Chapter 4: Battle

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Iris and Nathaniel duck as the lamp comes crashing down to the ground.

"What was that?" Exclaims Marinette.

Then they all see Keara, who looks angry. "Curses! I thought that was a prophecy girl!"

"A prophecy girl?" Asks Auriana, while Talia helps Iris and Nathaniel up.

"Of course! I made that mess at the hotel so that the prophecy girls would have nowhere to stay! I guess I was right! Hahahaha!" Replies Keara, as she flies away to smash more things.

"She doesn't know we are the prophecy girls. Our identity is hidden after all!" Says Talia.

"Come on, we need to go transform!" Says Iris, as she leads them all to a hidden alley. "Let's go girls! Iris, Princess of Ephidea!" "Talia, Princess of Xeris!" "Auriana, Princess of Volta!"

Nathaniel, Marinette, and Adrien look at the girls, shocked.

"Iris, you-you look beautiful!" Says Nathaniel in awe.

"Wow, you all look great!" Says Marinette, while Adrien nods in agreement. "Adrien, we must transform. Tikki, Spots On!" "Plagg, Claws Out!"

They finish transforming, and Cat Noir grins at Ladybug. "This is the day you've accepted me, bugaboo."

Ladybug tickles him on the nose. "Guess so, Cat."

"Nathaniel, stay here," says Iris. "It's dangerous."

Nathaniel nods in understanding. Then Auriana speaks up "We can't let people know our identity. I made these masks one day for us!" Auriana handed out masks to Iris and Talia from her bag. They shimmered with their colours and had spiky ends. "Thanks Auriana! Crystal Slucium!" The princesses zip on their platforms while Ladybug flies with her yo-yo and Cat Noir glides with his staff. Then Keara sees them from afar and quickly zooms toward them.

"What! How could this happen!" She then levitates a car up and throws it. the group barely manages escaping the car.

Ladybug throws her yo-yo at Keara and it twists around her arm, and for a moment she is confused. "Now, while she is distracted!" Says Iris. "Crystal Collidum!" Shout the princesses as they fire crystals at Keara. She falls to the ground, and the others quickly follow. On the ground, Keara lifs herself up weakly and growls." You. Won't. Win." She fires little light beams at the group, who dodges them easily, but as her strength returns they become too fast to dodge and they need to shield themselves. "Crysta-Tectis!"

Then Iris gets an idea and whispers it to the others. Then Ladybug and Cat Noir spring out and distract Keara to one place.

"Come on girls!" Says Iris.

"Xeris!" Shouts Talia as she gets out her wand. "Volta!" Cries Auriana, as she gets out her ribbon. "Ephidea!" Shouts Iris as she gets out her scepter. They point them up, and as the magic comes down on them, they point to Keara and shout "Crystal Luxtra!" Keara then flies away speedily, shouting "You won't be so lucky next time!"

Then Ladybug cries out"Lucky Charm! Miraculous Ladybug!" The city repairs.

They all find a place to detransform. "I hope we will be able to defeat Keara," Says Talia.

"Let's not worry about that right now, maybe. It went great!" Replies Marinette. "But we can all go to my house and play some video games!"

They go back to get Nathaniel and play some video games at Marinette's house. After a few hours of playing, Adrien and Nathaniel leave, and they got to bed after a nice dinner.

"I feel like there's more to this..." Thinks Iris, as they fall asleep.

The next morning, the girls quickly have breakfast and head outside. Marinette was going on her first date with Adrien, and the others were going to set up the stage beside the Eiffel Tower with the help of Nathaniel.

As soon as the girls get to the stage, Talia calls Lyna and Carissa to come to the Eiffel Tower immediately, with the help of a teleportation spell.

"Ok, so the amp would go there, the microphone will be there, our instruments will be over there... we'd better plug in the amp and microphone," says Iris.

"I'll take care of that, girls," adds on Nathaniel. "You girls can go over there and practice."

The girls head behind the stage and start practicing one of their newer songs.

"Never never give up, turn around and stand up, it's okay to fa-"

They get interrupted as Lyna, Carissa, and Amaru spiral from above.

"Ooof!" Pants Carissa, as she lands right on top of Auriana.

Right after Auriana squiggles out from under her, she sees Amaru and lights up. "Amaru!" She cries, giving him a big hug. They all laugh, and Iris and Talia go hug Amaru as well. "It's ok to fall!" Auriana winks at the girls.

"Good thing you called us," says Lyna. "You might need some extra help with this Keara." They start to practise their song again.

At the local luncheon, Marinette and Adrien were close to finishing their morning snack, laughing and talking. Then Keara came up.

"Keara should have came back by now. Maybe we should go to the root of the problem." Said Marinette.

"What do you mean?" Replied Adrien.

"Well, she's allies with Hawkmoth now.Since they are allies, she is probably staying at his lair. I think we should go and try to spy on her." Adrien looks at her, surprised at how rushed she was being. But she was usually smarter than he was, so he nodded. They crept out into a dark alley. "Tikki, Spots On!" "Plagg, Claws Out! So, where do you think his lair is, m'lady?"

"Well, based on where the akumas come from, I'd say it was...there." Ladybug points to a building with a large window in the front. They manage to discreetly get beside the window, which has a hole in it. They then hear Hawkmoth and Keara talking, but the words were too mumbled to understand. Then Keara sharply turns her head up, snaps her fingers, and mumbles a few words. Two seconds later, Ladybug and Cat Noir are trapped in a dark, sac-like bag. "Don't even try to destroy the bag, Cat." Someone snarls. "This is Cataclysm-proof."

Wait a minute...thought Cat Noir. "Ladybug, that's the voice of my father! But how can that be him?" Chokes out Cat Noir.

"I don't know," Replies Ladybug, wishing they could see each other.

Beside the Eiffel Tower, the girls had just about had enough of practicing, so they decided to watch the news with their portable TV. Just as they turned it on, they heard the frazzled womans news anchors voice. "Ladybug and Cat Noir have just been captured inside a cage by a strange woman, Hawkmoth, and seemingly Gabriel Agreste who say the cage is Cataclysm proof so they can't come out. They are standing on the porch of that building and the strange woman is saying that if so called prophecy girls don't show up, they will get rid of the duo. Stay tuned for more."

"Oh no," says Talia. "We have to go rescue them!

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