Part X-2 Chapter 2

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3rd Pov

As the blast hits him, it didn't kill him. Instead is was Frey who protected him, with the same wings ability that she did before.

(Y/n): Th-Those wings... it's just like before...

Lucikiel: You filthy little...

He ran towards Frey and continuously throws punches and kicks at her. As he did, the wings are still protecting both of them, but is slowly draining Frey's life.

Kasel: Please... don't... This could put you...

Frey: No one... can lay a finger on... Kasel...

The more Lucikiel throws punches, the weaker Frey is slowly becoming. She begins to spit out blood and holds Kasel as tight as she can.

Frey: Kasel... I'll protect you... It'll be... okay....

As Maria can see, Frey's barrier cannot hold that much longer.

Frey: No one can to-

Lucikiel punches it one last time before the her wings shattered and her eyes are starting to turn lifeless, but she is still holding on to Kasel.

Frey: Never... Ne...ver...

As her last words slipped out, she falls limp and lays on top of Kasel. Before Lucikiel punches again, Maria risked her life and takes the hit, and then Morrah.

Maria: 'Kyle... If such miracle exists... '

He jumps up and throws his fist towards Kasel and Frey.

Maria: 'I wish it would happen now... For those children.'

Lucikiel's punch created a massive light, blinding everyone.

???: Stop!!!!!!

Someone suddenly casted a magic that binds Lucikiel arms.

???: Hey, old woman! We're not too late, are we?

(Y/n) stood up in pain and looks at the two figures.

(Y/n): No way...

??? #2: Things look a lot different from what we'd expected. Apologies, we were delayed trying to bring something important.

??? #1 runs to (Y/n) and made sure if he's okay.

??? #1: Are you okay, Bestie?

(Y/n): Huh? Cleo?

Cleo: (Y/n)....! Thank god you're okay. Don't you dare die on me again!!!

(Y/n): Hey, I'm sorry. If I didn't teleport both of you, then I would be actually dead.

Cleo: Well... I forgive you...

(Y/n): Thanks Cleo.

Kasel: ...How...

Frey: But... Why...?

Roi: We don't care what you've turned into. Nothing can change our relationship.

Frey: You guys are so... stupid...

Cleo casted another magic and burns Lucikiel while Roi reappears behind him and swings his daggers at him. 

Lucikiel: Ack!

Cleo: I dare you to lay a finger on my friends!

Lucikiel: Petty creatures... taking turns being pathetic..

The chains are around Lucikiel starts to shatter.

Cleo: Ergh...!! Such power...! My mana alone isn't enough...

(Y/n) Pov

I slowly got up with my wounds burning me. I looked over and I see Roi is fighting other monsters who are trying to reach Cleo while she is trying to seal him away. 

(Y/n): 'Mother... Father... Everyone... I stood there and watch you die. This time, I'll fight... until my very last breath...'

My wounds suddenly begin to heal.

(Y/n): What's going on?

???: Don't give up...

(Y/n): Meyneth?

Meyneth: Yes, please don't give up and save your friends.

(Y/n): Yeah... I will. 

I pulled out the Monado and REX to aid Roi with the monsters appearing and we began to take them down while Cleo is trying to do her best to bind Lucikiel. I activate the Monado and released a amount of ether and blasted it at the wave of monsters.

(Y/n): Monado Cyclone!!!

I looked over and see a group of Telethias are coming.

Roi: Cleo! Do it!!

(Y/n): Huh?!

Cleo: I guess I have no choice but to use this, huh? I wasn't planning on using this on you but since things look a little different - change of plans!

(Y/n): What are you doing?!

Cleo: Cleo's very own special technique! Take that!!

I know what she is going to do, but she needs more time to cast it. I'm going to give her all the time she needs to cast it.

(Y/n): Roi, we need to cover her!

Roi: I know!!

(Y/n): Egil! Gadolt!!

Roi: Huh?

The Mechons appear and attack the group of Telethias. The Jade Face Mechon flies in and shoots the Telethias. More Mechons appear and attacks the monsters.

(Y/n): It'll buy us time!

Roi: Okay! Hurry Cleo!!

Cleo: Haaa!!!

As she completely casted the magic, it was overwhelming they are consumed by the light.

Cleo: Whoaaaa! This is even stronger than I'd thought!!!

Cleo: Definitely worth the trouble it took to being it here! You little sucker! Try to get out of this one!

Lucikiel: You... Pointless...!

Cleo: Stay imprisoned in the crack of time!!!

Lucikiel: Did you think... with a petty piece of... rock...?!

As the magic is overwhelming him, the strain is getting the best of Cleo and she is struggling to maintain the magic.

Cleo: 'So close!! But my Mana...!'

Lucikiel's powers are beginning to overpower her magic and mana limit as Cleo begins to slip.

Cleo: 'No!! At this rate...'

Lucikiel: I will... tear everything... into pieces.

Cleo: Er-Ergh... Just a little... more...!!

Roi & (Y/n): Cleo!!

Cleo: 'I... I can't hold it out any longer...!!! It'll be all over if I fail here...'

(Y/n): We have to help her!!

Roi: We can't!!

(Y/n): Then what can we do?!

3rd Pov

As Roi and (Y/n) are dealing with another wave of enemies, Clause stood up and looks at Kasel and Frey. Kasel stood up, but falls down. Clause looked at the two and smiled. Kasel and Frey's eyes widen and begged for him to not do it. Clause raised the Galicta.


Morrah: You.

Clause: ...?

I don't think Maria was able to be cruel to you any longer, so I'll be the one to say this instead. As much as saving their lives is important don't forget that our ultimate objective is the death of the goddess.

Clause: I'm aware... of how difficult it will be to find another who can wield Galicta.

Morrah: For once, you and I seem to be on the same page. Yes. As heartless as this sounds, I hope you don't die in this battle.

Clause: I won't make promises I can't keep... But your words don't sound so heartless to me.

He walks away, leaving Morrah in thought and the only thing that came out of her lips.

Morrah: Fool...

Flashback Ends

Clause looks at his brother and sisters one last time before he plants the sword to the ground. As the sword got planted to the ground, a pillar of light erupts out of the ground and towards Lucikiel. Another pillar of light appears under Lucikiel. 

Cleo: ?!

With that amount of power, it distracted him so much, it gives Cleo a chance with all the Mana left in her. 

Cleo: I got you little sucker! BE GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The magic entangles Lucikiel and it slowly consumes him with light.

Lucikiel: How dare... you...!!

After the magic trapped him, he is slowly disintegrating from the magic and Clause's power. In a blinding flash of light, He's gone... the battle is now over...

Artemia: Has it all... ended...?

(Y/n): Looks like it's over... 

The Mechons landed along with Egil and Gadolt. They exited the Mechons and they see Clause on the ground. (Y/n), Kasel, and Frey ran to Clause and Kasel pulls him up.

Play Music

(Y/n): Clause, hang in there! Kallian! Get a medic!!

He nods and ran back to get a medic.

Kasel: ...Clause... Clause...?

Clause: Kasel... Don't... cry...

He lifted his hand and wipes a tear off of Kasel's cheek

Clause: ...I'm sorry...

(Y/n): Clause... Don't say that... just hold on...!

Kasel: It's all my fault... I've screwed up... I made this happen... Clause... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...

Clause: ...I'm okay... I always will be...

Frey: Why... Why did you do that...? 

Clause: ...My little brother... Because it was you... Because you two are the reason that I... live...

Frey: The reason that you live? Lies... Don't lie to me. You were never with us. You were always late...

Clause: ...I was late again this time... wasn't I....

Frey: You think this changes anything? No... It changes nothing. I'm not... at all grateful... You're just another human like us... But why... I... don't... understand...

Clause: My little sister... you must've been so scared... It must've hurt so much... I'm sorry...

Frey: Don't apologize....

Clause: I'm really sorry...

Frey: I said, don't apologize! you think that makes anything better?!

She begins to cry with rage as (Y/n) stood up and looks away while tears are pouring out of his eyes. He foresee what is going to happen and knew they won't save Clause.

Kasel: Frey...

Clause slowly raises his hand and puts it on her hand.

Frey: ...Why... Why... Why...?!

Clause: My brother and sister... how much it must've hurt... You must've been so hurting...

His vision slowly begins to blur as he sees his family breaking down in tears.

Kasel: Clause... Don't... Don't say another word... please.

Clause: I know... I'm late, but...

Kasel: Please... Clause...

Clause: I'm so glad... I could... see you... like this...

Kasel: Clause... Brother... No... Please...

Clause: ...Live... It's gonna hurt... It's gonna be painful... but you must live... My dear... Kasel and Frey... You must... carry on... living...

Frey: You're not leaving us, are you...?

(Y/n): It looks like he is...

Frey: Don't go...

Clause: My dear... Kasel... Frey... I'm... sor...

Kasel: No... Clause... Don't...

Clause: Live... Pro...mise... me...

Kasel: Clause!!

Clause looks at his family one last time before he falls into his eternal slumber. Kasel and Frey are trying their best to wake him up, but it didn't work. There was nothing they can do, his brother is dead.

Kasel: CLAUSE!!!!!!!

Frey: (Y/n)! Do something!! Resurrect him!!! Do something!!!

(Y/n): ...

Frey: (Y/n)!!! Come on!! Save him!!!!

(Y/n): "Sometimes the road of life takes an unexpected turn and you have no choice but to follow it to end up in the place you supposed to be."

Frey: What? Are you saying that this is the best for him?!?!?

(Y/n): Frey, he sacrifice his life to save Kasel and snap you out of reality. Nothing that exist is perfect.

With rage, Frey grabs him by the collar and shakes him.

Frey: You're not even trying!! Try harder!!! 

Frey cocks her fist back and tries to punch (Y/n). Kallian and the Medics arrive. As Gadolt see this, he ran to grab Frey's arm and try to get her off (Y/n).

Gadolt: Frey!! Stop!!

Frey: Get off me!!!

She kicked (Y/n), making trip and fall. As he fell, he bumped into Clause. They looked at Clause to see he is smiling in his death. Kasel stood up and scream at the sky in sadness while Cleo and Roi looked away, same goes for Scarlet, Demia and Chase. Gadolt releases Frey while she cries uncontrollably. 

After their grief of Clause's death, the two look at everyone who is glaring at the two. Before (Y/n) could defend them, Kasel cut him off with his voice, which is raspy from all the crying.

Kasel: I know I have no right to ask... but please... Could you take care of my brother...?

(Y/n): Kasel?

Kasel: I'll find... a way. A way to turn everything back to how it was...

(Y/n): We will. Zanza is still out there. We can-

Frey: Kasel!

Scarlet doesn't buy any of this and kept her sword pointed at the two.

Scarlet: You have committed high treason.

Kasel: Yes, I know. If the price could be paid with my life, I would. But... I know, more than anyone, how that is not the case.

He straighten his back and stare at Scarlet with his purple brownish eyes.

Kasel:  I must live. I need to live. Because those are... my brother's last words.

Scarlet looks away undecided if that is a good choice or not. 

Kasel: So... as much as I know I have no right to say this I would like to find a way. Whether that be atonement, forgiveness, or apologies, I will see what I can do by continuing to live as Clause told me to. What could I possibly do to undo this world. I will live and face the consequences of my deeds.

Scarlet: Go.

Demia: Your Highness!

Soldier #1: You wish to carry on without paying the price for the lives you took?!

Soldier #2: Your Highness! We need to pay the price!!

Soldier #3: They need to pay with their lives! Death!

All Soldiers: Death upon prisoners! Death upon prisoners! Death upon prisoners! Death upon prisoners! Death upon prisoners! Death upon prisoners!

Frey: SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!!!!!

(Y/n): Frey?!

Kasel: Frey...

Frey: It's not Kasel's fault! You all made this happen. You all... pushed Kasel to sacrifice himself! 

Kasel: That's a... misunderstanding... 

With all that rage, Frey turns around and went in front of Kasel's face.

Frey: Look at them! They don't even know what you had to go through to star this path! The things you had to go through... 

With every sentence she shouts out, her tears are coming out and her voice is getting weaker from her emotions. Frey falls to her knees and covers her face with her hands.

Frey: You are going to throw everything away...

Cleo and Roi didn't have anything to say as they watched their friends slowly suffer from the situation they're in now. (Y/n) wants to say something, but if he did, then he knows it'll be a bad move.

Frey: Kasel...

She raises her hand to grab Kasel's hand.

Frey: Let's stop listening and let's stop... being chained down to anything. We don't need to do that anymore. Fate? I don't want to get screwed over by stuff like that anymore. We're finally able to set all our burdens down. Why do you want to go down the same hurtful road?

Kasel: Frey... You know why.

Frey stood up and held his other hand.

Frey: No. I don't. I don't care about this fate conjured up by the gods. You're not the Warrior of the Holy Sword or the Dark Lord. You're just Kasel. So please, don't go start down that path again. Let's just run away... no one will blame us...

She looks at Kasel with a sadistic smile and her eyes widen with rage and pleasure in them.

Frey: No... they wouldn't dare to because if they do, I'll take away their lives.

Kasel: Frey.

Frey: I'm so sick and tired of stuff like this. Let's just run away from everything! Let's be free. Just like Clause said,  we can carry on living happily ever after. Don't you think so? 

Kasel looks at her with an undecided face. Frey begins to worry, but recovered with rage.

Frey: Don't look at me like that! Don't look at me as if I'm wrong! You're just saying that all this against your will because you feel pressured by these people, right? They've done it again...!

Kasel: You know, better than anyone that this is solely based on my will.

Before he can put his hand on her shoulder, she smacked it away.

Frey: No, I don't! Can't you think of us and us only? 

She points at Scarlet and the rest of the people.

Frey: Look at their eyes. The end of your decision is just another sacrifice waiting to happen!!!!

Kasel silenced her with a tight hug.

Kasel: Frey... You're right. This path could be a tough one but if we just let go of everything... will that truly make us happy? Don't you think that letting go will actually suffocate us instead?

Frey: Kasel... Why...?

Kasel: I may have been trapped inside... but I still remember clearly... I can see it before my eyes... Me, who would take the lives of the soldiers, the lives of any who stood against me... and the one who swung the sword against... his very own brother.

Frey: I....

Kasel: They're just afraid. Those countless lives that they lost... at my hands... It's fear they're acting out of. They're like us... They wished to protect their loved ones. I shouldn't turn away from such fear. I need to accept it... and move forward with it. That's my reason to live. If I let go of everything, there's no reason why I should carry on living. So... I won't run... I'm going to carry on living.

(Y/n): Kasel....

Kasel: Thank you... so much... for always being by my side... for never having let go of me.

Frey: Kasel..

Kasel: You're everything to me... It always has been. So don't put all the pain on your shoulders. We can go. Let's just live.. together... Please stay by my side....

(Y/n): ....

Kasel: (Y/n)...

(Y/n): Yeah?

Kasel: Thanks for being a good friend... to me... but I don't think we could see each other... again...

(Y/n): Kasel-

He raises his hand, telling (Y/n) to let him finish.

Kasel: After everything I have done to you and to everyone you love, I don't deserve another chance. 

(Y/n): What about all that talk? Not running away? Live for your brother? What about those?

Frey: Hey!!

Kasel: It's okay... Good bye (Y/n)...

(Y/n): I....

Before (Y/n) could say anything else, the two turn around and walks away. (Y/n) raises his hand, but then lowers it back down as he looks down. 

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