Part XI Chapter 6

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3rd Pov, Play Music

(Y/n) swing his new Monado downwards and clashed with Zanza's Monados. With so much pressure the god is overwhelmed by this new power and he pushed (Y/n) aside. (Y/n) quickly landed and swing sideways. Zanza tries to block the Monado's assault, but (Y/n) was too strong and fast for him. 

Cleo: What power...

(Y/n) swing the Monado downwards, but Zanza quickly moved to the side, however was not fast enough. He made a massive gash on his wing.

Zanza: Ah!!!

He flies towards (Y/n) and his Vision showed him that he going to block one attack from Zanza's Monado, but he is going to use Meyneth's Monado to cut (Y/n) in half. He blocked the first attack, quickly pushed Zanza's Monado off of his and quickly jumps over the swing of Meyneth's Monado. 

Kasel: (Y/n)!!

Cleo: We have to keep fighting!

They look at Cleo. She's exhausted from the fight, but by the looks in her eyes, she still believes in hope. They look at (Y/n) while he still fighting Zanza.

Roi: Cleo's right! We got to help him!

Zanza tries to shoot an ether blast, but (Y/n) know what is going to happen, thanks to his Visions. Suddenly another Vision told (Y/n) what is going to happen.

Zanza: Face me like a god! If not, then say goodbye to your putrid friends!!

He blast an ether blast at (Y/n)'s friends. He ran towards the god as fast as possible.

Zanza: Face me like a god! If not, then say goodbye to your putrid friends!!

(Y/n): Oh no you don't!!

(Y/n) quickly ran towards Zanza and slit his wrists and he swing diagonally, cutting his chest.

Zanza: Ahh!!! You mortal!!!

(Y/n) stomp on his chest and flip himself over and spin around, making a spinning top out of myself and use the Monado to cover his body in scars.

Zanza: You! Are!! NOTHING!!!

(Y/n) quickly land and try to dart back from Zanza's attack, but he smack (Y/n) back.

Kasel: (Y/n)!!

He hit the ground with his feet and dash towards Zanza. (Y/n)'s Vision tells him to not rush in reckless. Zanza blasts two whirlwinds at (Y/n), but he move quickly to the side and picked up Kasel's sword. He throw the sword at Zanza. With his attention on the sword, he dart towards him and stabbed his chest. He roars in pain and before he would hit (Y/n). Cleo stood back up and shoots a fireball at his face and make a smoke screen. 

Cleo: Roi!!

He nods and with all the strength he has left, he ran towards Zanza. (Y/n) land next to Roi and they charge towards him. Frey shoots dark magic at him. 

Roi: (Y/n)! Throw me!

(Y/n): What?!

Roi: Throw me!!

He nods and grab his wrist. He lift him over his shoulder and throw him towards Zanza. He clears the smoke and before he can try to cut Roi in half, He disappears and reappears on his arm. Roi stabs his arm, then ran to his back and cuts it. Afterwards, he reappears in front of Zanza's face and swings his arm, but Zanza blocks the attack with his hand, leaving a cut on his arm.

Zanza: It's not possible, How can you read my movements?!

(Y/n) quickly ran to his chest and take the Monado out of his chest and darted back. 

Kasel: (Y/n)!

(Y/n): Got it!!

Kasel's broken sword begins to glow and a light constructs on his sword. 

They work a perfect unison like an army of two and knows what they are going to do. They charged towards Zanza. He swings the Monado, but Kasel blocks it with his new sword. Zanza swings Meyneth's Monado, but (Y/n) blocked it. Suddenly the Meyneth's Monado begins to crack from the last attack. 

Kasel: Time for a chain attack!!

(Y/n): I'm way ahead of you!!

They began to attack him without even giving Zanza a chance to find a weak point. Roi jumps back to Cleo and Frey, who are in shock of watching their friend's tactics. They kept their barrage of attacks until golden particles begin to seep from his body and he slumps over, completely exhausted. Kasel and (Y/n) regroup as Zanza clutch at his chest.

Zanza: How? The... The power of a god cannot be overcome...!

???: Zanza... This is the providence of the world. Even gods are merely restricted to the limited power provided by providence.  That power, although great, is not unlimited.

The three Monados began to glow gently. A thin line begins to connect to each other into a triangular shape.

Cleo: Who is saying that?!

Zanza: Alvis?! How dare you disobey me?!

Alvis: I am Monado. I was here at the beginning. And I will proclaim the end.

Zanza: But that... that's impossible!

Alvis: (Y/n), It's time for you to choose. Does this world belong to Zanza? Or does it belong to you?

(Y/n): That is something... I decided long ago!

He raised the Monado and release a roar, power filling the entire vacuum of space and flood into the Monado, turning it golden. He showed the symbol on the Monado.

Zanza: Th-That symbol!

(Y/n): Today, we use our power to fell a god and then seize our destiny!

He ran and leap into the air and raise the Monado and swing downwards of Zanza's head. The Monado cut through him like a knife through butter. Zanza begins to dissolve into ether particles.

Zanza: All that I am is fading. The memory of a god's existence, born into the chaos of creation. It is... vanishing.

As Zanza's body begins to disperse, everything to turn white. Suddenly, (Y/n) feel light, like he is floating. He opened his eyes and look around, trying to find his friends but he looked down to see a ball of rock.

(Y/n) Pov, Stop Music

(Y/n): Where am I?

Alvis: This was after Zanza was defeated by Shulk and created a new world with Lua and Lea.

I looked over to see Zanza with Lua and Lea. 

Zanza: Yes, this will be a perfect world to be created.

Lua: Shall we make this world a good place?

Zanza: Yes we shall...

I can hear venom in his voice.

Zanza: Let's make a world of light and darkness. 

Alvis: Zanza wanted to make a universe and then destroy it once it displease him.

(Y/n): How many times did he do this?

Alvis: I couldn't say, but I believe it was more than enough until he was satisfied.

I look at the dead planet and it begins to explode with a silver substance. I look everywhere and I see there aren't anything but water everywhere.

Alvis: The curiosity of a single man that destroyed the universe and created a new one. A new universe, your world, was born. And so, two gods came into existence. 

I see Lua and Lea creating lands.

Alvis: Zanza and Meyneth were lonely. So they let Lua and Lea create life in their own image.

Lua begins to create different beings. Draconics, Elves, Orcs, Goblins, and even humans.

(Y/n): And that was how we were born.

Alvis: As the world advanced to each further stage, it was inherited by generations of different life forms. But over time, awareness of Zanza faded. Zanza feared this. In order to escape his own annihilation, he wished for a world in a perpetual cycle of destruction and recreation. Orvelia being filled with life, and the Telethia coming to wipe it out.

(Y/n): This must be the will of Zanza...

Alvis: It was. But the truth of the matter is that he longed for friendship. 

(Y/n): His future and our future. It might have been possible for them to coexist.

Alvis: Correct.

(Y/n): Alvis... The only question I have left is... What are you?

Alvis: I am the administrative alive computer of a phase transition experiment facility. But that will mean little to you. To you, I am-

(Y/n): A Machine?

Alvis: Yes, that is my original form.

(Y/n): ...

Alvis: This world is stagnate. It has expired. Therefore I will ask you, its new god. What is your wish? Will you allow the world to continue to stagnate? Or will you allow it to evolve to the next level? The choice is yours to make.

(Y/n): I... I don't know... All I wanted to do was stop Zanza and give peace to the world. That's it. There's no way I can be a god!

Suddenly, Kasel locks my head with his arm.

Kasel: Haha, You're great and everything, but there's no way you're a god.

(Y/n): Everyone?

Erze: (Y/n), it's okay, none of us wanted to be gods. We all don't know what the future holds.

Kasel: Eating grub, sleeping, laughing, crying, sometimes arguing. Sounds cool.

Frey: He's right, and being with the ones we love. That's all enough.

Cassandra: Even so, we change little by little. Everyday is a little different from the last. We don't know what the future will hold.

Cleo: I think it's best if we all have days that are exciting.

Erze: Life's little surprises are what makes it great. We don't know what's going to happen. Sure it may be scary, but it might be fun.

Roi: I agree. We all evolve, but isn't that called progress? I'm pretty sure we don't need more dramatic changes than anything else.

(Y/n): Yeah, you're right. Little by little. Each day as it comes. That's how we should live. That... is our world.

Suddenly, I snapped out of it and I'm still in the wormhole with Kasel and the others. 

Alvis: Forgive my presumptuousness.

I looked up to see Alvis with the Monados circling around him. Zanza and Meyneth's Monado on either side of it with the tip of the blades touching. There is a third gap, waiting for the third Monado to fit.

Alvis: But I recreated their personalities from your consciousness.

(Y/n): Alvis... Sounds like you can't make my decisions. I'm supposed to be the god.

Alvis: Apologies. However, I have a good reason. This world has little time remaining if left in this state. Have you made your decision? The choice is yours, Creator. Tell me your decisions for the future of this world.

(Y/n): ...

Roi: (Y/n)?

(Y/n): I won't decide... The future should be decided by each and every person in the world. And so, what I... no... What we wished for is... 

I throw the Monado upwards into air.

(Y/n): A world with no gods!!

3rd Pov

As (Y/n) threw the Monado, the three Monados collide and complete the triangle. All at once, they are absorbed by each other and a bright light washed over the group. The pillar of light on the other side starts to grow even brighter.

Selene: What is happening?!

Egil: He did it...

Epis: Huh?!

The pillar of light begins to vaporizes all the Telethia and the world begins to morph and changes, the light has been thrown out of space. Suddenly, there were thousands of universes until one Universe is created.

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