Chapter 12 - Black Casket Tattoos

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[Lily's POV]

Dad and I got washed up and ready and then drove to Uncle Angelo's tattoo shop. Turns out, they already had gone home a day before, and Uncle Ang had some appointments to take care of. Aunt Kelly was with him.

I was a little nervous to meet them, but i had my dad. I'm sure I'll be okay.

We then walk in and I saw Aunt Kelly at the counter. Some people getting tattooed. I was hidden behind dad when I felt soemthing lick my foot and squeak, seeing it was a small dog. I giggle and relax.

"Hey, Chris! And.... person?" Aunt Kelly asked as she saw me.

Guess she doesn't recognize me much.

"Actually, you'll never guess who," Chris said and had me stand in front. I gulped and looked at Aunt Kelly, and shyly wave.

"H-Hi," i said, our eyes meeting.

"Those eyes... You look famili... Oh my god," she said, immediatly shocked and looking like she was going to faint.

"Aunt Kelly?" I asked.

"Ang... Ang! ANGELO!!!!!" she shouted, happily, and then went around the counter and hugged me, and I hugged her back, felling a smile and some tears.

"Lily... It is you," I hear Aunt Kelly cry happily. I nodded my head and let out a soft cry as I hugged her.

"What?! WHAT'S WRONG?!" I hear a familiar voice ask as they ran in, some people staring weirdly or smiling. I'm guessing they knew who my dad is and what's going on.

I look and see it was Uncle Angelo. His hair was a bit short, and he grew a beard.

"Look," Aunt Kelly said, and walked me to where Uncle Angelo stood.

He looked at me confused before he got tense and looked me in the eye.

He then gripped my shoulders.

"Hi, Uncle Angelo," i muttered a bit loud, and his eyes widen.

"Y-You can... talk..." he said, shocked.

I nodded.

All of a sudden, he pulls my small body towards him and hugs me tightly.

"I can't believe it... I thought we'd never see you again, Lily," he said in a shaky voice.

That's the first time I ever hear Uncle Angelo cry. Not even when I was a kid did he cry.

"I missed you," I cried.

"I missed you, too. We all did," he said.

After we cried what we could, we went to the back room, where i got to meet their dog, Maggie.

I told them all that's happened since Mom took me, including after when when I ran away and Uncle TJ found me and the rest of ETF helping me, then meeting Dad and MIW again, and Mom's arrest, and everything after.

There were tears and laughs and cheers, but above all, it was great seeing them again

"So, anything else?" Uncle Angelo laughed. "Man, its as if yesterday you were a little cute girl with no voice in a Snow White costume and now you're all grown up with black hair against the world head on. Hell, you even have tattoos and your voice!! Quit growing up! I feel old!" Uncel Angelo shouted, making me giggle.

"Well, i was thinking maybe a tattoo or a touch up," I suggested shyly, looking at dad.

"Only a touch up. Tour starts tomorrow, and we got to pack," he said, smiling.

"Really?" I asked.

"Well, if your mother never showed up at your preschool, I would have let you get your first tattoo during high school, not during elementary school. So if you get any now, its not a problem now," he shrugged. "Besides, Angelo is still in training, so it'll take him a while before he does some real inkage on you. Ryan Ashley can do it, though."

"You're old man's right. Better I'd go through some more practice before youring this needle on you for real," Uncle Angelo said.

"Okay," I said.

It wasn't long until Uncle Ang was retouching and outlining my Snow White tattoo, adding a bit more color and some whites and shadows to it.

Dad sat next to me as I talked with Aunt Kelly and Uncle Angelo while he worked.

Uncle Ang soon finished and I looked at the results.

"Wow! It cane out awesome!!" I said excitedly.

Since I'm basically family, we didn't really pay."Now, just be careful. You know the drill, right? my unce said as he put the protective wrap on my side over the tattoo.

"Yeah, I know," I nodded.

I say Bye to them and Maggie and the me and Dad leave to get ready for tour.


Angelo + Kelly with their dog, Maggie. ---------->>

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