Life story #2

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Alright so where I come from there are these streets that all belong to one person. This person either sells his houses or lets others live there with payment. The streets are usually protected by a wall that surrounds it. It's called a 'condominio'.

So in the condominio where I lived we let the dogs run around freely cuz we can and they can't actually leave know....there's a wall.

Anyway this one time me and my friend (the same one I mentioned in the other 'life story' chappie) once found a dog outside the wall and it was walking alone so we took it in. My parents didn't think it was a stray dog cuz it was actually in good condition but whatever.

We called her 'ventilador' which means 'fan' in Spanish. Because her tail didn't go side to side, it made circles.

So Venilador wasn't very long with us (we were trying to figure out what to do with her) when she went in heat.


Remember how I said all the dogs are wandering around freely?
Even the males.


Poor girl was getting attacked by a bunch of dogs trying know....and we couldn't just stand by.

But we had nowhere to put her.

Then I had a wonderful idea.

The neighbors were gone.....
They always left their door open.....

Let's put her there.

I don't know what I was thinking alright I lack common sense!!!!!

I wasn't even that young that was when I was 12 or something

So I somehow convinced my friend to help me push Ventilador in the house and we told ourselves we'd come back later to get her out before the neighbors came back.

We...ummmm....we forgot.

The next day we found out the neighbors had come home to a dirty house and a crazy dog.

I had to go apologize.
Now I did something I am not proud of.

I was friends with the daughter of that family so when I knocked on the door I asked for her.
I apologized to her...not her dad.
I wasn't brave enough to stand up to the consequences and talk to the father.

That's taught me a valuable lesson.

I think the family hated me...

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