Chapter 3: Prophecies and Love

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The next day, the girls go back to school and most of the students congratulate the girls of Lolirock once again. When Auriana sees Adrien, she asks "You should maybe make a move. He's really nice! I see the kind things he does!"

"Sorry, I'm just not ready," replies Marinette. "But hey, Auriana, we can have a slumber party tonight. It's Saturday tomorrow!

"Yay!" Replies Auriana.

At Master Fu's massage shop, Master Fu looks over the book of ancient prophecies, and sees that one of the prophecy's time is now. "Wayzz, call the Ladybug and Black cat kwamis here. They must hear this prophecy along with their masters." Wayzz nods, trying to sense their energies...

After school, Marinette feels Tikki wiggle in her purse like she wants her attention.

"Um, excuse me girls, I feel my phone buzzing, someone must be calling me," says Marinette, while the girls nod and she goes behind a building.

"Tikki, what is it?" Whispers Marinette.

"Marinette, I felt the turtle kwamis energy. We must go to Master Fu immediately!"

Marinette nods. If Master Fu and his kwami called them, it must be urgent.

She walks back to the girls. "Uh, sorry girls, my friend wants us to meet somewhere. You can do some more sightseeing in the meantime!"

Talia nods, but as Marinette walks away, she whispers to the girls. "I think she may be hiding something. Let's go to that alley over there and do a spell."

The girls go hide in the dark alley. They stand in a triangle and focus on Marinette. "Crystal Locatum!"

The glowing yellow orb appears and zooms away. The girls quickly follow.

At the Agreste mansion, Plagg feels the turtle kwamis energy. "Adrien, we need to be at Master Fu's place in fifteen minutes. It's urgent!"

Adrien feels surprised but then narrows his eyes and nods. Maybe this had something to do with his father or Keara.

When the orb stops, the girls are in front of Master Fu's massage shop.

"Maybe she just needed a massage really bad?" Asks Auriana.

"She wouldn't have acted that way if she just needed a massage," replies Talia.

"Shh.. I hear voices. Follow me," says Iris.

The girls slowly go inside and hide in the hallway beside the door that opens to his actual shop. The door is cracked open and they hear an old man's voice. "Hello, Ladybug, we meet again."

The girls stare at each other, their mouths wide open. Marinette was the famous, fearless, Ladybug?

"Hi, Master Fu. Tikki said that your kwami called us here?" Says Marinette.

"He did, in fact," replies Master Fu. "The reason because you must hear of this prophecy." He opens the prophecy book.  "There will be three, then five girls, that are not of this world with extraordinary powers. They will aid the Ladybug and the Black Cat in defeating an enemy that came from the spirits." He closes the book. "You must leave now, Ladybug, and try to figure out who these girls are."

"Yes, Master Fu," says Marinette, thinking how on earth she could figure that out. Not from this world? Strange powers?

As Marinette leaves, Iris, Talia, and Auriana, slink into the shadows so they won't be seen, but soon after, Adrien enters!

"Oh, if only I knew who Ladybug was. She's amazing," says Adrien, as Plagg tells him that his crush on Ladybug is obnoxious. As Adrien enters the room, Master Fu says "Hello, Black Cat, we meet once again," and tells the same story to Adrien. Adrien then leaves, and the girls go outside.

"That... was... so weird!" Says Iris.

"Hey, hang on..." Says Auriana. "Marinette, who is Ladybug, has a crush on Adrien, who is Cat Noir, who has a crush on Ladybug!" Auriana gets all moony-eyed. "It's a love square!"

"Wow! This is getting really complicated! What do you think that man meant with the prophecy?" Asks Iris.

"You know, I think I may have figured it out," says Talia, her brow furrowed. "He says that there are five girls with extraordinary powers. I think that means us, along with Lyna and Carissa! After all, we are from another world, Ephidea!"

Then Auriana's phone rings. "Hello? Yeah! Okay, great!" Auriana puts her phone away. "Iris, I have a big surprise for you!"

"What?" Says Iris, surprised.

"Remember when I told you I would take care of Nathaniel and you? Well, I booked a flight for him to come here! He really wants to see you!" Replies Auriana.

"Oh, but, what would I say?" Asks Iris.

"We'll figure that out later," says Auriana, pulling Iris. "Come on, we're going to meet at the Eiffel Tower, where our concerts gonna be!"

The girls run to the Eiffel Tower, Auriana giggling the whole way. When they arrived at the Eiffel Tower, Nathaniel was looking at Iris lovingly with his warm, blue eyes. Iris stands beside him, staring, frozen, then Nathaniel pulls her in and hugs her.

"Iris, I'm sorry for complaining about us and time we have together. I know it's because of something that's important, and you'll tell me when you're ready," says Nathaniel.

Talia looks at the couple. She knew they weren't supposed to tell earthlings their secret, but this seemed...different. With her being the sensible one but still feeling like that, she felt Iris should tell the truth about their secret. "Iris, I think you should tell Nathaniel what we've been hiding from him."

Iris gasps. But seeing Talia, then looking into Nathaniels eyes, she knew it was time. "Nathaniel, I'm a magical princess from the Planet Ephidea." Iris tells him everything, about her parents, the oracle gems, their kingdoms and crystal powers, and their allies and enemies. When she finishes, Nathaniel looks at her, a little surprised but relieved.

"Wow Iris, it totally makes sense now why you were so busy. Thanks for telling me."

As Iris and Nathaniel embrace once again. Then Marinette comes running to them.

"Where have you been, girls? I-" She stops as soon as she sees Iris and Nathaniel. "Iris' boyfriend?"

"Iris' boyfriend," replies Auriana.

Then Auriana and Talia look at each other. Marinette was in a situation similar to this. Maybe they should get Adrien to come over her and... and have an identity reveal session.

"Marinette, could you call Adrien to come over here? We need to talk, and it involves all of us here, including Adrien. Tell him to meet us at that French restaurant over there," says Talia.

"Uh, ok, sure!" Replies Marinette, calling him. Then they head over to the restaurant and they all order some food. Marinette orders for Adrien over the phone.

A few minutes before, Adrien was home, doing some homework, while Nathalie was calling the police about his missing father.

"Oh, Plagg, first my mother, and now my father has disappeared!" Says Adrien.

"Hey Adrien, Marinette is calling!" Says Plagg.

Adrien talks to Marinette and orders his food over the phone, then talks to Nathalie and heads over to meet his friend and the band.

When Adrien gets there, everyone eats and introduces themselves. After they've chatted a bit, Talia sighs and takes over. "Marinette, Adrien, we need to talk. We know that you two are Ladybug and Cat Noir. We saw you two at Master Fu's massage shop yesterday, and we know about the prophecy as well." Then she tells them about their crushes on each other.

Marinette and Adrien stare at each other, open-mouthed. Then Adrien slowly smiles.

"Wow Marinette. At school, I felt that you were special somehow. I guess I was right, you are really special." Says Adrien.

"You- you mean you're not disappointed?" Marinette quietly asks.

"No Marinette. I'm over the moon that it's you." Then they hug. "But now, Marinette, will you accept me with the cat ears?"

"Yes," replies Marinette. Iris helps calm down the shocked Nathaniel as he was a fan of the Duo.

"Now we need to tell you about us, and two friends we have, Carissa and Lyna," says Talia. She explains to them their double life and what they think of their prophecy.

"Wow! I guess we all have something hidden about us then," says Marinette. Then she sees Adrien look a little sad. "What's wrong Adrien?"

Adrien then tells everyone about his missing father. As they comfort him, sitting outside, they then hear screaming and a lamp flies toward Iris.

"Iris, look out!" Shouts Nathaniel, as he pulls Iris down.


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