Xh. 2 Meeting Some...Interesting Individuals

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The next morning, Cece and Carlton, both barge into my room. "Rise and shine, girlie!" Cece yells snatching the sheets off of me. "Five more minutes, mom." I groan as I try to grab for the sheets.

"No, no, sleeping beauty. It's time to get up and meet your man candies." Carlton sing-songs. I get up feeling like crap. "They aren't suppose to be here for another-" I look at the time and freak out.

"--hour and a half! I overslept! Why didn't you guys wake me up earlier?" I scramble out of bed as my two friends laugh at my mini panic attack.

"We woke you up three times."

"You're the one who went back to sleep, but I'll go get Holly so she can do your make up." Carlton leave the room and Cece hands me a fruit cup. "Thank you." I sighs and accept it.

"Oll, don't be nervous. Have fun, and remember, you don't have to choose anyone of these guys. You can always do a season 2." I give her a look and she laughs.

"I'm only teasing. But really have fun, and promise me something." I nod. "Yeah?"

"Give these guys a real chance. Don't close yourself off from being happy." I bite my lip, but agree with her. "Cece, I appreciate your concern. And since you are one of my best friends, I will follow through with the promise."


Carlton came back with Holly and she gives me a good half an hour to go shower and get dressed. Which I still wasn't too sure about.

My make up was all done, including  my hair. Plus I had a good five minutes to spare. "Ladies, I think I heard the limo pulling up." After hearing Carlton say that, my nerves were acting up. "Oh crap, oh crap, oh holy crap!" Holly fans me a bit.

"Olivia, take a deep breath. You got this."

"Holly's right, Oll. You got this."

"And the guys are marching in. I think I feel my gaydar tingling." Cece rolls her eyes at him. "You wish."

"Do I look okay? Is this dress a bit much?"


"Not at all babe!" Holly was helping me with my mic then. "This dress screams look at me. I am fierce." Cece tells me. "I don't know, I feel like I'm showing off too much." I say as I look at how the dress clings to my body and shows off my breast a bit. Everyone scoffs.

"You're keeping on this dress." Lydia, the producer, pops in. "Okay, Olivia, the guys are here and waiting. Once they get all settled in, we're going to give you the first challenge to give them."


"Oh, and there will be an elimination tomorrow as well. Let's look alive people!" She closes the door behind her and my eyes go wide.

"How am I suppose to meet these guys, give them a challenge, and eliminate one of them tomorrow?" I feel like I'm about to hyperventilate but Cece and Carlton both bring me into a group hug.

"Remember we're here for you."

"Thank you, guys. Well I guess, we should get this show on the road." Cece and Carlton take my hands and we step out of the room. I put on a smile and my friends slowly let my hands go. I stand at the top of the stairs and all nine of the guys, fall silent and their eyes were on me.

"Welcome everyone. I'm so very excited you're all here. As you all know my name is Olivia Lawrence, and I hope to get to know each and everyone of you, today. Now, if you all will be patient with me, I'll be joining you all out back so we can have a chat and some drinks. Each of you were handed a key on your way in. They are color coded so, there will be three guys to a room. Get settled and I will be with you all shortly."

They whoop and holler, as I go back to my room to ready myself.

I release the breath I didn't know I was holding and look at my friends. "What a group of men I've got waiting for me."

"Yeah you lucky, bitch."

"Oh, want us to get some dirt for you? See who's a mama's boy, who's crazy, who's secretly gay? Yes Carlton. That last part was for you." They high-five and I just laugh.

"I feel like I'm releasing the Sharks, but go ahead, get all the dirt you can for me, so we can gossip later." Lydia then came in and tells me the first competition was fit the guys to cook a dish for me.

She gives me a few more details and after that, I was heading outside to formally chat with the guys.

When I get outside the first person who introduces themselves to me, was Jackson. "Hello, Olivia. I'm Jackson." He hands me a mimosa and I accept. "Hello, Jackson, how are you?"

"I'm much better now that you're here." He gives me a bright smile and I blush a bit. "So, tell me about yourself, that you didn't tell me on your audition tape." He strokes his beard a bit. "Well I have two yachts, a black cars, an-"

"Mind if I cut in?" Theo moves in and I mentally thank him. "Excuse us." I give Jackson a polite smile as I leave with Theo. "It looked like you needed some saving." He gives me a shy smile and I take a sip of my drink.

"I want to formally introduced myself, I'm Theo."

"Hello, Theo. How are you?" I ask. "To be honest, I'm kind of nervous. It's not everyday I meet a beautiful woman such as yourself. I'm sorry if I'm coming off as corny, but again you make me nervous." He blushes and that's when I noticed his eyes are an emerald green. "But how are you? I hope not too overwhelmed."

I feel a bit pleased that he was concerned about me. "I'm a bit nervous, myself. And thank you for asking." I suddenly feel a chill all over my arms.

"Hello..." I turn and there stood Evan. "I'll let you two have a moment." Theo politely leaves us and Evan was just staring.

"Hey, Evan. How are you?" I ask as he keeps staring. "Good, you know you have white aura around you?"

What the hell am I suppose to say to that?

"Mi amor, you look stunning. Please." Ricardo takes my hand and kisses it. "Why thank you." Ricardo then takes me away from Evan and I feel him eye me up and down. Which makes me a tad uncomfortable.

"I apologize for staring, but you are tempting, my Queen. Your curves. Your skin, your lips-"

From the corner of my eye, I see Lydia mouthing that it's time to tell the guys their first challenge.

"Excuse me, Ricardo." I move away from him and stand in the middle of the yard so that all eyes could be on me. I clink my glass and I get everyone's attention.

"I know you all are still settling in, but we need to get down to business. The very first competition, that all of you will be participating in will be dealing with cooking me a meal. There will be two winners. The 1st place winner will get to go out with me tomorrow and spend the entire morning with me. The 2nd place winner will get a one on one chat with me tonight. Now everything will be at your disposal, in the kitchen. The competition will begin in fifteen minutes, so get your chef hats ready, gentlemen."

I lead them to the kitchen and soon after, Cece and Carlton join me. "Any juicy news?" I ask. "No, none of them are gay, but the twins keep asking me to pull their fingers." Cece and I laugh at that and I see some of the guys brainstorming, while the others just rummage the cabinets and fridge.

"Who do you guys see me eliminating tonight?"

"Jackson, like all he kept talking about was your designer labels and how he makes six figures, and blah, blah, blah. I'm not impressed."

"I mean, it's okay to brag about your best attributes, but he was really a drag." Cece agrees.

I look over at Jackson and he looked so out of place.

As the challenge goes fourth, I decide to see what each of the guys plan on their dish for me. I walk over to Ian as I see him using the blender.

"Hey, Ian." His eyes light up when he sees me. "Olivia! Hey, I have to say I am pumped to finally get to meet you."

"I'm excited to meet you too, so what are you whipping up for me today?" I ask. "One of my amazing protein shakes. Everything else I'm probably gonna wing-it."

I don't know if I should be scared, or excited about that idea.

"Hopefully, it all turns out great. We didn't get a chance to chat outside, so how about you tell me more about yourself."  I watch as he puts an egg in the shake and I cringe.

"Well, as you know, I currently play professional football. Four-time Super Bowl champs, baby!"

"Congratulations!" I applaud. "So I'm guessing sports is your passion?"

"No way. Winning is my passion, and of course you." I give him a smile and thank him for the compliment. "Now, I have a question for you, about women. What is it you're looking for in a partner?"

"A woman who wants to be on top." He must have seen the horrified look on my face, because he quickly explained. "Let me explain, what I mean is a woman who likes to win. Someone who is interested in being the best. And you, Olivia, are the best of the best." I smile at his answer. "I see. Thank you, Ian. And good luck."

I go to the twins next. I see Aiden nudge Adam as I walk over. "That outfit is killer!" Adam says as he stirs whatever he's making in a pot. "I definitely agree."

"Why thank you. Might I ask, what are you both making today?" They both give me mischievous grin's. "It's a surprise."

"Yeah, we promise you're going to like them." Aiden says to me. "I'm sorry, but did it hurt?" Adam asks. "Did what hurt?"

"When you fell from heaven."

"Oh! Good one!" They high-five and I roll my eyes. "Really?" They both blush. "Sorry, that was lame. But your beauty, seriously has us both tongue-tied."

"Well aren't you two sweet. So, why did both of you audition together?"

"We do everything together-"

"Plus we're highly competitive."

"So we figured, we come on the show and get to know you."

"Yeah, and then you can send Adam home packing." Aiden laughs. "You mean send you home, you as-"

"Fellas, no fighting please. Then both of you get sent home." They both pout at the same time and I kind of find that cute. "We are sorry."

"Yeah, really, sorry, Olivia."

"Thank you, so tell me something else about yourselves."

"We can start with this."

"We just locked Evan inside of the closet." My eyes widened. "What? Why would you to do that?"

"He told us he liked the dark." I look around and sure enough Evan wasn't part of the group anymore. "Can one of you cameramen go get Evan out of the closet?" I asked. One leaves and I give the twins a scolding look. Soon after Evan was back in the kitchen.

"Evan, are you Okay? Adam and Aiden told me they locked you in one of the closets."

"I'm fine. The closet reminded me of my apartment. Dark and quiet, just like I like it."

"O....kay. So what will you be making?" He shrugs. "Probably something from my soul."

"Okay, Evan you do that. Good luck." I quickly walk away and see Ricardo, slicing chicken.

"What are you making?" I ask him. "I making a dish that you are going to adore, my Queen. The moment it touches your delicate lips, your taste buds will melt in ecstasy. Your throat will love the juices flowing through it and the moment it hits your stomach, you'll beg for more." I fan myself after he says that. "Is it getting hot in here? Anyways, Ricardo what is your favorite way to pass the time?"

"Pampering and adoring a beautiful queen such as yourself. Say you come home from a long day, I would have dinner and dessert ready. But first I'd bring you upstairs and draw you a bath, with red and white rose petals. And I'd bathe every inch of your body, Mi amor."

Okay we need to keep this PG 13-ish.

"I'll let you get back to your cooking."

"Thank you, my Queen." He blows me a kiss and I walk over to Edward, and see him put ribs in one of the ovens.

"Olivia, how are you?" He greets me with a huge smile and my heart flutters a bit. "I'm good, thank you."

"Really? I'm nervous but more excited that I get to meet you." Awe isn't that sweet of him. "To tell you the truth, I really enjoyed your audition video. I'm proud of my charity work and I was happy you mentioned it."

"I really admire you. If we're both being honest." I nod. "So whatever you're making, it smells really good."

"Thanks it's a family recipe."

"Oh, Edward, tell me what do you like most about women?" He gives me a devilish smirk. "Is that a trick question?" I shake my head. "No, I promise." He thinks for a minute.

"I would say I admire a woman's strength. I'm really attracted to self-contained women. And if I may be so bold, you definitely fit the description."

"Thank you, Edward, I appreciate the compliment. Good luck." I walk over and Nathaniel was kneading some dough. "Making pizza?" He shakes his head and chuckles. "No, but I used to help my grandfather make that all the time when I was growing up." He gives me a side grin after that little bit of info.

"So what inspired you to become a musician?"

"My high school music teacher, Mr. Averich. He was the only adult at the time who really paid attention to my musical talent. He told me that no matter what, to do what I love in music. So I've been playing music ever since."

"What kind of music do you play?"

"All kinds honestly. I am sort of a jack of all trades when comes to music." He says proudly. "Good luck with your dish, Nathaniel." I was about to go to Jackson but a huge flame jumps up and I jump back, bumping into someone.

"I see you're just jumping to meet me again, huh?" Theo says with a smirk. I playfully roll my eyes at him. "So what are you making?"

"Not a burned mess, like Jackson over there. That's for sure." We look over at Jackson, and see he's burned his bread. I shake my head in shame. "I meant to say this earlier, and I hope I don't seem like a little boy, but, I'm a really big fan. You're an impressive woman."

"Thank you for saying so. And I have to say I've always admired a good Harley Davison."

"Maybe I can take you out on the town on mine."

"I don't know if that's allowed." I say with a smile. He leans in and whispers just so I can hear. "I won't tell anyone if you won't." We share a laugh and soon after I clear my throat and say. "You seem like a man who isn't afraid of anything. What is something that scares you?"

"Losing the one I love the most."

Hmm, good answer. "Good luck." He winks at me and I check the timer.

"Okay, gentlemen, you all have 45 minutes left for this challenge. I wish you all again good luck..."


"It has been a pleasure meeting you all today and it smells heavenly. But the rules will be that each of you will be ranked from the best to worst. So let the tasting begin." I was seated with Cece and Carlton are at my side.

"To be fair, Carlton will be pulling your names out of this box and that is how the orders will go. Carlton?" He puts his hand in the box and pulls out a little piece of paper.

"First name is...Jackson." Jackson, has his dished covered as he walks over to me.

"I present to you a very fine yet simple dish." He lifts the lid and I'm confused. "What is that?" I ask him. "Burnt crap on a plate." Cece whispers to me, Carlton snorts a laugh and Jackson glares at the two of them.

"I made you, a grilled cheese sandwich, with a creamy tomato soup, as well as a chilled glass of flavored water."

"This looks...like it was made with great intentions." I go to pick it up but Cece stops me. "I'm sorry, I can't watch you eat this."

"Excuse me, but there is nothing wrong with my dish. Sure it's but charred-"

"Sweetie, this food is so burned, I'm pretty sure Satan wouldn't even touch it." Cece interrupts. "Fir-" Without any word, Carlton takes the sandwich and shoves a piece of it in his mouth.

The look on Jackson's face was priceless.

"Oh I love saying this to men. Now swallow." I choke on a laugh, as we all watch Jackson struggle with swallowing the food.

He scrambles for the water and chugs it down and I push the plate away from me.

"Thank you Jackson, for the entertainment I mean." He takes his dish away and Carlton takes out another name.

"Next and hopefully this dish is edible, Ricardo." Ricardo swaggers over and takes the dome off of his dish.

"A meal fit for my Queen." Presented to me was, Roasted chicken, mixed greens, along with garlic potatoes and a dark wine.

"Please allow me." Ricardo comes over to my side of the table and takes a cloth, swiftly spreads it out and places it on my lap. "Th..thank you, Ricardo." He bows and I pick up my fork and knife.

I take a bite and all of the flavors mended together perfectly. I take a sip of the drink and discover that it's a cherry wine.

"I can tell, mi amor. You're in heavenly bliss."

"This is really exquisite, Ricardo..."

Next up was Nathaniel with his chicken Alfredo. Which was just as good as Ricardo's dish.

As the challenge comes to an end I tell the guys that when they come back I'll already have ranked their dishes.

When they leave, I sit down with Cece and Carlton.

"We basically know that Jackson is at the bottom of the list." I agree with Cece. "Like how the hell can you mess up a grilled cheese? And he had the nerve to serve water with it. Like come on."

"I say, Evan is the second bottom. True he made the peanut butter and jelly sandwich but honestly, there really wasn't much else to the dish."

"Plus he's creepy-"

"Ian's dish was..."

"Dumb, why would you put raw eggs in a shake? Not only that, I think he was trying to give you salmonella or whatever."

"...his dish was unique, but definitely not my favorite. Aiden's chili, nearly burned my mouth and Adam's chicken soup had a way too much garlic in it. Edward's Ribs was definitely good, I liked that he paired it with a strong red wine. Theo's grilled steak was perfect, and his grandmother's recipe for her pink lemonade was superb. Nathaniel's chicken Alfredo definitely reminded me of that time we went to Italy for fashion week. But out of all the dishes, Ricardo's was the best I've tasted."

Once the ranks were given the guys were allowed back into the room.

"This challenge was a pretty interesting one. But enough small talk, as you all can see, there are nine dome plates in front of you. When you lift up the dome, your ranks will be presented to you. Number one will get the breakfast with me tomorrow, number two will get a chat with me tonight."

Each of them lifts their lids.

"I knew I'd win!" Ricardo walks over to me, kneels down and takes my hand. "I can't wait for our date."

"But you're going to have to wait, cause I get to talk to her tonight." Nathaniel bumps Ricardo out of the way and before anything too drastic happens, I step in.

"No fighting please, and before we get on with the rest of this day, I want to let you all know, that tomorrow night, there will be an elimination." They grow silent and I look over at Nathaniel and Ricardo.

"I will see you later tonight, and Ricardo, our date starts at 10 o'clock sharp." I leave them alone and go relax for a bit in the library.

Cece came to check up on me as I was doing some reading. "Where's Carlton?"

"Hitting up the pool, I think he plans on trying to get some more dirt than what he got earlier. So how are you?"

I sigh and put the book down. "Drained, and to think I have to eliminate one of these guys tomorrow."

"Speaking of that, do you even know who you're going to eliminate?" I was about to answer but I hear someone clear their throat.

We look up and see Jackson. "Olivia, I'm sorry for interrupting, but I was wondering if I could talk to you about something very important."

"I'll let you two talk in private." Cece leaves us alone and I give Jackson my full attention.

"Anything wrong?" He shakes his head. "Not really. I know you chose, Ricardo's and Nathaniel's dishes, but I do have something else to offer." He slides a little black box across the table to me. "I got you a present."

"A present?" I say as a look from the box to him. "Yes it reminded me of you so I had to get it." I open the box and inside was a beautiful necklace.

"Jackson, I don't know what to say. It's beautiful." He smirks. "I knew you'd like it. A woman like you deserves the best. And you can expect a lot more where that came from. If you pick me, of course." I pause.

"I see. Thank you for the gift, Jackson. But I really should go get ready for the rest of the night."

"Oh, yes of course. You know, between you and me, I really don't like that Ricardo guy."

"Why is that?" I ask, curious. "He seems like one of those cheesy guys in those Spanish soap operas, my maid watches."

Well that isn't very nice.

"Thank you for sharing." He smiles. "Right, I'll get going. Even though my roommates have no sense of style, or class. I'm sure I will suffice." He leaves and I close the box, thinking about all of what he said.

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