Realities AU

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During a fight against a Galra fleet, Keith gets blasted out of the air, crashing into one of the Galra ships. Breaking through right to the wormhole generator, a chain explosion is triggered. Between the force of the blast, the effects of the malfunctioning/unstable teledove, and the remnants of quintessence energy from druid magic in the air, Keith is knocked out, and the team is forced to retrieve him and retreat.

Keith is put in a healing pod, and Team Voltron thinks he'll be better in no time.

That's not exactly the case.

In this AU, Keith is in a coma, leaving Voltron unachievable, and bringing out some angsty Lance moments as he starts to realize how he really feels about the Red Paladin.

In Keith's mind, he's zipping between three different realities, all of which seem to center around one reoccurring topic: Lance.

(This is mainly due to how much time Lance spends with Keith after they find out he's in a coma. That and the fact that his feelings towards Lance had been eating away at his subconscious for quite sometime)

Alternate Reality 1:
In this reality, Keith is a Galra soldier. Voltron itself hasn't been formed yet, since the Red Lion has yet to select a Paladin, and still lays dormant in a Galra cargo bay. Lance has been captured, and Keith is in charge of him.

Alternate Reality 2:
In this reality, Keith wakes to find himself back on Earth. However, Voltron was ever a thing. They never found the lions, the Galra never existed, nothing. This reality is one of the more conflicting ones for Keith because, while this reality has taken away basically his entire life, this version of himself also has a certain Latino Paladin as his boyfriend ;)

Alternate Reality 3:
This one is the most difficult one for Keith to discern from his original reality, because it is very similar. Except... in this reality, Lance always seems to end up in danger, or is hurt, and no matter how hard Keith tries, it's never enough. In this reality, Keith is constantly trying to save Lance's life, and is ultimately failing every time...

Keith's awareness within realities and when switching realities is a bit inconsistent. Sometimes he just gets the feeling something's off, sometimes he remembers parts, sometimes he remembers everything, and sometimes he is completely oblivious.

Each reality has a secret "want" and a "fear" hidden within its plot line. The fears may be easy, but can you figure out the wants??

(I'll give you a hint. The wants have to do with Lance /this is klance after all/)

First person to figure out all six wants and fears gets.... idk, something special? XD

How about a Klance one-shot thing of their devising? It can be literally anything! Just tell me what you want and I'll write it :3 (but you have to get them all right, first ;) )

Also, the video at the top is just a little something I put together using gifs and pictures that sort of ended up inspiring this, so... yeah XD XD XD Hope you like it...? XD

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