Forget me not (Langst) pt1

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Hey , wanna do requests? Cause now you can! If you want...
also, not hating on sheith, I only used this for the stories purpose. I myself am a bit of a multi shipper, but this book is strictly klangst, Langst and kangst. Thai Sheith is merely for the point of the plot! Got that out the way? Okay good. Enjoy!


Lance hadn't left Keith's side by the healing pods. He knew Keith would have done the same for him. After all they were boyfriends now. They had been dating almost a full two years. They loved each other so very much, and even in Keith's fragile unstable state, Lance loved him. Only a few people knew about them though, only Hunk, Alurra and Coran.

It had been a week since Keith got suck in the Battle field on another planet. By the time they were able to clear a path through the raging aliens and get to Keith he was already in very bad condition. It looked to Lance like his boyfriend had been wacked on the head with a blunt stick many times over. They wasted no time in getting him to the pods. Well that brings us to now I guess.

Lance stood up as Coran and Allura entered.
"Evening princess!"
Lance smiled pushing the worry and sadness from his voice. Allura nodded politely, then went straight to the healing pods and tapped on the panel.

"Did you find anything princess?"
Coran asked. This immediately spiked Lances interest. He bit his lip as he listened attentively to what Allura said next.

"I'm afraid I did, Coran. It appeared there might be a chance of memory loss in the brains neuro damage."

Lance felt his chest contract a little.
"Memory loss princess?"
Allura looked to him not at all concerned.
"Oh yes Lance, but don't worry, it's only a chance , and only a little bit."

Lance nodded relaxing once again. Even if Keith had memory loss they'd get through it, get through it together. Like they did many times before. Lance smiled at the thought of Keith and him, cuddling together, laughing together, crying together. He didn't even notice the rest of the team entered until Hunk yelled "Look! The healing pod is opening!"

There was a small hiss as the glass door slid back and out fell Keith. His black hair sweeping in front of his eyes as he dropped. Lance rushed forward to catch him, but Shiro being their fast leader got there first. Lance rushed over to where Keith was in shiros arms and bent over to look at him.

"Keith ? Kieth can you hear me buddy?"
Lance asked not trying to hide the worry in his tone.

"What? Ngh... uhhh?"
Keith opened his violet eyes and sat up rubbing his head, he looked from Lance, to Shiro to the rest of the team, then back to Lance and Shiro.
"Where the Frick am I?"
He asked.

Lance laughed nervously, no need to panic, no need to panic, no need to panic!!!
"Your Safe in the castle Keith! Just come out of the healing pods. You got pretty badly hurt back there!"
Lance said smiling at him. Kieth did my blink.

"Who are you guys? Aliens?"

Lances stomachs dropped. Shiros eyes widened , only Coran didn't get it.
"Well yes Keith, we are in outer space!"
Keith gasped.
"I always knew aliens were real!"

Lance reached out to grab Keith's hand.
"Keith it's me, Lance, I'm your-"

"Shiro! Keith it's me Shiro! Please tell me you remember me!"
Shiro said desperately clutching Keith's tighter.

"Owww no! I don't know you aliens!"

Allura coughed a little.
"Keith you do actually, your just suffering amnesia. Or some other form of memory loss?"

Keith pouted "prove it!"

Lance was about to, but Pidge cut him off.
"You like moth man!"

Shiro spoke up next
"And your favourite animal is a hippo."

The team collectively listed a few things, well enough to convince Keith. Lance knew more than anyone. All the stuff about his family and why he got kicked out of the garrison, his deepest darkest secrets! He also knew better than to list them all out loud.

"Whoa, you guys do know me! Wait... if you know me then... do you guys like... know I'm gay?"

There were a few coughs and splutters around the room. Allura, Hunk and Coran raises their hands along with Lance. Whilst Pidge and Shiro looked utterly confused and shocked.

Pidge hollered.

"Wait... you knew Lance?"
Shiro asked still recovering.

I shrugged, not yet wanting to tell Shiro about our relationship.

"Uhhh .. I take that as half of you knew. Well now all of you know."
Keith mumbled unhappily at his own words.
Shiro scooped up Keith and carried him over to the sofa.

"It's alright Keith, I myself am Pan actually. But I see we have some explaining to do, so let's get on with it shall we?"

After what seemed like hours of explaining that done to Keith, they all decided to call it a night and go to bed. Lance lay awake that night, he couldn't sleep. He usually slept with Keith cuddled beside him. Without Keith there, there was no comfort. Lance felt tears well up in his eyes. Would all their many memories be forgotten? Would their plans for the future disappear? Lance bit his lip again. No. Not this time. Things will work out. Lance willed himself to think positive. They will.....

Lance found it very hard to get to Keith the last couple of days, he was always surrounded by somebody, most often, Shiro. Lance didn't want to admit it, but he could feel himself growing slightly jealous of the older man. Lance was Keith's boyfriend! He should get to spend time with him! But no matter what he tried to get those two away from each other, it didn't work.

Hunk made Lance extra comfort food, realising the distress of this situation. Allura and Coran would give him sympathetic nods every now and then. His own boyfriend, didn't remember him, maybe ... he just needed a memory jog. Would that work?

"Lance what wrong?"
Pidge asked.

Lance laughed nervously.
"Wrong? There's nothing wrong!"

Pidge looked unconvinced.
"Lance you've been attacking that drone for the last fifteen minutes, it went busted about ten minutes before."

Lance sighed.
"Okay fine .... maybe this is about Keith."

Pidge sighed.
"Lance in know you have a crush on him, but Keith is now dating Shiro and-"

Lance yelled.
"No he's not he can't be!"

Pidge flinched at his tone.
"Lance your supposed to be supportive of this! You can't ... Lance?"

Pidge watched in both horror and amazement as tears dropped down Lances face. Pidge has never seen Lance cry before.

"He was... mine... I .. he .. doesn't remember!"

Pidge went over to the crying boy and comforted him in a big hug.

"Lance, please tell me , what's going on."

Lance drew in a shaky breath.
"Pidge, he was my boyfriend, we were in a secret relationship! Well I mean Hunk and Allura knew, but other wise it was secret, and we loved each-other for two whole years and now he doesn't remember, and Shiro..!"
Lance gasped as more tears fell.
Pidge felt her stomachs drop at the reality of the situation. Suddenly all the extra care and attention Lance had gotten from Hunk and the Alteans made sense. Pidge also realised just how unfair this was. Not that there was much that could be down now, Shiro and Keith got together yesterday. Maybe ... it's not too late?

"Lance, you need to tell him, please for me, maybe it will help! I'll distract Shiro."


"No buts, maybe it will help."

Lance shook nervously as Pidge helped him up from the sofa and lead him to where the two were. Keith on Shiros lap, the two of them laughing together, caused pain to shoot through Lances chest.

"Shiro! I need help with something!"
Pidge yelled from the entrance.
Shiro got up and Keith stared to follow, but Pidge shook her head.
"Not you, just Shiro, sorry Keith!" Then Pidge and Shiro left the room.

Keith sat back down on the sofa and Lance took an uneasy seat next to him. A few awkward minutes went by. Then Lance spoke.
"Hey Keith?"
Keith hummed in response.
"What do you remembered from you other life?"

Kieth looked around, then paused.
"Not much after the garrison really, buys and prices. I think..."
Lance waited patiently. Keith sighed.
"Nah, forget about it."
Lance wasn't going to give up.
"Do you remember me? Anything at all?"
Keith shook his head. Lances chest deflated.
"Wait- I do - no ... I think I remember someone k-kissing me."
Kieth stuttered. Lances eyes lit up.
"Really? Keith who was it? Do you know?"

Keith memory was so fuzzy, for a moment the boy in his memory looked like Lance , but as he thought about Shiro, the memory shifted slightly, into what was obviously his new boyfriend.
"Shiro I think."
Keith couldn't understand why Lance was so heartbroken by this news.

Lance sighed, close to tears again.
"Keith, This doesn't have to change anything, I see your happy now, and that's all I've ever wanted for you, but there is something you should know about your past life."

Keith said uneasily.

Lance drew in a small breath.
"Keith, me and you, before your memory went, we dated."

Keith's eyes widened.
"What for how long?"

"Two years. We were still together right up until you lost your memory. Only Allura, Coran and Hunk knew though."

Keith shook his head.
"No, impossible, you making this up you jealous liar!"

Tears formed in Lances eyes.
"I'm not I swear!"

"You are you lair!"

Lance shook his head desperately.
"Let me prove it to you! Your dad always told you, your mother was dead but later on you found out she'd just abandoned you! You got kicked out the garrison for stealing stuff from Iverson including your precious bike. You don't like letting people In, you have a secret thing for animals and pets, you love being kissed on your forehead and your jaw line and-"

Keith muffled Lance, placing his hand over the upset boys mouth. Lance looked up with hope, hope that surely dissolved, as Keith eyes darkened.
"Listen Lance, maybe we had a thing in the Past, but I have Shiro now, so would you please, back off!"

With that Keith stormed away. Leaving Lance to sob alone on the sofa. His boyfriend was moving on. His boyfriend loved him no more. Was he even anything to him in the first place?

Lance cried out as he remembered all the times they'd spent together. Keith kissing him, holding handS, cuddling, comforting.

Lance giggled as Keith kissed his nose.
"Do you love me Keith?"

"More than anything! I'll never stop loving you!"
Keith smiled at him, his violet eyes lighting up Lances world.

"I love you too"

"Love you forever!"

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