When we go to sleep (klangst)

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A/N: saw this idea somewhere. Made it a thing.
Trigger warnings: death and doom and stuff.

Keith an Lance had been living happily together now for nearly fifteen years. They had defeated Zarkon, and all the paladins has returned to earth, where they were staring a new peaceful life. Lance and Keith who had been dating, finally got a house together and now, also had three little annoyances in their life called 'children'. Their eldest was eight year old Sofia, followed by five year old Jason, and lastly three year old Daisy.

As annoying as they were, Keith and Lance treasured these three children, and raised them as their own. Kieth worked everyday, hour after hour, so they could by a little house just on the outskirts of town. They didn't have enough at the time to get married to have a wedding, so they put that of for a bit. Lance took the kids to school and helped out as much as he could, but as they got older Lance could help less, you see both of them knew, Lance was never going to make it to fourty.

Lance was dying. They had discovered this some time after arriving back on earth. Although Lance had cancer, Keith didn't want to stop his relationship with him so as not to get hurt, in-fact, it was Keith's idea to get kids after this news, so that he and Lance could still raise the family they dreamed of. And they did. For nearly five years they had been going strong, but now they new Lances time wasn't long.

"Daddy are we going to see Papa?"
Jason asked pulling on Keith's sleeve as they got out of their car. Sofia picked up a sleepy Daisy and followed Keith across the parking lot. Keith took Jason's hand and squeezed it.

"Yes Jase, we always see Papa on a Friday."

Daisy looked up from her nap on Sofia's shoulder.
"Why can't Papa visit us? I thought family's live together."

Sofia set Daisy down on the ground as they entered the hospital.
"He's sick Daisy you idiot!"
Sofia scolded. Keith took Daisy hand and said gently.
"That's enough Sofia, she doesn't under stand, Your the only one old enough to. Even then .... I don't think you know the full extent of it."
Sofia looked up confused, her blue eyes shining.

"I do know. Papa is sick, and he's here to get better. That's what hospitals do, we learnt about them in class."
Sofia took Daisy's other hand and shuffled into the elevator.

"Papas been sick for ever now. Why don't hey give him Uncle Hunks soup? Soup always makes me feel better!"
Jason piped up.

"Soup can't make Papa better this time Jase."
Keith said softly.

Sofia and Jason exchanges looks. Keith was being very distant and nice with them today. What on earth was going on? Usually Keith was really stressed when they visited Lance. Sofia didn't tell, but she caught him crying one night after a weirdly long visit. It was heartbreaking, and part of her wondered if there really was more to her Papa being ill than Lance let on.

When they finally reached Lances room, all the kids rushed in excited to see their Papa again.
Lance was propped up on his bed, all sorts of IV drips attached to his arms. There was a tube in his nose, and his tanned Cuban skin was paler than usual. Lances eyes however told a different story. They were blue, bright and determined not to disappoint his kids.

They chorused throwing themselves at Lance, who laughed and scooped them into his arms.
"My cheeky Monkeys!"
Lance tickled Daisy a bit, till she nearly fell backwards. Keith smiled widely and came to sit by Lance who was playing happily with his children. It had only been a minuet but Keith could see that it was exhausting Lance, so he made a quick rescue.

"Hey, Sofia, Jase, Daisy!"
He called out, grabbing the kids attention.
"There is a shop just down a floor at the hospital. Could you three go grab a snack each and a bottle of water? Here Sofia, I'm trusting you to take care of your siblings."
Keith placed some money in the older girls palm, and watched as the three excited kids exited the room, whispering about what snack to buy.

"You didn't have to do that."
Lance sighed, smiling at Keith. Kieth leant over and brushed back the Cuban boys hair, kissing his fore head.

"Ah, But I want to be alone for this."
Keith took a step back and leant down at the edge of Lances bed. Before Lance could realise what Keith was doing, the dark haired man had reached into his pocket, producing a small velvet box with a good and diamond ring inside.

"Will you marry me Lance?"
Keith asked smiling nervously.

Lances eyes began to tear up. He looked like he was going to say something but instead he wrapped his arms around Keith's neck pulling him into the biggest kiss on earth.

Lance exclaimed kissing Keith again. Keith giggled as they pressed their for heads together. Kieth slid the ring onto Lances finger and looked at the Cuban boy. Who was smiling like crazy. Tears were in the corner of Lances eyes as he laid back on his pillow admiring his ring finger.

"You've made me the happiest man alive Kogane. You and the kids. I love you all."
Lance whispered his smile not wavering.

"We love you too."
Kieth said quietly.

Lances eyes shut, his smile relaxing with the rest of his body. Keith stood by the side of the bed holding Lances hand as it grew cold and limp. A tear rolled down his cheek as Lances breathing came to a stop.

The sound of a paper bag being dropped behind Keith made him turn around quick.
Sofia, who had dropped the bag, ran out the room again, leaving two surprised and confused siblings.

"Papa Lance?"
Daisy asked curiously.

"He's sleeping."
Keith said trying not to cry.

"When will he wake up?"
Jason asked.

"When we go to sleep."
Kieth said.


"Yes Jase?"

"Why are you crying, where did Sofia go?"

Kieth took Jason's left hand and took Daisy's other. He walked them out the corridor to see Sofia hunched up in a ball outside the door.

Keith let go of his children's hand and picked up a sleeping Sofia, cradling her gently.
Once the kids were in the car, Keith turned back to the hospital.

"Daddy has some things he need to do now."
He told his tired kids.

"Like wake up Papa?"

Kieth said nothing, just walked back towards the hospital silently.

"Papa won't wake up, till we go to sleep."

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