Chapter 16 - First Day of School

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**A Month Later**

[Chris's POV]

Tour ended and I had enrolled Lily to the nearby high school back home. She's also working at S&U.

I drove up to Scanton High and she looked a bit nervous.

"You're going to do fine. Whatever happens, give me a call," I said.

She sighed. "Alright," she said, kissing my cheek. "Bye, Dad."

"Later," i said as she climbed out with her black MIW bag in hand and I watch her enter the building.

I then drove off and made it home where I was just going to relax before heading to the studio.

I was taking a nap when suddenly my phone rang and I answer it.

"Hello?" i yawned.

"Is this Lily Cerulli's father?" a man's voice asked.

I was wide awake. "Yeah, is there a problem?"

"This is the principal of her school. I have your daughter in my office right now. You might want to come by here," he said.

Oh great...


I arrived to the school and walked into the office, seeing Lily slouched on a chair holding an ice bag to her head and with a bruise on her cheek and a busted lip, her clothes covered in food..

"Lily?! What happened?!" I asked, walking up to her.

She just bit ehr lip and looked down.

"Mr. Cerulli, I'm Principal Watson, and your daughter got into a fight with another student in the cafeteria," the principal said.

"What?!" I said.

"It wasn't even my fault!! I was just sitting down eating and that stupid skank just came up and even flipped my plate over me!! You even saw!!!" Lily sneered.

"Who?" I asked, sitting down.

"Sarah Wells, that fucking popular hoebag," she sneered. "I didn't even talk to her!!"

"That is still no excuse to attack her and, do what you did," the principal said.

"What did she do??" I asked.

"I may or ma not have broken her nose and half her lip and somewhat sprain her neck using a Japanese headlock trick I learned once," she said.

"Luckily, Miss Wells parents won´'t press charges. However, Miss Cerulli will be suspended for a month due to her actions," the principal said, handing me a slip.

"A month?? That seems a bit harsh," i said. 

"Its been decided," the principal said.

I sighed and got up.

"Come on, Lily, let's go," I said.

Lily got up, wincing a bit, and followed me out.

Soon we climbed into the car and I looked at her.

"Japanese headlock trick??" I asked curiously.

"Its like a regular headlock, only you use yuor right elbow to add pressure to the back of their neck and-"

"Alright, alright, I got it," I said.

"I'm in trouble, aren't I?" she said.

"Well.... yes and no. I got in a shit load of fights at school, most of them I didn't even start, so I believe you didn't start that fight, knowing you," he said.

She nodded.

"But i still gotta be a parent, so... No TV for 3 days??" i asked.

"Fine by me," she shrugged as we went home.

I attended to her injuries as she held Dracula on her tummy. Star was asleep, as well as Beetlejuice.

I had her head resting on my lap as I wrapped it in gauze, considering she had a gash there.

"You like these pets a lot, don't you?" I smiled.

"Better then what Mom, I mean, Ashley, gave me," she said. "All I ever got was a stray pet rat. Next morning, hard 5 rounds of rabies shots and nearly in a coma."

She then showed me the scar she had around her belly button and I winced.

"Shit," I said, shuddering at the thought. "Well, you got beter pets now, and a better life."

"She smiled and then yawned as she then curled up.

"Get some sleep. You had a long day," I said.

She nodded and fell asleep, Dracula curled up on Lily's tummy.

I then fell asleep, too.

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