What about me? (Klangst)

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A/N: klangsty stuff here. Feedback? Idk.

The red paladin choked kneeling down beside Lance as the battles raged on around them.

"No lance... please."

He said his hand brushing over the bullet wound in the blue paladins chest. Red blood leaking from the hole as lances strength slipped away with it.

"Hey, Keith look at me."
Lance whispered lifting his hand to stroke Keith's cheek. Moving the tears and dirt off of the beautiful paladins face.

"Lance no...you can't leave me yet."

Keith cradled the brunette in his arms, holding him tight into his chest.

"Now this is a bonding moment I'm going to remember... for the rest of my short life."
Lance chuckled hoarsely.

"Lance promise me you won't die."
Keith sobbed running his hand through lances hair, trying to stop the shaking of his hands.

"You now I can't promise that Keith..."
Lance was finding it harder than he thought to not cry. He found his eyes tearing up as memories came flooding back to him.
Him and Keith rescuing Shiro, the first time they formed Voltron, the pool incident, and of course the bonding moment. Lance found himself laughing slightly.

"You promised that we would grow old together."
Keith yelled, tears streaming. Lances hand was getting colder, Keith lay his head on Lances chest, listening to his heart beat. There was still a chance.

"Keith no I won't be able... I'm going to die, you've got your peace now."
Lance said softly.

"What about me?"
Keith asked the blue paladin.
"Where is my peace?"
Lance opened his mouth to reply, but he couldn't think of a single thing to say.
Then the tears fell. Lance didn't know what to do to make this any better. He knew he was dying, but it was so slow. He probably had another painful ten minutes left. He couldn't stand listening to Keith's crying. It made him desperately want to stand up and say everything was alright, but as the blood in his veins began to freeze, there was little he could do, but whisper sweet nothings in Keith's ear.

He just let Keith lay across him, waiting, for his time to come. Keith listened to lances heart beat, and eventually began to count them out loud.





There was a pause which scared keith half to death.

Keith said relived that beat came.


"Keith stop."





Before Keith's could continue, using the last of his strength, lance propped himself up and pressed his lips against Keith's. Keith was to surprised to do anything but let Lance kiss him. When he broke apart and lay down, Keith couldn't help but look at lance lost.

"W..why now?"
He asked.
"Why when you have so little time left?"

Lance smiled at Keith.

"So I can die happily. Knowing I finally got to kiss the guy I love."

The last thing Keith said back was.
"But what about me?"
Lance simply smiled, his facial muscles beginning to relax. His chest stopped heaving up and down and Keith could no longer hear his heart beat.

That was it.

They had kissed for less than a minute, and now lance was gone. Keith looked at lances empty shell of a body, fresh tears begging to fall.

"Lance... hey, what about me?"
He stuttered shaking lances shoulders.

"Lance? Lance! Don't leave me like that! What about me? Don't you love me?"
At this point Keith was gripping his dead lovers shoulders so tight, he might never let go.

"Lance! Lance can you hear me? Lance! LANCE WHAT ABOUT ME? I LOVE YOU TOO YOU KNOW!"

Keith let go of lances body letting it fall to the ground. Tears were streaming from his eyes.
Keith looked up at the sky and screamed.


He threw himself on the blue paladins sobbing and heaving.

"It's not fair! It's not fair...why now? Why not earlier. Why couldn't we be in love before? WHY!!!"

Keith took one last look at Lances peaceful face, it looked calm, like he was sleeping.

"What about me?"

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