Anoda taggg

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*Hands you a folded piece of paper
*You open the piece of paper and sigh

Surprise. It's a tag

Question número one

1. Sexuality
I am straight. But I've never had a crush/been interested/even slightly attracted/nobody nopes nada on anyone ever. And I'm already an adult and I suppose that's called asexual.

2. Gender
I'm a cat

3. Last song
Currently listening to girlfriend by Avril Lavigne ironically

4. Happy?
Stressed but smiling

5. Hair color
I'm da best dam thing that your eyes have ever seen- sorry the song got to me

6. Zodiac
The long one that starts with an s.... Sagithebgkdjkfke smth smth

7. Last person you kissed
What is that

8. Fav color
Teal is Canon king you bitches

9. Fav food
Fucking salteñas

It's heaven on fucking earth

10? (Sorry I typed ? Instead of period and now I'm just gonna leave it like that) battery %
Check the screenshots

11. Celebrity crush
I mean....I don't have....crushes...but Tom Holland is a bae

12. Fav vegetable
FuCk Ya ChIcKeN sTRiPs oh that's not a vegetable..?

13. Shoe size
67 hundred cincuenta

14. Dream job
I would love to sit in front of a lit up screen for hours on end keysmashing so black and white lettering appears and people will look at that mess and not socialize.
Writer. I wanna be a writer.

I'm being weird but I have tests and after that final exams and I ALWAYS stress before tests. And I've only slept five hours and told the receptionist I'm sick so I can skip school because I'm 18 and I can do that and fuck school tbh.
So I'm not getting much done and that final friking chapter will stubbornly Not Write itself so pray for me please

Y'all join the fun

IDK how many that is but tagging on Wattpad is such a hassle whats it even doing.

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