Risk (Langst)

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A/N: This one isn't very klancey sorry.

Lances POV

I was terrified right now. Nervous as hell. Team Voltron were returning from a failed mission, and you know what the worst part about that is?

I was the one that made it fail. I was just trying to lighten the mood. I could see we were already losing, so I cracked a small pun, then proceeds to get the crap beaten out of me and blue by a Galra ship. The others took this a sign I wasn't concentrating and went over to help me. That was their mistake. It was trap, and we were cornered and had to retreat. It's all my fault. I know I'm going to get yelled at when we get back to the castle. I really didn't want to disappoint anyone else this week. I suppose I'm a natural disappointment.

When we arrived at the hanger, I parked up blue next to the other lions and sheepishly got out to see the group watching me, arms crossed.

"Lance ! What in Altea was that? You cost us that mission because you felt the need to open your silly mouth, and get distracted! Really Lance we could have completed that mission if it wasn't for you!"
Allura huffed, definitely mad at me.

"Heh. Sorry guys! My bad."
I force laughed, rubbing my neck.

"Yeah, you are bad."
Keith grumbled not even looking at me. I felt my heart sink a little. Why had I deemed us rivals? He had obviously beaten me from the moment we saved Shiro. We aren't equals, fitting to be better. Keith won that fight long ago. I'll never be as good as him. So he has every right to say that.

"Lance can I talk to you alone?"
Shiro asked quietly.
The way he said it made me think, maybe he had seen past my charade, maybe he saw how I was feeling. Maybe someone finally wanted to help.

"Lance, I think you need extra training. Your struggling to keep up with the team. I suggest you train an hour more every day. Then maybe you can be on roughly the same level."
Shiro said firmly, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Hah, yeah okay, but I also need beauty sleep!"
I joked. This earned me rather hard stare from Shiro, before he left me alone in the hanger. To think by my self.

Why did I think anything more?
Why do I even hope?
When was the last time something positive was directed at me?

It's like no one looks at my victories, but points out only my failures. Life is a balance, a balance I don't seem to have.

I'm just a failure.


The entire week everything I did seemed to annoy somebody. Even Hunk got annoyed when I turned up to dinner late.

"Lance! Where have you been? Now the food is cold. I have to heat it up again, wait here."
He sighed frustrated as he took my bowl back to the kitchen.

I trained not just an hour more, but three. That meant I trained a total of 7 hours a day, but since is didn't want to let the others see me fail, I did most if it at night.

"Lance, even after our talk your not training hard enough."
Shiro stated infront of everyone at the table.

"Why am I not surprised."
Keith mumbled.

"Let me guess? You face mask routine?"
Pidge said cheekily.

I gulped suddenly really desperate to get the quiznack out of here.

"I uhh, I umm."

Suddenly alarms went of all over the ship, and a panicked Allura came stumbling into the dining room.

"Paladins! Quick, to your lions! There is trouble on planet Habbark! Hurry! It's a the Galra again!"

Everyone immediately stopped eating and raced to the hanger.

"Hey blue."
I cooed as I clambered I to the lion and took my seat as a pilot.

"Let's move! Jump to hyper speed!"
Shiros leader like voice called out.
We followed Shiro through the "worm hole" and immediately the planet Habbark came into view. I began to worry as we got closer to the planets red crusty and dry surface. When we landed Pidge immediately identified the problem.

"Down in the caverns! There are a load of Galra bases in the planets natural cracks."

"I guess we take them out!"
Keith said already, with his bayard pointed at one of the dark holes in the desert ground.

"Let's go!"
Shiro commanded, and we all jumped down into the dark cavern.

We saw the base and were almost immediately attacked by a load of Galra soldiers.

Keith and Shiro were slashing their way through with ease. Pidge and Hunk had each-others backs, and were making steady progress towards the goal. I found myself at the back shooting a load of Galra that we're charging towards me. I wasn't getting anywhere. I'm going to get yelled at for falling behind again!

That's when I got an idea.

I charged forward as fast a possible knocking as many Galra out the way as I went.

They clearly don't care about me as much.

I thought to myself, punching an armed Galra right in the ribs.

I'm very easy to replace as blue is the friendliest lion.

A Galra stabbed me in the thigh, but I simply put my blaster to his head and pulled the trigger.

I'm expendable, so there is no point in staying safe, when it didn't matter if you die.

I leapt past Shiro and Keith and ran towards the Galra bases front gate. I could here them calling to wait in the distance. But I hinted them.

I either win and impress them or die not caring about my safety.

Because now that there is point in living,
There is also no risk.

I charged in through the main gates, wacthcing Galra crumple to the floor as I fired from my bayard. A bullet hit me in the shoulder but I continued to move. I could hear my team screaming behind me to stop as another knife was wedged into my back, I continued to fire nearly at the main Controll room. Blood was oozing out of my chest and other wounds but that wasn't going to stop me. Because if I die, I die, if I live, so be it. I don't care anymore.

I could see a Galra aim at Keith behind me, and I never moved so fast in my life. This bullet entered right through my heart, as I stepped out in front of the red paladin. Keith eyes were wide as I turned to him and said.

"Find a better paladin than me Keith.."
Then fell to the floor. Now I won't annoy them anymore.

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