Chapter 25 - Love

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I was surprised to see that Ian ended up taking us to a nearby fair they were having.

"I figured why not," he smiled.

"This is awesome! I mean, I haven't been to one in a long time," I said. "Well, at all."

"Never?!" He asked, shocked.

"Well, Disneyland is a different story, and that was before my dad and I were separated. But to a normal county fair, never. Not even after the separation," I said sadly.

"Damn, that sucks. Well, at least you got him back," he said.

"Yeah. I'm glad I do, or I'd probably be dead or something," I said.

"Well, then let's not think about our judgment days," he said, jumping up on a big rock we passed. "And enjoy cotton candy and roller coasters until we're sick to our stomachs!" He announced out loud.

I laughed as he jumped down and we ran to the entrance as he bought our tickets and we ran in, hand in hand.

[Chris's POV]

"Was it really necessary to scare the kid? Allie tells me he's a sweetheart," Ashley laughed as she handed me my container and chopsticks, since we decided to just order take out (and she won't let me near the stove or over for, and I quote, 'making sure the only roof Lily shouldn't have over her head is a burning one.' Hmph!).

"I'm a dad, I'm supposed to do that," I laughed, scooping up some noodles with the chopsticks. "Besides, he's like us. We can be heartless assholes."

"So, a tall scary goth man who takes his daughter to Disneyland and once even took her to a kid's princess party and had to sub in for a fairy princess to make his bored daughter happy instead of letting one of the moms do it is officially a heartless asshole?" She chuckled.

I glared at her, blushing. Lily was in her second week of preschool when a classmate threw that party. "I knew I should have never bought that story up to you. And, besides... Ghost was sick and the dress wouldn't fit Balz, and the moms kept being bitches behind our backs," I mumbled.

Ashley laughed. "Oh, come on Chris, you act all mean and tough when your just a softie with a big heart thanks to Lily. And... Its actually really sweet," she smiled.

I look. "You think?"

"Of course! Not every dad does what you do for your kid. You wouldn't stop looking or her when your ex took her and every time you toured hoped that she would come back to you or that you see her," she said. "I really like that about you, Chris."

I smiled. "Really?"

She smile and nodded. "Of course."

That's when I realized we were really close.

"Umm, well," she said, blushing a bit.

Okay, now's your chance. Don't screw this up.

"Ugh, Ash, can I... Try something?" I asked.

"S-Sure," she asked.

Okay, here goes.

I bit my and leaned forward, pressing my lips against her's.

She seemed surprised at my actions before I felt her relax and the kiss deepens a little.

After a while we pull back, staring in surprise.

"Well," she said with a chuckle. "That was, unexpected."

"I'm sorry, its just, well... Fuck I really really like you, Ash," I smiled.

"You do?" Ashley smiled.

"A lot. I know I'm being so cheesy about this and all, but-"

I'm cut off with her lips meeting with mine again, and I kissed back.

"I like you a lot, too," she smiled. "I always saw you more than just a friend, to be honest."

"Well, we can be more than friends," I smiled.

She blushed. "I would like that."

"Me too," I said.

When cuddle together on the couch watching some old movies.

[Lily's POV]

Ian and I walk up, laughing as I held to the bag of candy and stuffed raccoon in my hand, him with a his own bag of candy.

"Ian, I had such a great time," I said, smiling at him.

"I'm glad you enjoyed your very first time at a fair," he said.

"Yeah. I never did so much fun stuff since I lost Robin," I said, looking down a little.

"Robin? Who's that?" He asked worried.

"Well, umm... She was my girlfriend in middle school," I said.

"Wait, so, you're bi?" He asked curiously.

I nodded nervously.

"Do you hate me?" I asked.

"Of course not! I totally respect you!" He said. "But, what happened to her, if its okay to ask."

I sigh, feeling a single tear fall. "Westboro church happened. Some guys from the strikers came and ganged up on us. I woke up in the hospital, but realized, well, Robin didn't make it."

I realized we were sat on the porch steps as he hugged me, and I cried.

"I'm so sorry you went through that. You didn't deserve that, and neither did she. I bet she was a really kind person," he said, rubbing my back.

I nodded. "But, I don't want to be afraid anymore. I know she wants me to be brave. It was scary knowing I was gonna go out with you tonight, because I was scared you would hurt me like every guy in my life. Well, minus my dad and uncles," I explained.

It was quiet before suddenly yet softly take my chin between his pointer finger and thumb and then tilt my head up to meet with his eyes.

What he did next surprised me a lot.

He kissed me!

His lips softly kiss mine, and I couldn't help but kiss back, his arm wrapping around me.

We then pulled back.

"Why would I hurt someone as strong and beautiful as Lily Cerulli?" He asked. "Lily, I really love you, so much. And I want you to feel safe and happy and loved around me, like you probably felt when you were with Robin. I care about you so much, and I swear I'm not lying."

I looked at him in disbelief before slowly leaning in so we were kissing again.

As we did, he gently wiped my tears away and we kissed a little more before we parted away.

"Lily, would you please be my girlfriend? I completely understand if you're not ready yet, and I'll be patient," he said.

I smiled. "I would love to," I said.

He smiled as we kissed quickly before he got up, then helped me to my feet.

"I'll text you tomorrow," he said.

"Okay, good night," I smile.

"Good night," he said as I took out my key and unlock the door while he went back to his car.

Best night ever.

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