad. I was worried for a second about what would happen if I wasn't able to unlock my power.

Pavel: Hm, so it was Lewisia. No wonder I thought you looked familiar.

Frey: Lewisia... wasn't another of King Kyle's companions?

Cleo: Yeah, the Vampire, Lewisia.

(Y/n): 'Another one, like Erze'

Cleo: How did you suddenly turn into an adult?

Pavel: This is her true form. I am more curious about why she turned into a child.

Tarkas: Lewisia, you...

Lewisia: I understand why you hate the humans, Tarkas, but the world is in danger, and this is no time for you to vent upon the humans.

Tarkas: You don't understand anything, Lewisia. Everything that went wrong is the humans' fault!!

Lewisia: And yet, it is also the humans that were tasked with ending the conflict. Lua decreed so, Tarkas.

Tarkas: Point taken. Still, no, it can wait. I will retreat, for now.

The Frost Giants, including Tarkas left the area.

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