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Kosu's team stepped through the shimmering portal, emerging into the dense, twilight-shrouded forest. The towering trees blocked out the sun, casting the entire landscape in an eerie, perpetual dusk.

"Stay close and keep your eyes peeled," Kosu warned, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword. "The scout says this place is a maze - it'll be easy to lose our bearings in here."

The scout, a seasoned ranger named Elara, stepped forward, her keen eyes scanning the surroundings. "The trees are too thick to get a good vantage point. We'll have to rely on my tracking skills to navigate."

Kosu nodded. "Lead the way, then. And everyone, stay alert. There's no telling what kind of dangers might be lurking in these woods."

The team moved cautiously through the dense foliage, Elara guiding them with unwavering focus. The air was thick with the musty scent of decaying leaves and the chirping of unseen insects. The silence was oppressive, broken only by the occasional snap of a twig or the rustle of unseen movement.

Suddenly, a piercing screech shattered the stillness, and a horde of goblins and hobgoblins emerged from the shadows, their crude weapons gleaming in the dim light.

"Ambush!" Kosu roared, drawing his sword and taking up a defensive stance. "Archers, take the high ground! Fighters, with me!"

The battle erupted in a frenzy of clashing steel and arcane energy. The goblins and hobgoblins swarmed the team, their ferocity fueled by the darkness of the forest.

Elara's arrows whistled through the air, felling several of the creatures, but more seemed to pour in from all sides. Kosu and his fighters fought with skill and determination, their blades carving a path through the horde.

As the battle raged on, Kosu couldn't help but worry about Thorn's team. Were they facing similar challenges in the barren wasteland? He pushed the thought aside, focusing instead on the task at hand.

"Hold the line!" he shouted, his voice barely audible over the din of the battle. "We can't let them break through!"

The team fought with all their might, but the endless waves of goblins and hobgoblins threatened to overwhelm them. Kosu gritted his teeth, steeling himself for what could be a long and grueling fight.

Kosu saw Elara take down another hobgoblin with a well-placed arrow, her face set in determined focus.

"Elara!" he shouted over the din of battle. "Use your tracking skills - see if you can find a weakness in their formation!"

Elara nodded, her keen eyes scanning the battlefield. She quickly maneuvered to a higher vantage point, her arrow nocked and ready.

"Their numbers are strong, but they're disorganized!" she called out. "The goblins are leading the charge, with the hobgoblins hanging back. If we can break through their front line, we may be able to turn the tide!"

Kosu gritted his teeth, his sword a blur as he fended off a pair of snarling goblins. "Then that's what we'll do! Fighters, with me! We're going to punch a hole in their defenses!"

Kosu led the charge, his team's blades and magic carving a path through the horde of goblins. Elara provided covering fire, her arrows finding their mark with deadly precision.

As they pushed deeper into the enemy ranks, Kosu could see the hobgoblins starting to falter, their confidence shaken by the ferocity of the assault.

"Keep the pressure on!" he roared. "Don't let them regroup!"

The team fought with renewed vigor, their coordinated attacks overwhelming the disjointed tactics of the goblins and hobgoblins. Slowly but surely, they began to gain the upper hand, the forest floor littered with the fallen bodies of their foes.

Kosu felt a surge of triumph as the last of the hobgoblins fled back into the shadows of the forest. They had weathered the ambush and emerged victorious, thanks in no small part to Elara's keen observations.

"Well done, everyone," he said, his breathing heavy. "Let's press on before they have a chance to regroup. Elara, keep us on course."

With renewed determination, Kosu's team pressed deeper into the maze-like forest, ready to face whatever other challenges lay in wait.

As the sounds of battle faded into the distance, Elara approached Kosu, her brow furrowed in concern.

"Something about that attack was... off," she said, her voice lowered. "The goblins were more numerous and aggressive than they should be, and the hobgoblins were content to let them do the fighting rather than join the fray themselves."

Kosu nodded, wiping the sweat from his brow. "I noticed that too. And their weapons – crude as they were, they shouldn't have been able to hold their own against our forces."

"Exactly," Elara replied, her eyes narrowing. "The last report we had said these goblins and hobgoblins were using firearms and other advanced weaponry. But what we just faced... that didn't match up at all."

Kosu frowned, his mind racing to piece together the puzzle. "You think this could be some kind of diversion? A trap, perhaps?"

Elara's grip tightened on her bow. "It's possible. We need to be on our guard. These creatures, they're not acting like their normal selves. There's something else going on here."

Kosu turned to the rest of the team, who were tending to their wounds and regrouping. "Listen up, everyone! Elara and I think this attack may have been a diversion. Stay sharp and keep your eyes peeled. We don't know what else might be lurking in these woods."

The team members exchanged uneasy glances, their hands instinctively reaching for their weapons. Kosu could see the tension in their faces – they had expected a straightforward mission, but now the stakes had been raised.

"We press on," Kosu declared, his voice steady. "We need to find Thorn's team and get to the bottom of this. Move out, but keep your guard up. I have a feeling we're just scratching the surface of whatever's going on here."

With renewed determination, Kosu's team continued their trek through the maze-like forest, their senses heightened and their weapons at the ready. The eerie silence that surrounded them only served to heighten the unease that had settled over the group.

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