BOTW Custom Game Modes!

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I'm finally back after many years of procrastinating! :D

In this chapter, I'm going to detail two of the custom game modes we made for Breath of the Wild. These are just little games we like to play during the game, with a ruleset we make for each game. Let's dive right in!

The first one we made is called Get Lost. Basically, one of us will turn off the map and dump Link in a random location. Then, using only the landmarks and their knowledge of the world, the other person has to get Link to the nearest town or stable. Sounds simple, right?

Nah. :)

For starters, THE FREAKING RAIN. I ended up needing to scale a cliff but was unable to do so because it started downpouring right at that moment.

Also...make sure you trust the other person first. Naydra hates this game now, because of one specific instance.

You know that one shrine for the Champions' Ballad DLC that's in the middle of the ocean? Yeah...I might have stranded Link there. >:)

For the record, Naydra actually did find civilization - after a half hour of trying to get up the massive cliff. I felt kinda guilty, but the moment when Naydra realized where they were was PRICELESS.

But anyway, here's the one Naydra actually doesn't hate. I came up with this one recently, and it deals with the thing on everyone's minds nowadays. Our beta name for it is Masked.

Yeah, you know where this is going, don't you?

Link must go to a town, sporting either the stealth mask or the Gerudo veil. Once he arrives, he must complete a checklist of tasks set by the other person...all while maintaining social distancing techniques. That's right, you have to navigate a crowded town and break pots, buy something from a store, or find a weapon; all while staying six(ish) feet away from everyone else.

I know some of you are probably asking, "How do you know what six feet is in a video game?" To that, I have a highly scientific answer.

Guesstimate. :)

Anyway, what do you guys think? Do you have any ideas for a custom game mode for BOTW? Please let me know your thoughts on this! Kitty out!

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