First-Timers (Barba)

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A romantic request for MaryElizabethFine

Candles were glowing brightly and surrounded the wedding reception. Barba looked over at his wife. She owned his heart. Each flower came in unison to create the perfect perfume. He could remember every second with her. She could do to same. As the best man speech started, they began to reminisce about the past.


Walking into Starbucks, I never thought I would leave taking a dirty tie to an angry lawyer.

I walked in to get my usual medium black coffee. I wasn't like most other coffee drinkers who had to have sugar or milk. I enjoyed the bitter taste of coffee. Apparently I wasn't the only one. The barista had mixed my drink up with another person. They order the same thing but in a larger size. I did not know this and stopped listening when she said black coffee.

"Hey! You have my-" I heard a voice say before and turned around and ran into the owner.

He screeched and swatted at his chest, trying to make the scalding hot coffee disappear.

I immediately set the coffee down and went to retrieve some napkins, "I am so sorry! I did not know!"

"This is NOT how this day was suppose to go. I'll just drink the shitty coffee at work! Thanks!" he furiously left the café.

I felt so horrible. I looked over at the coffee and saw a classic red tie next to it.

I might as well do something to help.

I grabbed the tie, paid for the drink, and ran after the lawyer. I found him rushing into the court house and I followed him in. I looked around to see if he was still in the lobby and he was. He was talking to a tall blonde detective who seemed to be way too enthusiastic with his hand gestures.

I sheepishly walked towards them holding the tie out in front of me.

He snatched the tie away from me, but he tried to calm down, "Thank"

"Elizabeth, but I go by Liz," I answered.

"Thank you, Elizabeth," he called me by my formal name, "I am Rafael."

"Again, I am really sorry about your shirt and taking your coffee. It was an honest mistake. I could go get you a new shirt. I know a place not too far from here," I wanted to make up for ruining his morning.


"You can't change my mind," I said, meaning to sound playful and not rude,"It's the least I can do."

He sighed, "Fine. I've got a trial in 15 minutes. Hurry...please."

I smiled and ran as quickly as I could.


I can't believe I am on a date with the woman who ruined my perfectly nice Tuesday morning. She is so beautiful with her blonde hair and red dress. I have never been so nervous in my life. Not even my first trial bothered me this much.

"H-hello Liz. You look very nice," I tried to say without sounding like a teenager.

I failed, but she just laughed it off.

"Thank you," she tucked her hair behind her ear, "You don't look too bad yourself Rafi!"

Rafi? RAFI? Is that a good sign?

Oh it definitely was! After our date I dropped her off at her apartment. She invited me in for coffee; I gladly obliged.

However, I did not drink one drop of coffee that glorious night.

It was Valentine's Day. Two years ago I would have hated this day. But when you actually have someone, this day feels like infinity. I took forever doing my makeup and hair. I picked out the perfect little black dress that would show off what Rafi has seen many times, but it still made his jaw drop.

Rafi and I promised each other that we would not see each other for the whole day so that it would feel extra romantic on our date. I met him in the park where we had the best time. We started out eating the dinner Rafi had made. Then, we exchange gifts which were the usual chocolate and jewelry presents. We ended up sing lullabies that we knew as a children and making out under a street light. I felt Rafi shift and pull away. I grunted and slowly opened my eyes. I saw Rafi holding a nervous grin on his face. I looked down to see a beautiful diamond ring in a heart shaped pink box.

I was going to be getting married.


The couple did not listen to Sonny's cheesy best man speech. They were too focused on each other and caught up in the moment to hear about the time Sonny caught them doing it on his sofa.

Everyone else was laughing, but the couple was silent. Liz stared into Rafael's brown eyes and wondered if there was anytime she felt like Rafi was not the one. She was sure she could find a few moments, but what's the fun in that? She preferred to be naive in this moment. She wanted this to be the princess moment she thought about constantly forever ago as a small girl. Her prince was now her prince forever.

Rafael on the other hand couldn't wait until the ceremony was over. He felt wonderful and splendid, but he couldn't wait any longer. He wanted to just be alone with Liz and drift away to Cloud 9.

The couple went back to thinking about more things they did together for the first time. Like how they played lazer tag as full grown adults and didn't care who watched, or when they traveled to LA to go to the beach and sight see. Rafael especially went deep into his memories. Liz was the first to spill coffee on him, she was his first lazer tag buddy, she was his first love at first sight, and now she was his first wife.

Where had the time gone?

Rafael saw that all the speeches were done and now it was time to dance. But before that, he decided to add to the speeches.

He stood up and cleared his throat, "Liz, I love you. There's no other way to put it. I'm not sure what to say so I will keep it simple. You look gorgeous inside and out. I honestly cannot wait until everyone is gone. But most importantly, I wanted to say thank you. You were so nice and you went to grab that shirt three years ago. I'm glad you did. I am glad that you have stuck by me for so long. So here's to you. And here's to our first, and hopefully last, wedding!"

He took her hand and she stood up. He could see the tears of joy that she was hoping wouldn't fall out of her eyes. He wiped them away and like in any good romantic movie, he dipped her and kissed her for what seemed like forever. He never wanted to come back up and neither did she.

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