(Season 4) Prologue

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Chisato: "Well, good luck, Meimei!"

Sakiko: "We'll call and text lots. Call us when you get back to the city."

Meimei: "Hehe I will. Take care, you two!"

My friends Chisato and Sakiko wave goodbye to me. I turn around and look at the huge luxury cruise liner.

(The Ichinomiya Group's newest venture...)

(The Tres Spades Cruise, traveling to every port in the world...)

(The Tres Spades is getting bigger and bigger...)

I stare at the cruise ship and imagine my next adventure, then walk towards the train station to head back to London.

As I walk as when I think about how busy I've been the past few days preparing for the maiden journey.

(I'm sure it'll be a lovely ship.)

(My fiancé is pretty excited about the new venture as well.)

I automatically start walking faster when I think about him as waiting back at the hotel for me.

Man 1: "Wait."

Man 2: "You're coming with us."

Meimei: "Never!?"

As suddenly two figures appear in front of me when I glare at them. Thick fog hangs in the air as so I can't see their faces clearly.

Meimei: "Who are you people? Huh!?"

I took out my gun when I said.

Man 1: "It doesn't matter."

Man 2: "Shut up and come with us."

Meimei: "I said WHO ARE YOU!? I'm not going anywhere with you about answer my question!"

I snap at them as puffing up my chest when I still glare at them.

(This is pissed me off... but it's not like this kind of thing has never happened to me before.)

(And I know from experience if I just stand here and do nothing, but still I'll be in trouble.)

Man 1: "Alright, that's enough outta you."

The man about to grabs my arm, but...


Man 1: "GAH!?"

I shoot his chest when I crouch down a little bit and aim for the guy's chin... then I kick him as hard as I can and smash him in the face with my foot.

Man 1: "!!!"

Man 2: "What the hell!?"

(Well I hate resorting to violence, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do...)

Meimei: "Don't dare you to touch me. You're death."

(Good, I need to get out of here and back to my fiancé!)

I start running and take out my phone to call him.

Man 2: "You'd better shut up and come with us unless you wanna get hurt!"

The man reaches out and grabs my shoulder from behind.

Meimei: "You didn't hear WHAT I JUST SAID!"


Man 2: "GAAAAAH!?"

I drop kick the other guy's head hard as I can and make him fall on the ground. But... the one of man who presses a handkerchief against my mouth.

(Damn it!?)

There must be some kind of drug on the cloth, because my body suddenly feels limp.

Man 1: "What a pain in the ass. Alright, stuff her in the box."

Man 2: "Now everything'll go according to plan."

Meimei: "..."

They drag my body and put me into something tight and cramped.

Meimei: "Let me out!!! Somebody help me!"

I try to yell, but for some reason about I can't be as loud as I want... but is it because of the drugs? I want to pound against the box, but I can't lift up my arms. My body grows weaker and weaker, and the box start swaying, I can telly they're carrying me somewhere.

(What's going to happen to me? I thought my life would finally be peaceful now that I'm engaged...!)

(And why does this stuff always happen to me!?)

My consciousness starts to grow faint... and the happy times when I spent on the Tres Spades Cruise ship flash through my mind.

Staff: "Wow..."

Everyone lets out amazed sighs as they step aboard the luxury cruise liner.

Sakiko: "It's like the Tres Spades hotel is floating on the ocean! I've never seen a ship like this!"

Chisato: "I know we've come here tons of times already for training, but I'm always blown away."

Meimei: "Right? You never get used to it."

Sakiko: "You feel that way too? You saw the ship way before us though, right?"

Chisato: "Yeah, especially since you got selected to be on the training staff."

Meimei: "Hey, I'm still learning about something new every day."

The Tres Spades Cruise will have a mixture of new staff members and veteran staff too.

(Tomorrow is when the ship departs, so we're all on board to prepare.)

The ship is so fancy, and we're all so excited for the journey to begin.

(I can't believe it's already tomorrow!)

(We'll have to make sure we treat the guests extra special since it's an important occasion.)

I look up at the staircase winding up the atrium, and suddenly...

Eisuke: "Could you at least close your mouth?"

Meimei: "Huh? Oh my bad."

Mr. Ichinomiya scolds me as he passes by, and I clamp my mouth shut.

Staff 1: "Mr. Ichinomiya's here!!"

Staff 2: "Oh my god, he's so gorgeous... and he's rich, too... I can't believe he owns this ship..."

Sakiko: "Looks like somebody's Mr. Popular, as usual."

Chisato: "No kidding."

All the female staff members practically swoon as he walks past them, but I rolled my eyes.

(He's such bossy as Mr. King as popular.)

As I watch him walk away, but I hear footsteps behind me.

Baba: "Meimei! You look so adorable in your new uniform."

Meimei: "Oh why thank you, Baba. I really like it."

Hishikura: "Don't let the excitement distract you from duties."

Meimei: "Don't worry, I won't."

Hishikura's words of caution wipe the smile off of my face after Baba compliments me.

(They never change... but their personalities are kind of a good combination through.)

New Staff 1: "Meimei, do you know the owner!?"

Meimei: "Huh?"

New Staff 2: "And those VIP guests too!?"

New Staff 1: "Are you friends with them!?"

Meimei: "Old friends... now SHUT UP!?"

New Staff 1 & 2: "!!!"

They flinched because I glared at them.

New Staff 1 & 2: "W-We're sorry!"

New Staff 2: "You know... I want to be just like Meimei."

I sighed as blush from the admiring stares of the new staff members, and just then I hear the click-clack of high heels.

Erika: "Don't get ahead of yourself like you're staying behind in London, remember!?"

Meimei: "What the hell Erika!"

As suddenly Erika whacks me on the back, and I lose my balance.

(Oh god!)

Hikaru: "Oof!"

Meimei: "Huh? Hikaru...?"

Just as I'm about to fall, when Hikaru catches me. He's on board as a senior staff member too.

Meimei: "Thanks for catching me."

Erika: "See? You're not focused, and that's why you almost tripped!"

Hikaru: "Oh come on, Erika. Aren't you sad that you're not going to be working with Meimei anymore?"

Erika: "I-I don't hardly think so!"

Meimei: "Get out my sight, brat!"

Erika: "!!!"

Erika freeze when I said as coldly tone.

Sakiko: "I thought for sure Meimei would be working on the ship."

Chisato: "So did I. I'm really sad that you won't be there with us."

Meimei: "Don't worry Chisato, Sakiko. I gave it a lot of thought, but I decide to stay behind in London."

(My fiancé isn't going to be on this leg of the cruise, so I decided to stay behind from this time.)

(I am sad to see everyone else go though...)

Hikaru: "Meimei, do you have a minute? I need some help."

Meimei: "Sure."

Hikaru leads me down the hallway.

(But this is what I decided, so I have to do my best back at the hotel in London!)

I try to be positive about it. Suddenly, Hikaru leans over.

Hikaru: "...Who trips and falls from someone who patting them on the back? You're so clumsy."

Meimei: "What the! It's all Erika brat fault!"

His cold eyes and harsh smirk reveal his true personality, but I coldly my eyes as pout.

(I thought he was helping me... but I should know better than to get fooled by his Mr. Perfect act.)

I take a deep breath as when I watch him hurry down the hall.

I follow after Hikaru when I suddenly spot an unfamiliar door.

(I've checked the blueprints several times, but I don't remember this being here...)

(I must have overlooked it... but I can't believe I'd be careless...)

I take out the blueprints and open the door...

Meimei: "Oh wow....~!"

I step inside, and colorful light streaming in through stained-glass windows fills my vision. This serene room must be the ship's chapel.

Meimei: "It's so gorgeous... I bet it would be so lovely to get married here."

I immediately imagine my wedding with my fiancé.

(I bet lots of guests will want to get married here.)

(But I wonder if Mr. Ichinomiya is planning on expanding his business to weddings too...)

I walk through the chapel, admiring all of the decorations. Just then, I notice someone who sitting in the pews, his head nodding.

Mamoru: "Mmm..." *mumble mumble*

Meimei: "As I thought, It's Mamoru. What in the world are you doing in here?"

Mamoru: "...Huh?"

I shake his shoulders when he opens up his eyes sleepily.

Mamoru: "Ahh, the sun just felt so good as I guess I dozed off..."

Meimei: "I swear, you never change."

Meimei: "The party is starting soon, remember?"

Mamoru: "Oh, yeah. What time is it?"

Meimei: "Let's see..."

(Oh no! It's this late already!?)

I look down at my watch and then I grab his hand softly.

Mamoru: "What's gotten into you all of a sudden?"

Meimei: "Mamoru, we're going to be late! Come on!"

Mamoru: "Who cares if we're a couple minutes late?"

Meimei: "Well I do! But we can't be late to this party!"

Meimei: "Now come on, lazy bump!"

I urge him to hurry up, and we head to the ballroom.

Meimei: "Oh, look at all the people here."

The ballroom is packed with so many rich and famous people you'd think it was an I.V.C. party.

(There are so many actors and musicians!)

I look around as awed as realizing when I'll never get used to this.

???: "Look at this cute girl what I found. Come play with me, puppy."

As someone who grabs my hand from behind.

Meimei: "What the!"

(Huh? That voice, I know...)

Meimei: "I knew it was you, Ota! Stop teasing me, cause I'm not a puppy."

Ota: "Oh, so you know you're cute, too? Sure you haven't gotten cocky now that you're a senior staff member?"

Meimei: "What the heck! Of course not!"

He leans forward and peers into my face when I automatically back away. Just then, someone who reaches between us.

Soryu: "Leave her alone."

Meimei: "Soryu!"

Ota: "Aren't you supposed to be guarding Eisuke?"

Soryu: "He's about to do his speech."

Soryu: "Since he's in a spot where everyone can see him, it's better for me to watch at a distance."

Soryu says, looking around the ballroom with a sharp gaze. I spot several members of the Ice Dragons positioned strategically around the ballroom.

(Ever since the Ichinomiya Group entered the cruise ship business, other companies have been having a rough time financially.)

(It's obviously out of our control, but...)

(There might be people holding a grudge against Mr. Ichinomiya who will try to attack him.)

I feel myself tense up, and suddenly, Soryu leans over to me.

Soryu: "One of my men says he's spotted several suspicious people here. Don't let your guard down."

I nodded my head.

Meimei: "Alright."

I said, and suddenly, applause breaks out through the room as the lights dim.

Eisuke: "Thank you so much for coming to our reception here before the Tres Spades Cruise's maiden voyage."

Eisuke: "This cruise ship is the Ichinomiya Group's latest venture."

Eisuke: "And it is equipped with every luxury imaginable."

As Mr. Ichinomiya begins his speech, the crowd gazes at him with rapt attention.

(What a amazing man...)

He exudes charisma, and he has this aura about him that just draws people in.

Eisuke: "Let me introduce the caption of the Tres Spades Cruise."

Eisuke: "Captain Argento will ensure that you all have a wonderful time on the ship."

Captain: "I'm Dante Argento."

Captain: "And I'm honored to be the captain of this fine ship."

Captain: "I assure you that your time on board will be like dream."

The captain stands next to Mr. Ichinomiya, and everyone starts clapping again.

Meimei: "Looks like it went smoothly."

Soryu: "Don't let your guard down yet."

(But the Dragons saw someone suspicious, huh? I don't see anyone like that...)

Just then, my gaze stops on two men who are standing near the stage.

Crew 1: "..."

Crew 2: "..."

(Huh? It looks like they're dressed like crew members.)

(But I guess now that I think about it...)

(There will be crew members on board along with the Tres Spades staff.)

It feels a little bit strange to know that we're on the ocean right now. I stare at the men for a bit. I can't read one of the men's faces, but the other has a broad smile and is clapping enthusiastically.

(They both seem kind of... unique. I hope everything goes smoothly.)

And with that, the party is over. I say goodbye to Chisato and Sakiko since they'll be staying on the ship, and then I get off.

Chisato: "Take care, Meimei."

Sakiko: "We'll text and call you lots. Make sure you let us know when you get back in the city!"

Meimei: "Haha, I will! Take care, you two."

Up until then, everything had been just fine. But I had no idea cause I was about to be kidnapped...

Meimei: "!!!"

I wake up in darkness. They must have reached wherever they were taking me, because the box isn't shaking anymore.

(Those idiot men who drugged me and kidnapped me! Where am I!?)

(To think I was just at a fancy party, but clueless that I was about to be kidnapped!?)

Meimei: "Open up! Let me out of here, damn it!"

(I feel my strength coming back...)

I start pounding on the lid.

???: "Alright, let's open it up."

Meimei: "What the?"

As suddenly, the top are opens and I squint my eyes from the bright light.

???: "Let me check her collarbones... yes, good, they're not broken."

(Collarbones? Wait a minute...!!)

I flew open my eyes as I manage to stand up on my wobbly legs and immediately come face to face with Luke, who's stroking my collarbones with concern. I look around and see all of the auction managers.

Meimei: "Are you kidding me... what are you guys doing here?"

Meimei: "And why didn't you open up that box so sooner?"

Eisuke: "Whose fault do you think it is that you got in the box in the first place?"

Meimei: "What are you talking about! I was beat those two men down, but he get up and drug me!"

I said, but Mr. Ichinomiya saunters over to me grabs my chin.

Meimei: "Also... I think the answer you're looking for... cause you think it's my fault, huh?"

Eisuke: "..."

He glares at me, as letting me know that was the correct answer.

Meimei: "As I thought, stupid."

Baba: "Now, now. Let's all calm down. We got the bad guys to make a move, so isn't that good enough?"

Mamoru: "Yep, it was a good idea usin' her as bait. That narrows it down to someone on the ship."

Hishikura: "A ship about that's as big as a hotel."

Soryu: "Yes, but they'll have nowhere to run. We'll figure it out eventually."

Ota: "At least we won't get bored on the cruise."

Meimei: "Cruise...?"

(Huh? Wait a minute... am I...)


I hear the sound of a steam engine honking.

Meimei: "You've GOT to be kidding me!!"

I race over to the window and see the Southampton Port growing smaller in the distance.

(My god! I'm on the cruise ship!?)

Eisuke: "Starting today, you'll be working here."

Mr. Ichinomiya says firmly, and I immediately know that I have no choice in the matter.

(Wait, why's this happening all of a sudden!? What's going on!?)

-End of (Season 4) Prologue-


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