Chapter 22 - Nervous

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[Lily's POV]

"I still can't believe you broke the bus," I said as we climbed down the steps.

"I needed to release my anger," Dad said. "So did Ryan."

We got back from the hospital where my dad will be in a cast for a few weeks from 2 broken knuckles and 10 stitches, and Uncle Ryan only needed 5 stitches.

At least it wasn't anythng more serious. But at least tour is over. I still oculdn't believe my dad got mad about my nightmare.

I've had it for a while since it happened. I screamed loud enough for Trey to get Fawn and her to hit the guy in the head with a frying pan, knocking him out long enough for the police to take him away.

Once Dad and I arrived home in Scranton after picking up my pets, we got settled down, and that's when I decided to tell Dad how in 2 days, Ian's taking me out on a date. My aunt's know, but not my dad. And they tell me how he's starting to become overprotective about it (due to Uncle Ricky being caught eavesdropping).

I got downstairs where Dad was drinking some juice.

"Hey, Dad, can I tell you something?" I asked.

"Sure, what's up?" he asked.

"Well, ummm.... Ian asked me out on a date," I blurted out.

Instantly, he spit took grape juice all over the kitchen table and I jumped back in surprise.

He coughed a bit before facing me, Star licking the grape juice that dripped on the kitchen floor.

"S-Sorry, what?" i coughed.

"Well, that guy I told you about, after Download, the guy I've been talking to you with he... asked me out," I said with a nervous smile.

"Did he now?" he asked.

"Yeah, this Saturday," he said. "You'll let me go, right?"

"I odn't know...." he said.

"Please, Dad, I really want to try and trust guys, and he's been really nice and I've considered giving him a chance," I said.

He sighed. "Fine, but only because your aunts will gang up on me if I don't let you. I do want to meet this kid," he said in his father tone.

I rolled my eyes and hugged him.

"Thank you, Dad," I said before going up to my room and doing a little victory dance, Dracula looking at me weirdly as he rested on my bed.

"Ohh, I'm so nervous," I said as if I were talking to him. "What if I saw something stupid?!"

Dracula meowed and just licked his paw before rubbing his ear.

"Gee, thanks for the advice," I giggled as I picked him up and laid back, then he started licking my scars on my wrist.

I sighed, knowing I was 7 months clean today, and smiled, but then got nervous and my smile faded.

What if Ian sees my scars? I got a litle scared when suddenly.....

"GAHH!!! FUCK THIS SHIT!!!" i hear my dad shout and the sound of glass breaking before a cat screech outside.

Three minutes later my dad peeked his head into my room.

"Hey, i'm ordering pizza," he said. "That okay?"

"Sure, but what happened down there?" I asked as Dracula pawed at my tummy.

"Let's just say I tried to cook something new, and I can't make clam chowder to save a life," he said. "And I need to call a contractor to fix the kitchen window."

I gave a 'yikes' look before he then looked worried.

"You're crying, what's wrong?" he asked, walking in.

I then rememebred what I was thinking about before my dad took his anger out on our dinner.

"Nothing, just... I'm 7 months clean, today," I said as Dracula licked my scars, and i gave a small smile.

Dad smiled before leaning in and kissing my cheek.

"I'm proud of you, baby girl," he said. "Keep strong."

"Thanks, Daddy," I said as we hugged.

Soon, he pulled back before kissing the top of my head.

"Alright, I'm going to go order that pizza and make sure that clam chowder didn't kill a cat or an old lady," he said.

I laughed as he left and then laid back before grabbing Dracula's feather toy and playing with him as he chased it around in circles on my bed.

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