Forget me not (Langst) Pt2

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Requested by @shipping_fairy who asked for a part two to my last chapter. Here you go! Remember, for just £0.00 you can request a one shot too! Sorry I'm dead inside right now.

Trigger warnings: Idk where this chapters going cause I haven't planned it so ... surprise?

Update: This one ends happily. WooOW

Again: No Hating On Sheith Please!

Keith didn't remember him. Keith didn't love him. Lance couldn't bring himself to face the truth, Keith didn't want him. He was too late. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he fought back the frustration that was eating him up inside.

Now he had to watch from the breakfast table, as Shiro and Keith kissed and cuddled, murmuring and giggling with joy. Was it just Lance or did Keith look happier with Shiro? Maybe Keith should have been with Shiro all along. Maybe Lance was just a mistake. Lance couldn't take his eyes of the happy couple opposite him. He watched blankly as his small raven haired boyfriend- uh Ex boyfriend, leaned in for another quick kiss with Shiro. Lance never thought about it, but Shiro looked happy too. They were all so happy without him. They always found someone better than him.

"Lance, are you alright? You look like your about to cry."
Shiro asked, noticing the blue paladins gaze was on him and Keith.

Pidge and Hunk whirled around and gave Lance a sympathetic look. They knew what Lance and Keith had been. I fact the only person who didn't know was Shiro. Judging by Keith's narrowed eyes, things were gonna stay that way. There is no point in telling Shiro anyway. Lance had his chance, and now it was gone forever.

"Im fine Shiro, just home sick."
Lance stood up from the table stretched a bit, and left. Allura gave the other paladins sad glances. Shiro was left so confused as to why everyone was so touchy about Lance today. What was going on?

A few weeks went by and Lance was very distant with the team. He didn't flirt with aliens anymore, he barley spoke to Kieth and Shiro. Infact he didn't really speak much to anyone. He hung out with Hunk and Pidge a fair bit, but he also spent many hours alone, training. Theses changes had failed to go un noticed, and Shiro was reeling to find out what was wrong with Lance. When he asked for his boyfriends opinion, Shiro was met with a hard stare.

"I don't know, I don't care, let's go Shiro."
Keith mumbled. Shiro couldn't help but feel like Keith knew a little more to this than he was letting on. Shiro later confronted Lance about this himself. But had to be taken out the room by Pidge and Allura when Lance started to cry. Had he caused this?

Shiro felt bad for Lance, he really did, but if Lance wouldn't tell him, then he wouldn't push. Keith however felt nothing but anger. Lance was going to ruin his relationship with Shiro. He couldn't ever see why he liked Lance in the first place. All they did was argue anyway. Kieth sighed and headed back to him room, and lay in his bed. Unaware of what was going on a few rooms away.

Pidge was sat up on her bed, laptop open, a small sting micro chip sat in front of her. The blue light from the laptop illuminated her tired face. She had been working so hard on this it better work. She felt bad for Lance. Everyone did, but she thinks Keith at least needs to know just how sincere Lance felt. If he still doesn't remember Lance after this, then his decisions been made, and is time for Lance to move on. But this small chip, with some of Lances memories in, could save they're relationship once and for all.

Perfect, everyone's sleeping. Now is the best time to give the memory chip to Keith, he'll think it's a dream. Pidge very quietly slipped out of her room and tiptoed down the corridors to Keith's. As she approached his bed she felt more and more frightened. What if this didn't work? What if he hates Lance more? What if he finds out it was her? Pidge took a deep breath, then slipped the chip onto the side of Keith's ear, brushing away the dark raven locks of hair that fell in the way.

She ran back to her room a fast as her short legs could carry her. Her job was done.... now all she had to do was wait.

Inside Keith's mind:

Even at night Keith's thoughts were plagued with the worries of the day. Like Lance and Shiro and what to do about this whole mess.
While he was running over more far fetched solutions in his mind, he heard a soft voice call out to him. He felt suddenly dizzy in his dream state and closed his eyes. When he opened them again he was standing by he pool, sitting on the side feet dipped in the water. Someone was walking towards him. He felt scared but strangely felt pulled towards the figure. His emotions were flying crazy and his heart wouldn't stop beating fast.

He blinked and realised that figure was him! Then wait- Keith looked down at his blue swim shorts and realised he was in Lances body! What was this? A dream from Lances view?
But why?

He watched as the dream Keith sat beside him in the pool, and took his hand. He felt Lances heart start beating a million times faster than before. Then dream Keith leaned in for a kiss. He felt Lances head turn as he was met with stunning violet eyes. Then their lips touched, and just like that everything came back.

In the real world:

Keith sat up in shock, and nearly screamed. Everything was coming back to him now, his family, his time at the garrison and Lance...

Lance ran his hands through Keith's hair and smiled. Keith loved Lances smile, it seemed to light up the world. He smiled back at Lance and Lance giggled. He loved the feeling of being here with lance, as they lay on top of each other on his bed. Cuddled close together, Keith with Lances jacket wrapped round his shoulders. He felt so at home.

Keith got up and pulled on his clothes as fast as possible. He turned to the door and rushed out.

"I'll love you forever!" Keith said, and he meant it! How could ever stop loving this beautiful boy. Lance blushed and wrapped Keith in a hug. "I'll love you for ever too!"
Keith pouted as Lance kissed his nose. Then he pulled Lance into a deep proper kiss.

Keith headed towards the breakfast table, where everyone was sat. Everyone looked shocked at his sudden loud arrival. He took a deep breath.

"Everyone , I have something to tell you..."

Lance sat with him in the pool, laughing and splashing each other. Keith grabbed the Cuban boy by the shoulders and laughed as they fell backwards into the water.
"Screw Altean pools!"
Lance laughed as he scrambled back up to the side, realising this side of pool had no visible bottom. Keith followed him shyly.
"They're not as bad as you!"
He joked. Lance pretends to be offended then took Keith's hand in his.

"Everyone I'm so sorry, I don't know how, but my memories have returned."

There was a bunch of yelling round the table as Pidge grabbed Lance and Allura stood up nearly knocking the whole table spread over. Hunk yelled and Shiro looked confused.

"Wait ! I have something really important to say ...."

His boyfriend was Lance, his lover was Lance, his soulmate was Lance. His head was filled with Lance all the time, just the way his boyfriend spoke was intoxicating. "Lance..." he said as he kissed the other boy softly. "Keith..." Lance mumbled into their kiss. They pulled their bodies together and listened to each other's beating hearts.

"I'm so so so sorry Shiro. I hope after this you will understand. I have to make something right, and I'm sorry it didn't happen before. I remembered it all now. Lance... where is Lance?"

He watched as Lance got up from the table, Lances face was worried. Keith felt his heart brake a little, he can't believe he rejected Lance like that. He had to make things right.

"Lance, before I got my stupid memories taken away, I promised you, that I would love you for ever! I'm sorry I broke that. But now in need you to know, I will love you for ever!"

Lances eyes teared up as he flung himself towards Keith. Keith hugged him back in return. Holding the small crying boy close to his chest. Shiro looked shocked but, didn't press any further. Pidge grinned and Hunk and Allura sighed in relief. Lance let out another joyful sob.

"Hush, I love you Lance."
Keith whispered.

"I love you too Keith!"


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