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Ladybug sat on the roof, looking over her city. Tikki insisted that she did a patrol at least 2 times a week, and so she did. 

When she could be in bed.

Watching anime.

or eating Cheetos. One of the two, but either way the consequence was the same. (Sick in the morning.)

Ladybug looked at her yo-yo, the time coming up. 3 AM.

"Tikki, can I go home nooooow?" When Marinette heard no response in her head,  she sighed, and started actually patrolling instead of just sitting around.

"Well Hello My Lady Bug!"

She turned, to see Chat Noir, in all his glory, leaning on his staff, his abs visible through the tight leather. How was it that he was like super athletic, and, her, Ladybug, who had weight from all the desserts, was the one who everyone drew the quite concerning fan art of the young girl.

She sighed, and gestured for him to sit by her. 

She sighed once more. It was way to late for this.

"My lady?"

She turned her head, and eyes widened as she found her lips locked with Chats.

It stayed like that for a few seconds, before Chat quickly stood up and sprinted away.






"Mr. Hot Stuff?"

Nino finally opened his eyes, a desperate Adrien drapped over his bed.

"Bro you okay?"

"I did what you told me.."

"You kissed her?"


"How'd you do it?"

"Just like you said. Get the moment and then kiss her- OH MY GOSH I FORGOT ABOUT THE MOMENT PART I JUST KISSED HER I AM TERRIBLE"

Nino sighed. "Adrien you dang messed up."

Sorry its shorter- Wanted to get tehe interesting part started going though. Hehe!

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