Chapter 10 - All About Me and Lily's Lullaby

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[Lily's POV]

"Well," I said, thinking what to begin with, then remembered Auntie Ryan's conversation with me.

"I have tattoos," I said.

Dad's eyes widen. "Really?? Wanna show me??"

I pull my leg up and show him the "Chris" tattoo I got, and then lift my shirt a bit to show the Snow White one.

"Cool," he said. "I like them."

"I thought you'd be mad," I said, pulling my shirt down.

"C'mon, look at me," he said with a smirk and his tattooed arm out.  "You think I'll be mad?"

"Good point," I laughed.

"And what else has happened?? I can remember TJ said something about a 'Blade' back at the hospital," he said.

"Oh, well... Its my gang name," I said.

"Wait, you're in a gang??" he asked.

"Since I was 11. They called me Blade since I'm good with one, and... other things..." I said, rubbing my scarred arms.

He carefully turned my wrist around to see my healing scars.

"Please, Lily, never do it again. I've also been told at the hospital you have anorexia, so please, promise me you'll try and get better," he said sadly. "I'm here for you always, too."

"I promise, Daddy," I said, holding back tears.

He smiled sadly as he hugged me. I hugged him back.

We then went on with places we moved, who I've met, and I even admitted something else.

"Wait, you're bi??" he asked.

I nodded shyly.

"I got a bit curious when I was 13 and I met this girl named Robin. She was in my gang. I really liked her and she liked me, since some guy hurt my feelings," I said sadly. "We weren't teased or anything, since I had my lucky blade and she had her's. Nobody messed with us. That is, until..."

"Until what??" he asked, looking worried.

"M-Mom had us moved to a neighborhood near Westboro Baptist Church a month before I met Robin," I said.

My dad tensed up, meaning he knows now.

"Protesters were everywhere... They one day saw me and Robin holding hands as we went to get a pizza after school.... They ganged up on us hard a-and.... She didn't make it!!!" I cried.

I felt Dad's arms wrap around me and I cried into his chest.

Memory flashes of how those kids beat us up returned to my head, as well as waking up with Mom and Fawn and Trey there, and Robin's dead body next to my bed.

"Sshhhhh..... its okay, I'm here. I'm here, baby," Dad said.

"They killed her, Daddy," I cried. "I pressed charges, but they won."

"They'll be stopped one day, Lil. One day, the horrible people will get what they deserve."

I cried for a while until I calmed down a bit, but I was hiccuping a bit and Dad was patting my back.

"How about we talk about something else tomorrow?? Let's go to sleep, okay??" he asked.

I sniffles a bit. "C-Can I sleep in your room tonight??" I asked.

He smiled. "Of course," he said.

He then scooped me up in my arms and carried me up to his room and laid me down.

He left the room for a bit to shut off lights and get me a glass of water and Cheshire.

It wasn't long until he cuddled me in his arms and sang "City Lights."

He always sang that song instead of other songs.

"Daddy, why do you always sing me that song??" I asked.

"Because its your lullaby. I wrote it for you when you were a baby," he said.

I smiled and curled up into him, Cheshire in my arms as Dad held me in his arms and soon I fell asleep.

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