IX. - About Loss

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There was so much talking around him, but he did not hear any of it. He felt like this was not real, should not be real. He pulled his jacket closer, wishing he could disappear in it forever. Then one of the policemen came over to sit next to him.

"Hey. What's your name?" he asked.

He shivered, not from the cold air, but from the cold inside him. It felt as though it was trying to fill out that empty space in his chest, numbing his heart and his pain. The man asked again. He did not answer, did not avert his eyes from the dirty ground. The man sighed and he thought he was just going to leave again, but apparently the guy was more determined than that.

"I could say I know how you feel, but that would be a lie."

Surprised, he turned his head to look at the man beside him, who he now noticed was still quite young.

"I know it's impossible for anyone to imagine what you're going through right now, but maybe you can describe it to me so I can try and help you?"

He looked back down for a moment, thinking about the words. The man was right,  no one could understand what he was feeling. But maybe he could really try to at least describe it... None of the other people that had tried to talk to him had asked how he felt. All he had heard so far was 'I know how you must feel' and 'It will be alright'.

"It's not fair," he whispered, but the man caught in anyway.

"You're right, it's not. It never is."

"I should have done something," he said miserably.

"You couldn't have done anything. You shouldn't blame yourself."

He looked the man in the eyes and asked the most innocent question.

"Why does it hurt so much?"

The policeman put an arm around him and leaned down to whisper in his ear.

"It's because someone tried to take something from your heart. You must fight it and keep it in there." The man tapped lightly on his chest, right above his heart. "Then they'll always be with you. Just don't forget them."

"I won't," he promised.

° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °

It had been supposed to be a happy day. Now he was met with a scene that felt more familiar to him than it should to anyone. Two bodies lying dead on the ground, the screams of one boy having been robbed of his parents, his family. Watching this small child cry, he could not help but feel like this was destiny. He must have been supposed to be there when it happened. And even though he failed at saving the boy's parents, he knew he could still save the boy himself. He could still be there for him. He never would have thought he would ever have a single thought like this, but now, it seemed like the most natural feeling. Like an ancient instinct that was telling him to care for this particular child, to give him everything he needs, at all costs. And despite knowing that this was probably the most reckless thing he was ever going to do, he promised himself that he was going to do whatever he could to help this boy. It may have been two lifes that had been ended that night, but it was three hearts that stopped beating.

And one that started again.

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"One month?! You want to leave him in there for another four weeks?"

"I am sorry, sir. But it is the most I can do."

"It's too dangerous."

"Sir, we have made it our responsibility to make sure every child enters a safe environment-"

"And I have made it my responsibility to make sure this particular boy won't ever be harmed again. And I believe it is highly irresponsible to leave an eight-year-old, innocent child in one place with children that are known to be violent. You're sending the boy to his death!"

"I understand your concern regarding the matter, but as I already informed you, one month is the fastest we can offer. We would like to ask you to be patient for a little longer."

"...Patience won't help him."

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I do not own Young Justice or any of the DC Universe characters.

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