Butch Hartman update

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Don't know if you guys have heard of the Oaxis Kickstarter?

It's a project Butch has been working on. It's supposed to be a site were children can watch clean movies and play clean video games and all without the parents worrying that they will come across something violent or a sex scene.

It's a good idea...

It would've been...

But he lied about it and had hundreds of people donate money to start it. Only much later did we find out what it really is for (and only by someone in the audience making a video of a seminar in which he explains. The video has been uploaded on YouTube and he's probably trying to take it down. I don't know).

It is to spread Christianity.

Which I totally think is a neat idea and all given that I'm a Christian too. But even if I wasn't it's an alright idea. Except he didn't tell anyone until after they had donated and that is not the way to go about it.

He said he wanted to reach out to all non Christian families and didn't want to be a Christian channel only for chritians. That's probably why he didn't tell anyone it was a religious thing until much later.

I'm not here to put Butch under a black light or tell you guys all the stupid stuff he's said and done without thinking of what it could mean to others.

I don't want that. I'm just here to warn you of what you're getting into if you donate to Oaxis. You can go watch his Kickstarter video and the one about the seminar.

People are saying he's blocking any videos about this going around so I don't wanna risk putting a link. Go on YouTube and type Oaxis. I guarantee you'll find a lot of information.

So that's basically what's happening right now. I've tried to keep what I post here to be about Danny Phantom and not about Butch himself but I wanted to warn you guys.

Anyways bye

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