Growing Up AU

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Lance and Keith have been friends since they can remember. They were next door neighbors, they went to the same elementary school, the same middle school. No one really knew why they were friends, they were complete opposites of each other, and they could fight like cats and dogs, but somehow they still managed to consider the other their best friend.

When they were in high school, Lance started to fall behind in his studies. As classes became harder, Lance grew more and more discouraged. He almost stopped caring, but Keith convinced him to keep trying, because if he didn't, they might not go to the same college. So, he tried. And he worked and worked, but it just didn't make any sense to him. He would study for hours, but come test time, he would just blank out.

Keith worked tirelessly to try and figure out how to help his friend. They would stay up together for hours on end, working every homework problem until Keith was convinced that Lance knew how to do it. With Keith as his tutor, Lance's grades slowly got better.

When it came time to apply for colleges, the boys were confident that they could both get accepted to the same school. And, though it was a close call, it was so. They were both accepted, even if Lance only just scraped by. They became roommates, and things were looking up. That is, until Keith finally came out of the closet.

Word started to spread that the college board was going to kick Keith out for his sexual orientation, and that he wouldn't be allowed back in until he had "fixed himself."

(This actually happened to my church's pianist. He was kicked out of his college for being gay, and had to go to this sort of "rehab" class. He ended up pretending that he was "straight again" to finish his degree, then graduated and was open about his orientation again. Just some insight to my inspiration, there.)

Naturally, this weighed heavily on Keith, and he expected that at any moment, his dream of becoming an astronaut would be tarnished. Upon seeing his friend's stress and dismay, Lance decided to do something about it. Without Keith knowing, Lance started planning something with the other students, sending around a petition for a protest about the treatment of people of other sexual orientations. By the time the list made its way back around to Lance, almost half the school had signed and agreed. So, on the scheduled date, half of the students raced out of their dorms and classes and gathered in the streets of the college campus to protest.

When Keith heard the commotion, he went to check it out and located Lance, standing on the base of the statue in the center plaza, a megaphone in hand, leading the protest. Lance saw Keith and motioned him over. His friend initially hesitated, but the crowd grabbed him and ushered him towards Lance. He pulled him up onto the pedestal next to him, a giant grin on his face.

Keith was struggling to find a way to express his gratitude when Lance leaned forward and kissed him dead on the lips. Keith blushes like mad as the protesting crowd cheers, and Lance takes his hand, shouting more things to the students. This goes on for about two hours before the college staff come and address them, saying that they've considered everything, and have decided that everyone will be allowed to attend their school, no matter how they identify themselves or which gender they prefer.

Lance admits that he knew about Keith being gay long before he came out, and that he'd been waiting for the right time to tell him that he was bi. Keith admits that he'd had a crush on him since their freshman year, and the two soon start dating. It was the most shipped relationship campus wide. (XD)

So... yay! Happy ending XD Obviously this one is a bit more fleshed than the others XD Tell me what you think!

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