Kiss #7 (Kaburagi)

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Kiss on the knee ("I'll support you")


Kaburagi was making his way home when he saw you at the old park you two used to play on.

When you saw him, you gave him an awkward smile. It's been a while since you last talked to your neighbor and friend, Kaburagi Issa.

He set his bike against a tree and walked over to you. A look of surprise painted his face when he saw the bandage on your knee.

"What the hell?" He asked.

Yo laughed dryly, "It's the first time we talked in a while and those are the words you give me? You're as blunt as ever Issa-kun."

He apologized and examined your knee further. "What happened to you?"

"Eh, just some minor injury while I was at the track meet. It's nothing serious." You answered, "Anyways, congrats. I heard you got in the school's cycling team. Your dream's slowly coming true Issa-kun."

"Yeah." He knelt in front of you and looked at your bandaged knee sadly. "I-I'm sorry I wasn't able to help you."

"What are you talking about? It's not like this is your fault Issa-kun."

"But you always supported me and Danchiku. Even when we decided to join the SS team, you went with us and watched us compete for our monthly spots. But ever since we started high school and we're all busy with our club activities..." he paused and wouldn't meet your eyes, "...we've kinda grown apart. And now, this happened."

"But you're here now, aren't you? Whatever happens, I'll always be there for you and Danchiku. You guys are precious to me." You smile at him, "Hey look at me."

He hesitantly looks up to you.

"Tell you what, I'll come to your next race. I'll cheer you on! How's that sound?"

He thought about it for a while and considered it. But then his eyes landed on your knee again. "What about your injury?"

"It'll heal fast, don't worry."

"Not fast enough." He then leaned down and gently kissed your knees. A warm sensation spread to your face as you tried to contain your blush.

"W-What the-?"

"Hurry up and heal." He said, "Hurry it up so you can come to my next race and support me. Then, when you're all better, I promise I'll support you even more too."


D'awww Kaburagi's such an innocent sweetheart hahaha

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